The commercialization of alternative medicines: Consumption of immunity spaces. The case of Mexico City (original) (raw)


This succinct article provides empirical evidence that shows that Mexico´s increasing participation of manufacturing exports in GDP is somehow related to a slight decrease in GDP per capita. This awkward result makes the authors enquire about the nature of the Mexican manufacturing sector and its relation to the national system of innovation. The article finds that Mexican manufacture activities are not in the short run leading the economy to new value innovations and technological change nor they are creating strong links to other sectors, promoting other business, or propelling learning, specialization, value creation, synergies and other externalities to the rest of the economy. This makes –according to the authors-for a weak and isolated multiplier effect of manufacturing to the rest of the economy, limiting expansion effects and restraining or even reducing –under some specific circumstances-the growth of income per capita. The authors refer to the need for " historical increasing returns " and the creation of local and regional innovation systems and networks to allow for a more fruitful contribution to growth.


Perfiles de las Ciencias Sociales, 2021

Every day millions of people in the world consume drugs, whether it be for leisure,physical and mental ailments, as well as cultural and traditional issues. The problemlies in substances considered illegal by legal systems. Mexico is not alien to thisreality, having experienced the direct effects caused by the consumption of thesesubstances and their illicit market, together with the impact produced in the UnitedStates, where the situation has been described as an epidemic. In 2019, theMexican government announced future changes in its drug policy, which leads toan investigation of the situation and the repercussions that the legalization of drugs should have in the country, and the consequences that such a fact would entailfor society, taking into account the experience from countries such as Portugal andthe Netherlands through documentary review, deducing a greater capacity toexercise prevention and treatment policies, freeing up resources for theprosecution of other criminal activities, not knowing how the situation may evolvein the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

[The need of transforming the health system in Mexico]

Gaceta medica de Mexico, 2011

In this article we review the need for the transformation of the Mexican health care system given the deformities that the system developed in the last 60 years. We start by the discussion of two main deformities: the segmented answer to the health right, and the development of a segmented health care system based on the method of payment (formal workers contributions); and the development of a health care model based on specialties and hospital care. These deformities have resulted in a health care system characterized by high costs and low effectiveness. Even though the correction of the deformities imply complex modifications that involve political economic and legal aspects, in the short term we have the conditions in Mexico for the creation of a universal primary health care system, given the human and financial resources available in the country.

Biosimilar Medicines in Colombia: An Approach from the Informed Consumption

Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 2018

Introducción: este artículo presenta un análisis sobre medicamentos biosimilares en Colombia con miras a establecer si existe un consumo informado respecto de estos fármacos, teniendo en cuenta la calidad y cantidad de información que circula en relación con su disponibilidad y acceso económico (precios). Desarrollo: el tipo de estudio es cualitativo con un diseño documental a partir de la revisión en bases de datos como Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo, Vlex y Redalyc, bases de información de registros sanitarios de agencias reguladoras de medicamentos (fda,

Technological and productive trajectory of the human vaccine industry in Mexico: post-Covid-19 perspectives

Rev. Salud Pública, 2023

Vaccines have transformed health globally. The disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic revealed the fragility of healthcare systems around the world. Those countries with capacities in the development and manufacture of vaccines promoted the increase in financing for the development of possible vaccines. In the case of Mexico, once the world leader in vaccine production, it exhibited decades of neglect and little response capacity to meet the needs brought about by the pandemic. This paper analyzes the evolution of the capacities of the vaccine production industry in Mexico. The methodology makes a critical review of the literature regarding the evolution of the productive and technological trajectory of the vaccine industry. The findings point to the fact that the vaccine industry in Mexico, derived from the deterioration of investment in the sector, the lack of organizational flexibility of the public company that produces vaccines, and the absence of public policies, caused the loss of the capacity to generate autonomy in the vaccine manufacturing, it is therefore imperative to review the need to have local capacities for vaccine manufacturing as a strategic area of development for the nation.

Overpricing and Affordability of Drugs: the Case of Essential Drugs In Mexico

Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 1998

Accessibility and availability of drugs has been a matter of great concern for health services all over the world, especially for less developed countries. The World Health Organization has devoted considerable time to this matter. Although the essential drug policy has been well-accepted by health agencies and NGOs, the pharmaceutical industry has not proven willing to produce essential drugs at affordable prices. The purpose of this study is to examine price levels of essential drugs in Mexico. The evaluation was performed through a comparison of international and national prices for leading drugs in the respective therapeutic categories and included in the WHO model list of essential drugs. The study shows clearly that prices of essential brand-name drugs in Mexico are very high. Per capita consumption has remained stable despite a sharp decrease in the Mexican GDP since 1995. The article discusses the reasons for this and proposes measures to deal with the problem.

