Analysis Of Judges' Decisions In Unlawful Causes Of Land Cultivation Without Permits (Study of Decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis) (original) (raw)
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The rules of the principle of sustainability in land acquisition for development in the legal system in Indonesia is regulated in Article 2 of the Land Acquisition Law. In addition, the principle of sustainability in the Land Acquisition Law is seen as a program from the idea of sustainable development which has been translated into Indonesian with the term sustainable development. Furthermore, the Land Acquisition Law also mandates that its implementation must be carried out through a more complete and more technical elaboration in a Government Regulation (Peraturan pemerintah/ PP). To fulfill these provisions, thus PP No. 19 of 2021 concerning Land Acquisition had been signed by the President after almost a decade from the time of the Land Acquisition Law enaction.The main discussion of this research is: is the form of compensation based on the Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/ PP) No. 19 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Law No. 2 of 2012 (Land Acquisition Law) in-line with the sustainability principle in the Land Acquisition Law?. The research method used by the authors is normative juridical research. This research carried out by studying and reviewing legislation and legal theory in Indonesia in accordance with the problems to be studied. The legal material collection method used in this study is the library research method which means that this research is performed by the author through reading, summarizing, and reviewing library materials related to this study in the form of literature, relevant laws, regulations, and directly related to the object of research that is studied and used as a theoretical basis. Then the materials are processed qualitatively and then presented descriptively through explanation, definition, and description according to the problems that are discussed in this research. The results of this study is the Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/ PP) No. 19 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Law No. 2 of 2012 (Land Acquisition Law) is still considered not in line with the sustainability principle in the Land Acquisition Law. Specifically, the norm whose contents have inconsistent characteristics is the norm that regulated in Article 77 of the PP on Land Acquisition. This norm still implicitly stipulates that the main form of compensation is in the form of money. Whereas as is known in this discussion, money is a form of compensation with the lowest value when viewed from the principle of sustainability, whereas in fact there are other forms of compensation that have some sustainability values.
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This study aims to determine & analyze the forms of unlawful acts regulated in law Number 32 of 2009 Concerning Environmental Protection And Management and to find out the judges’ Considerations in Imposing Civil Decisios Againtst Pollution Perpetrators in Enviromental Cases Number 735/Pdt/G-LH/2018/PN.Jkt.utr. The method used in this research is using normative juridical research which is library law research conducted by reviewing library legal material to obtain theoretical secondary data, while the type of research used in this study is qualitative research and the nature of the research. Used is descriptive analysis, from the results of research violations of law Number 32 of 2009 Concerning Environmental And Management can lead to acts againts the law, the judge decided to grant part of the plaintiff’s demans because PT How Are You Indonesia was proven to have committed acts againts the law by polluting the environmental, life a result of the results of their ...
Modin dan Otoritasnya; Studi Kasus Larangan Kawin Hamil Di Kelurahan Temas Kota Batu
YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam, 2020
This study discusses the modin and its authority as the officers of the marriage registrar in Temas village. The focus of this study is the idea of banning pregnant marriage by modin. Pregnant women who want to marry are prohibited from doing marriage until she gives birth. This study is an empirical research of law by placing sociology of law as its approach. This research puts the theory of legal authority and reasoning in anlyzing data. Related to the theory of legal authority, the theory of Freidman and Khaled Abou el-Fadhl was chosen for legal sociology analysis. The three things which are focus of this study are about why did modin issue the policy, how is the policy authority position, and how did modin interpretation of article 53 KHI related to the prohibition of pregnant marriage. First, this study shows that there are two major narratives (sociological reasons) of why modin should implement the idea; these are preventing stigmatization of free sex and preserving the lineage. Second, through the theory of autorithy, modin got three authorities at once; persuasive authority, traditional authority, and charismatic authority. Therefore, that policy automatically had the authoroty. Third, in constructing his idea, modin applied three interpretation methods; authentical interpretation, sociological interpretation, and historical interpretation.