La traduction garantit-elle la diffusion des idées dans une autre culture ? Le cas de L’amour en plus d’Élisabeth Badinter (original) (raw)
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La traduction garantit-elle la diffusion des idées dans une autre culture ?
Między Oryginałem a Przekładem
DOES TRANSLATION GUARANTEE THE EXPANSION OF IDEAS IN ANOTHER CULTURE? THE CASE OF L’AMOUR EN PLUS BY ELISABETH BADINTER Translation has certainly contributed to the spread of French feminist thought around the world. There are, however, translations which do not seem to have contributed significantly to the spread of this thought in Poland. This is the case of Elisabeth Badinter’s essay, L’amouren plus: histoire de l’amourmaternel (XVIIe – XXe siècle), published in 1980, which sparked controversy in France. According to the author, the maternal instinct is a social and cultural construct. L’amouren plus was a success and it has been translated into a total of 28 languages. The Polish translation of this work, Historia miłości macierzyńskiej, appeared in 1998, 18 years after the original was published. However, as our study shows, Badinter’s thought is hardly present in Polish works on feminism. Thus, translation does not always guarantee the circulation of the ideas of the original ...
La traduction : champ d’études et modèle des études culturelles
Diogène, 2017
Over the past twenty or thirty years, translation studies have been in constant expansion within the field of the humanities and social sciences, as witnessed by an ever-growing corpus of research. Translation is both a linguistic technique and a powerful means of cultural mediation; it is the very embodiment of a “cultural transfer” and as such it is increasingly attracting the attention of scholars in the field of cultural studies. In this article, we look at some of the recent major contributions by specialists in this field. As we will see, these studies have brought translation out of its linguistic and philological ivory tower and set it firmly at the centre of questions of production and circulation not only of texts but also of ideas, discourses and models, raising thereby the question of the responsibility of the translator as a mediator within these exchanges, and of his or her neutrality. This new interdisciplinary approach has brought new perspectives and a fresh impulse to translation studies, and the reverse is also true. However, the question remains of the skills needed among scholars wishing to pursue this interdisciplinary approach, and of the ability of the different disciplinary fields involved to retain their own remit and their identity. The opening up of translation as an object of study to the methods and the preoccupations of cultural studies has definitely been the source of many stimulating new approaches and discoveries. However, the pertinence of use of translation itself as a model for investigating cultural relations and exchanges still remains to be proved, despite the existence of several recent studies proposing ways in which this might be achieved.
La traduction littéraire ou l’art de "faire refleurir les déserts du sens"
Literary translation is essentially a creative process of rewriting. The translator is the author of the translation text, even if he is not the author of the original text. A translation is never a clone of the original. In translating, we do not say the same thing differently, we say something else differently, as Henri Meschonnic put it. Concepts borrowed from the field of history of translation, like historicism, historicity, passive retranslation and active retranslation are used to go against those who still erroneously think that the meaning of a literary text lies only in its words, and claim that "we translate words because there is nothing else to translate". Against this linguistic and literalist approach, the poetics approach takes into account the fact that, between the author and the reader, the translator is an active and creative agent in the process. Translating is always a "ménage à trois".
De l’interculturalité en traduction mais que faire avec ?
De l’interculturalité en traduction mais que faire avec ?, Review of social and human studies, Vol 12, N° 02, pp : 64-74, 2020
La traduction n’est pas uniquement un passage linguistique d’une langue-source vers une langue-cible, mais aussi d’une culture vers une autre. Autrement dit, elle est un passage interlinguistique-interculturelle. Et si presque tous les traductologues actuels se rejoignent sur cela, le processus de réalisation de ce passage reste ambigu, puisque le pont théorique permettant au traducteur de réussir ce passage se compose d’un ensemble de procédés, de stratégies et de méthodes lui offrant un grand nombre de choix conduisant à différentes traductions du même aspect culturel. Comment traduire les aspects culturels ? Comment communiquer le Même à l’Autre ? Peut-on parler d’Altérité et de communication interculturelle en traduction ? Les chemins théoriques qu’un traducteur suit mènent là où ce dernier veut ; c’est à lui que revient la nature du pont à construire entre le Même et l’Autre ; c’est en relation directe avec son degré de connaissance et d’ouverture d’esprit et les objectifs de traduction. Nous invitons aussi par le présent article les chercheurs sur le culturel et la communication interculturelle en langues nationales et étrangères à rejoindre le débat sur la problématique de l’inter-culturel en traduction.
Théories et pratiques de la traduction littéraire en France
Scientia Traductionis, 2013
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Théories et pratiques de la traduction littéraire en France
La traduction comme politique culturelle et sociale
In the context of the growing lack of understanding and even cultural conflict that plague the heterogeneous societies of today, translation na- turally has its place in mass communication. Seen as the privileged locus of intercultural communication, translation is not only the expression of the necessity of intercomprehension between differences, but also, and more importantly, the necessity of the determined search for areas of incommunication. Hence, taking into account the difficulties and the points of discord as a priority instead of aiming for compromise and pa- cific appeasement in the citizen-translational operation takes the shape of an emergency. Translating means, first and foremost, translating that which is not going well, that which we understand the least. In the same vein as Jakobson’s project, who suggested the three categories of trans- lation, it is our aim to show the relevance of going beyond those cate- gories in light of a short case study undertaken in the context of the me- dia’s discourse in Quebec concerning the management of cultural di- versity. It is in this sense that we are submitting, in this article, the out- line of an ongoing reflection pertaining to a fourth category of transla- tion, which we will call “inter-referential translation“.
L’enseignement de la traduction : peut-on dépasser l’empirisme?
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 2000
Tous droits réservés © TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction - Les auteurs, 1992 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
La traduction peut-elle abattre les frontières linguistiques et culturelles ?
Translation is an act of peace and exchange that aims to transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries. Indeed, translation is a transcultural practice that aims at the acceptance of the other and the encounters of languages and cultures. Several questions arise from this: What type of reflection on translation can be envisaged to break down linguistic and cultural boundaries? Should we think of translation as a purely linguistic act? Is it possible to accept the other from a linguistic and cultural point of view to conceive translation as a transcultural act? We will try to answer these questions by analyzing and by translating extracts into Italian from Prière aux ancêtres by the French- Congolese poet Gabriel Okoundji.
Slimani Asma, 2022
The purpose of this research is the comparative study of Mohammed Dib’s Algerian French-language novel "Comme un bruit d’abeilles" “like the noise of bees” (2001) and its Arabic translation by Diala Taouk (2007). At first sight, it appears that this is a novel underpinned by a rich and multilingual onomastic system with a strong cultural charge. In this respect, this particularity raises the problematics of the future of onomastics in literary translation. In other words, should the onomastic motivation be included or not ? To shed light on this issue, we refer in particular to the research of Michel Ballard (2001, 2005), in order to identify the translational modalities corresponding to two contrasting trends : exoticization and naturalization.