Impacto de la globalización en la adquisición de medicamentos para el tratamiento de enfermedades de alto costo en Colombia


In Colombia, it has become a serious problem of social and economic, the procurement of drugs for the treatment of diseases of high cost, and in general for almost all drugs, which are determined by a number of factors that affect the price which we have: the regulations existing in the country which grants some privileges exaggerated to national and international drug companies that produce and market these medicinesthe little or almost no State control in the regulation of these prices, despite the fact that there are organizations and agencies for their control, such as the Ministry of health and the National Commission of prices of medicines and medical devices CNPMDM, the law 100 of 1993 which regulates health in Colombia and that has created a more mercantilist system than true social service of access to health in the country, the recovery in the price of medicines by the EPS, which is three to four times more expensive that has ordered the CNPMDM, which has diesmado the health budget, being this one recovery of its factors more determinants, coadministration of the health system in Colombia by the judicial branch, as it is the only mechanism that patients have through the action of guardianship for the drugs and treatments covered and not covered by the POS. Different treaties and commercial agreements signed by Colombia, to regulate the price of medicines in the country, the absolute failure the country starting with the Executive and the legislative authorities not to create a State policy that put at waist once for all national and multinational drug companies that produce and sell different types of drugs, since it is the same Government that to promoted and catapulted its decisions with freedom of prices, which started since 2003 lack or total desacatamiento by producers, marketers and distributors of the circulars of the CNPMDM, the total absence of the State to enforce the law, the competition between laboratories to create a free market, and commit as usual guarded control regime and the lack of large scale production of high quality generic drugs. This scene for nothing is alagador for Colombian people, which in the article 23 of the Congress-approved health reform and this for review at the Constitutional Court, it is said that it came to regulate the price of medicines, but does not say through that mechanism, long, from that authority and under the supervision and supervision of that entity's control, since although now this price is regulated by circulars of the CNPMDM the most recent the 004 2013 entered into force only until next year, but as seen these resolutions only are a salute to the flag since none of the committed to the production line marketing and distribution of medicinal products abide by it for nothing. Key words: State control, co-management, regulations, competition to create free market, production on a large scale generics, enforcing the law, implement the regime of direct control.

Condition of sale of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs authorized for marketing in Colombia. Strategy of rational use

Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Quimico Farmaceuticas, 2013

Condition of sale of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs authorized for marketing in Colombia. Strategy of rational use The commercialization status (otc, under medical prescription, under special monitoring or for hospital use only) sets out the circumstances under which it may be publicized and marketed a drug. The otc does not involve consulting the health team, who do not participate in the selection of the drug, its dispensing or therapeutic monitoring. Present work through an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study from the universe of Colombian drug approvals, identify and describe the variations in the condition of sale of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For this pharmacological group, widely consumed in the country, dominated the modality "make and sell", the non-sterile solid dosage forms, the condition of sale under prescription and the enteric route of administration, likewise predominate as active substance diclofenac, followed by ibuprofen and piroxicam. Eight of the active ingredients of this pharmacological group have double condition of sale (otc and under medical prescription) achieving 70% of marketing authorization for nsaids in Colombia. It is evidenced a relationship between the amount of active substance per dosage unit and the commercialization status, a relationship that is not evident with respect to the indication.

Public policies developed in Chile in terms of access to medicines and their incedence on industrial property

La Propiedad Inmaterial, 2012

De un tiempo a esta parte las distintas temáticas que giran en torno al derecho a la salud se han vuelto recurrentes en las discusiones jurídicas nacionales. Por una parte cabe mencionar algunos fallos de los tribunales de justicia que han reconocido el deber del Estado de proveer mecanismos que aseguren un efectivo goce de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, sentando con ello la obligación de efectuar más prestaciones relativas a estos derechos, que hasta hace no muchos años parecían del todo ajenos y meramente programáticos, con la excusa procedimental de que estos no se encontraban bajo el catálogo taxativo contenido en el artículo 20 1 de la Constitución chilena, relativo a la acción pro-cesal habilitante para exigir ante las cortes de apelaciones el restablecimiento del derecho, a través de diversas medidas dirigidas a hacer cesar la amenaza, privación

Mexico City traditional markets towards the “new normality” Responses and strategies to deal with the pandemic

Argumentos. Estudios críticos de la sociedad, 2021

Mercados tradicionales de la Ciudad de México rumbo a la "nueva normalidad" Respuestas y estrategias ante la pandemia Mexico City traditional markets towards the "new normality" Responses and strategies to deal with the pandemic Ramsés Arturo Cruz Arenas / Martha Angélica Olivares Díaz Los mercados tradicionales tienen un rol fundamental en las ciudades, y en el marco de la actual pandemia su importancia es mayúscula para el abasto de una población que, por regla general, no es productora de sus alimentos; sin embargo, aun cuando los mercados están ligados con el novel coronavirus desde su aparición, no existen muchos trabajos que se centren en éstos. El trabajo expone las respuestas y estrategias generadas en los mercados tradicionales de la Ciudad de México para hacerle frente a la pandemia de covid-19, desde que se dieron los primeros casos en el país, pasando