Counterterrorism - Does It Work? (original) (raw)

Counter-Terrorist Financing: A Good Policy Going too Far?


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Setting the Counterterrorism Agenda .pdf

Rivista peer reviewed (procedura double-bind) e indicizzata su: Catalogo italiano dei periodici/ACNP, Progetto CNR SOLAR (Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository), directory internazionale delle riviste open access DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), CrossRef, ScienceOpen, Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery Service, Academic Journal Database, InfoBase Index Tutti gli articoli pubblicati su questa Rivista sono distribuiti con licenza Creative Commons • Riassunto L'articolo si pone l'obiettivo di esporre il modello funzionale di lotta contro il terrorismo partendo da una prospettiva globale per giungere al modello politico e strategico (SPM -Strategic Policy Model). L'accento posto sull'ordine giuridico nell'ambito delle pratiche della sociologia del diritto e della criminologia è cruciale per inquadrare il terrorismo nell'ambito di un modello SPM praticabile. Nel libro "The Counterterrorism Handbook", scritto da Bolz, Dudonis e Schulz , il terrorismo, in parole semplici, è definito come "un'azione che la guerriglia urbana deve effettuare a sangue freddo, con grande calma e decisione". Essi si spingono formulando una definizione più accademica: "l'uso calcolato della violenza per raggiungere obiettivi di natura politica, religiosa o ideologica". Il terrorismo implica un atto criminoso che è spesso di natura simbolica e che mira ad influenzare un pubblico che va oltre le vittime immediate e dirette.

Counterterrorism after 9/11

The September 11 attacks seem to be a turning point in terms of counterterrorism policy. It makes us fully and clearly aware of the presence and the scale of the threat that terrorism carries, and tragically emphasizes the change in the image of political violence’s and the international community. Although the feeling that terrorism has become the major threat to global security and the stability of the international order has been growing for decades, it has never been more evident than it is today. Thus, the first years of the twenty-first century are marked by “the war on terrorism”. The most powerful state on the globe, having won the Cold War confrontation, today treats terrorism – rightly or not - as the most serious threat to its national security and strategic interests. Hence, in a sense, terrorism is shaping national and international policies at the highest level. Terrorists operate currently on a global scale and they even have the opportunity to directly influence the political processes of liberal democracies (as the outcomes of the March 11 attacks in Madrid demonstrate). In one of the newer studies on counterterrorism Yonah Alexander, states that „the United States and the international coalition have recognized that the future terrorist challenge demands from them no less resolve than was required to combat Nazism and Fascism during the last century .” Unfortunately, terrorism has no capital in either Berlin or Rome. “The war on terrorism” cannot end with a military victory parade and Nuremberg war trials. We should remember that terrorism, both as a form of political violence and extremely cost-effective tool of political influence, has ancient roots and probably will survive in the future in one incarnation or another. Terrorism is not a group of people, an organization or even a complex of interests. It serves and will continue to serve various purposes, will be shaped by various conflicts and factors. We can compare terrorism to a constantly evolving virus with many varieties – it penetrates societies and uses their immunological systems against themselves. It is therefore necessary to examine the most important and controversial aspects of counterterrorism in the world of new, transnational terrorism after 9/11.

-Good Practices Incounter Terrorism II

Good Practices Incounter Terrorism II, 2022

It is with great pride that COE-DAT presents volume 2 of “Good Practices in Countering Terrorism (GP CT Vol.2).” This project launched in 2020 to address current issues and research in the field of counterterrorism. Within this scope, the GP CT Vol.2 is the latest initiative aimed at practical solutions to counter-terrorism policy problems with innovative best practices proven in the field. This project, in cooperation with TOBB University of Economics and Technology, was published by terrorism experts, academics, and practitioners. The aim of this project is to provide critical thinking in the field of CT, an inherently sensitive subject, and to create an interactive platform of expertise on effective methods, strategies, national responses and alternative models. As stated in NATO 2030 document, Allies agreed to step up NATO efforts to build the capacity of alliance partners in areas like CT. Each of NATO’s member stability is significantly vital for alliance security. Previous experiences reveal that prevention is always a better option when we compare with intervention. Recent conflicts in Ukraine with Russia once again emphasized the emergency of this issue. In this context, COE-DAT organized a series of workshops, which increased information sharing and demonstrated progressive research on current issues in the fight against terrorism, including Terrorism Experts Conference 2021. This project, which emerged because of this hard work, aimed to develop and synchronize CT policies at the national level, but also to provide for future studies and research. Without a doubt, these practices will not work in all environments, as terrorism varies by region and circumstances. However, COE-DAT submits that these can be used as an inspiration in the development of effective counter-terrorism policies and efforts. COE-DAT believes that this book will be an inspiration and lead up to more “good practices” combining the conceptual and operational aspects of counter-terrorism in the coming years. COE-DAT is committed that this series will continue to be updated in future endeavors

Good Practices in Counter-Terrorism Volume II

Good Practices in Counter-Terrorism Volume II, 2022

It is a privilege to share the second volume of “Good Practices in Counter Terrorism”, the results of the efforts of a group of highly respected researchers and practitioners. In order to address the current issues and the bourgeoning discussions in the field of counter terrorism (CT), in early 2020, the NATO Centre of Excellence for the Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT) initiated the “Good Practices in Counter Terrorism” project with the academic support of TOBB Economics and Technology University (TOBB ETU). This living project has been produced by members of the pool of visiting lecturers at the COE DAT, the accumulated human resources of the center through years of engagement with academics and practitioners. Within this framework, we, as COE DAT and TOBB Economics and Technology, organized a series of workshops in which current issues in CT were addressed by relevant experts. Upon the conclusion of the discussions and based on the latest research and experience of our experts, we published the first volume of “Good Practices in Counter Terrorism” in early 2021. Following the same structure, and initiated in early 2021, the second volume of the series is the final outcome of a one-year endeavor which has built an interactive platform of expertise on the effective methods, strategies, national responses, and alternative models in CT. We hope that this timely contribution will offer a comprehensive and multi-sectoral approach to support efforts in the CT domain through inspiring various actors in their ongoing endeavors to develop, professionalize and synchronize CT policies at the national level.

Counterterrorism's future

DAWN, 2012

OVER the years, studies have suggested that an extensive military response to terrorism may temporarily increase terrorist activity rather than cause it to decrease permanently. Walter Enders and Todd Sandler in the American Political Science Review (‘The Effectiveness of Anti-Terrorism Policies: A VAR-Intervention Analysis’) did a serial time review of US military measures against Libya. They found a rise in terrorism-related incidents.

First inventory of policy on counterterrorism: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Research in Progress


This report presents a first inventory of measures aimed at combating radicalisation, extremism and terrorism (referred to in this report as counterterrorism policy) in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Commissioned by the NCTb, the WODC (the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice) carried out a study into counterterrorism measures in place in the countries investigated in early 2006. This study comprises the first international inventory of a number of policy fields under development, whereby the counterterrorism policies discussed here are characterised by extremely rapid development and innovation. This inventory can serve as point of departure for the registration of policy developments and to obtain an insight into their effectiveness. The continuous monitoring of the developments is therefore recommended.

Fighting terrorism in Africa: Benchmarking policy harmonization

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018

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