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Following on from an inventory of consistorial registers in France carried out by the American historian Raymond Mentzer and a similar inventory conducted by a team of Swiss historians for registers in French-speaking Switzerland, this project aims to compile the most comprehensive directory possible of registers and other documents left by consistories – these tribunals responsible for the religious and moral oversight of parishioners operating within the Reformed Churches. It concerns registers preserved in France and French-speaking Switzerland, the majority of which are deposited in official archival collections, but a significant portion of which is still held by communal or parish archives, or even preserved in private collections. More than 1300 registers and collections of documents, produced by over 350 local consistories and owned by more than 90 conservation sites ("centers"), have thus been identified and precisely described.

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Philosophie politique et économique Justice sociale Bonne gouvernance Capabilités Développement humain Développement durable


Aujourd'hui, plus de 5000 projets de Monnaies Locales Complémentaires existent à travers le monde dont une trentaine en France. Et ça n'est pas un phénomène de mode puisque des projets ont déjà vu le jour au début des années 1930. Nous allons de tenter de comprendre, au travers d'exemples, les raisons qui les fondent, leurs objectifs, et finalement, leur impact sur l'économie, l'environnement et la société.


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Les institutions architecturales en Italie

in Batir pour Napoléon. Une architecture franco-italienne, sous la direction de J.P. Garric, L. Tedeschi, D. Rabreau, Mardaga, Bruxelles 2021, pp. 111-131, ISBN 9782804706326, 2021