홍수 예.경보 체계 개발을 위한 연구 - 화옹호 유역의 유역 확률홍수량 산정 (original) (raw)

강화도 남단 조간대에 도래하는 마도요류의 환경수용능력 예측

Journal of Wetlands Research, 2013

In this study we estimated the carrying capacity of the southern intertidal zone of Kanghwa Island to evaluate the habitat quality for Curlews(Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis and Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata). Biomass of the macroinvertebrate(Macrophthalmus japonicus) was estimated by based on the spatial distribution of the sediment grain size using GIS tools. According to our analysis the southern intertidal zone of Kanghwa Island was able to support 11,767 individuals for 153 days in the Spring 2012 and 16,275 individuals for 122 days in the Autumn 2012. The proportion of mean population to the carrying capacity in the Spring and Autumn was 9.4% and 5.9%, respectively. These values are 2.8-6.3% smaller than those of the previous study held in 1993-94. For the conservation of the study area, more research and management is needed. And in further studies, diverse characteristics of the intertidal habitat should be considered in spatial analysis to have a precise estimate of the carrying capacity.

도로위의 기상요인이 교통사고에 미치는 영향 - 부산지역을 중심으로

Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, 2015

Them traffic accidents have been increased every year due to increasing of vehicles numbers as well as the gravitation of the population. The carelessness of drivers, many road weather factors have a great influence on the traffic accidents. Especially, the number of traffic accident is governed by precipitation, visibility, humidity, cloud amounts and temperature. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of road weather factors on traffic accident. We use the data of traffic accident, AWS weather factors (precipitation, existence of rainfall, temperature, wind speed), time zone and day of the week in 2013. We did statistical analysis using logistic regression analysis and decision tree analysis. These prediction models may be used to predict the traffic accident according to the weather condition.

양수리 용늪의 용존 수은 및 총수은 농도 특성에 대한 연구

Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, 2012

Long-term measurement of total mercury (TM) and dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) were performed in Yangsuri marsh. Average TM and DGM concentrations were 2.0 ± 2.0 ng/L and 15.0 ± 2.8 pg/L, respectively, indicating that only 2.6% of TM existed as the form of DGM in Yangsuri marsh. While TM did not show the seasonal variation a statistically high DGM concentration was observed in warm season, indicating that DGM was effectively produced by strong solar radiation and high water temperature. There was no relationship between TM and DGM concentrations in Yangsuri marsh, as observed in other studies. DGM in Yangsuri marsh was supersaturated for most of sampling period; therefore, one can conclude that Hg 0 in water surface can readily volatilize to the atmosphere.

임업 사고 응급대응체계의 개선방안에 관한 연구

The Korean Society of Industry Convergence, 2019

The estimated on-site accident rate in Forestry is relatively high. According to statistics of the accident, in the recent 5 years, from 2014 to 2018, forestry accidents have resulted in 98% of injuries and 87% of fatalities. Especially, there are significant geographical constraints to access to the scene in case of an accident. Even though the capacity of first aid capacity is notably emphasized its importance to minimize the scale of damages, the relevant employees have been educated only basic first aid, which is not considered circumstances or geographic limitations, by Occupation Safety and Health Acts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to derive a direction for a forest emergency service system to increase forestry workers' survival and prevent secondary injury through securing 'Golden Time.' This study conducts analyzing relevant laws and regulations in domestic and international settings as well as looking at several concerned accident cases. The outcome of analysis presents an issue regarding the implementation of onsite first aid in forestry and existing risk factors depending on the working process. Finally, we suggest two ways to improve the forest emergency service that are 1) an appropriate curriculum and kit for forest first aid; and 2) a system for emergency transfer through sharing information between National Fire Agency (NFA) and emergency medical service center, and emergency and rescue mission using helicopter from NFA and Korea Forest Service.

수치지도 지리조사 자료의 표준화 및 활용

Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 2012

The method regarding obtaining various kinds of attribute data of spatial information, including that of digital map, is normally restricted to Geographic survey that deals with in-field surveys. Geographic surveying for drawing digital map, however, require much effort due to the fact that a surveyor has to characterize geographic features individually in the field. Not only does the Geographic survey cover large area, but also its need for manual drawing and surveying using Draft map makes it more expensive and time-consuming. Though some recent Geographic surveys take advantage of MMS(Mobile Mapping System) to collect computerized information, there are inevitable limits in creating digital map with such data. This research will analyze the problems in current Geographic surveys and suggest adequate methods and standards for Geographic surveys by researching the methods of domestic/international service organizations that deal with establishing spatial information. This study therefore will aim to enhance the efficiency of creating digital map and Geographic survey, which would ultimately maximize the applicability of pan-national digital map by improving reliability of digital map and upgrading the utilizability of Geographic survey data.

경상북도 도청이전의 최적입지 분석에 관한 연구: ArcGIS의 중첩분석 및 접근성분석 기법의 응용

한국행정학보, 2007

본 연구는 지리정보시스템을 이용하여 경상북도 도청이전의 최적 입지를 분석하는데 그 목적이 있으며, 특히 경상북도는 최근 도청이전을 구체화되고 있는 상황이라 더욱 시기적절한 연구라고 할 수 있다. 도청이전을 위한 입지조건들에 관하여 지리정보시스템에서 제공하는 중첩분석과 접근성분석의 기법을응용하여 2단계의 모형분석을 하였다. 1단계의 중첩분석을 통해 14개의 읍과 면 단위의 잠재적인 후보지들을 결정하였고, 2단계의 접근성분석을 통해서 14개의 후보지 중에 군위군 효령면, 경산시(내), 그리고 경산시 진량읍이 평균접근시간이 40분 이내의 높은 접근성을 가진 최적입지임을 보여주었다. 본 연구의 결과는 경상북도 도청이전 적지분석을 위한 하나의 지침적인 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. 그리고 지리정보시스템과 같은 보다 객관적인 분석방법은 도민들을 설득하는 측면에서나 혹은 실제로 가장 합리적인 도청이전 적지선정에 중요한 역할을 할 수 있을 것이 예상된다.

방산육성 기본계획 기반 군수품(군용차량) 생산량 증진 방안 연구

Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014

There are many type vehicles in army. They are jeep and truck by basic type. Recently many countries are developing new conceptual military vehicles. And they try for export of those military vehicles to another countries. Also Korea Army is developing military tactical and combat vehicles, and considering various necessary factors for export. But as easing the cold war system tension and reducing of defense budget, decrease in quantity of military vehicles. We think this trend is accelerative. Therefore Government(Military) and defense industry make every effort to increasing sales and productions. In this study, I'll inquire '2013~2017 basic plan for defense industry promotion' for strengthen the power of international competitiveness , and then suggest the increasing method for productions of military vehicles.


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제주 HVDC#3 영향 분석

The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2011