Pengaplikasian Surah At Taubah Ayat 5 Pada Kasus Pengeboman Gereja Massal (original) (raw)

Mengimplementasikan Prinsip Pengembalaan Menurut 1 Petrus 5:1-5

DIEGESIS: Jurnal Teologi Kharismatika, 2021

Every pastor must have principles in carrying out his ministry as the main guide in acting and thinking in carrying out his ministry duties. The pattern of life and character of a pastor in carrying out pastoral ministry greatly affects the life of the congregation, therefore it is necessary to understand how the principles of pastoral care and also the pattern in their application in the ministry itself The use of 1 Peter 5-1:5 is not without reason, this is because there are pastors who are not fully aware of the duties and responsibilities associated with the position as pastor of the congregation, and this is what encourages the author to compile and explore what the Bible says about the principles of shepherding in 1 Peter 5:1-5 and how these principles can be applied in service today. Research method, the author uses a qualitative research method approach to descriptive analysis, with an exposition approach to the text of 1 Peter 5:1-5, namely: first, the shepherd has the resp...

Tinjauan Teologis Tentang Pengusiran Roh Jahat Berdasarkan Markus Pasal 5:1-20 dan Relevansinya Pada Masa Kini

Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah: Pertama, bahwa pada masa sekarang ini masih banyak dijumpai kasus-kasus dari orang-orang yang mengalami serangan roh-roh jahat dalam hidupnya. Kedua, dampak dari serangan roh-roh jahat tersebut adalah orang-orang akan mengalami ketidakstabilan dari segi mental, kepribadian, kejiwaan bahkan dapat mengalami sakit secara fisik. Ketiga, pada zaman sekarang ini pengusiran roh jahat masih menjadi bahan perdebatan, apakan masih relevan untuk dapat dilakukan seperti pada zaman Tuhan Yesus ada. Keempat, orang percaya harus diperlengkapi dengan pengetahuan Alkitabiah yang benar agar mampu menghadapi serangan dan manifestasi roh-roh jahat. Kelima, dijelaskan bahwa dengan kuasa dan otoritas Tuhan Yesus mengusir roh-roh jahat sehingga terjadi pemulihan bagi orang-orang yang terbelenggu oleh ikatan roh-roh jahat. Keenam, dijelaskan bagaimana penyebab-penyebab sehingga orang dapat dirasuk roh jahat serta tujuan dari roh jahat itu sendiri dalam merasuk manusia. Ketujuh, dijelaskan bagaimana caranya roh-roh jahat merasuk manusia dan bagaimana cara untuk mencegahnya sehingga manusia terbebas dari belenggu roh jahat. Kedelapan, dijelaskan bagaimana orang-orang percaya dengan otoritas kuasa Tuhan Yesus dapat mengusir roh-roh jahat dalam nama Yesus, darah Yesus, Firman Allah dan lewat pujian dan ucapan syukur. Kesembilan, bahwa pada masa kini pengusiran roh-roh jahat oleh orang-orang percaya masih tetap relevan untuk dilakukan, sebagaimana yang pernah terjadi pada zaman Tuhan Yesus. Kata Kunci : Pengusiran, roh, jahat, Markus, relevansi, masa, kini

Aplikasi Running Text Berupa Jadwal Sholat 5 Waktu Pada Musholla Polman Negeri Bangka Belitung

Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur

In Islam, prayer is an obligation that must be carried out by any of its adherents who already qualified. In one day and one night there are five time prayers, namely Isya, Dawn, Noon, Asr and Maghrib. One of the greatest deeds reward is prayer in congregation at mosques or mosque at the time it was signed in prayer. Usually several mosques or mosque own marker arrival time of prayer are created automatically, making it easier for the muezzin to call the adhan. However it was still a small fraction. There are still many mosques or mosques who do not have means of automatic prayer time this marker. For that know the times of prayer 5 times a day is very important for any religion in the Islamic prayer run the 5 time period with a precise and well. To that end pointer prayer schedule is very important that there. So now many mosques or in homes that are usually already contained a calendar and prayer time enduring performer, but it looks very small so it cannot be seen from a distance...


Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia

The discourse of this Qur'anic verse invites thought and research of divine psychic that has material space for science. This essay uses the method of approaching social constructionist discourse analysis. This article discusses discourse relating to the divinity and Karl Marx's comments on Religion by title “Religion as the ‘opium of the people’. He said religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, if people are to know and understand the real world, they must give up superstitious beliefs because they have a narcotic effect on the mind. the first requisite for the happines of the people is the abolition of religion”. The purpose of this article is not to provide evidence of the phenomenon or form of God with material eyes, but to the present relevant contextual discourse about the Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Fatihah verse 5 and a coherent response to Karl Marx's claim to the religion and the divine dimension is forgotten today.