The Principal of Albanian Nationalism (original) (raw)
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The Transformation of Albanian Nationalism from Nation to State
Manifestations of nationalist movements in the Balkans are interrelated. Different peoples of the Balkans firstly have started and then adopting the nationalist sentiments after the researches and studies of cultural, historical and linguistic issues. Beginning of this process was simultaneous with modernizing and centralizing efforts of the Ottoman Empire. The study of Albanian nationalism through theories of nationalism detect the character of new invented traditions, the creation of common myths and guarantees of luminous future. Such a result puts Albanian nationalism in same line with other nationalist movements in the world.Also the element of "other" in Albanian nationalism has a special significance.Through this elements have been made strong efforts to eliminate local and religious diversity. Period from Prizren League 1878 to Independence 1912 was called as Albanian Renaissance because of struggles for formation of national identity.The Declare of Independence in...
Analysing from a Systematic Perspective the Albanian Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire
Acta Humana
The effect of these policies on the population of the region has been examined on a systematical basis. These types of policies also had an impact on the subsequent development of nationalism in the Balkans. Nationalism in the Balkans began in the early 19th century with the Greek and Serbian uprisings; these uprisings were largely armed, and later spread to other Balkan peoples. In all these developments, Albanian nationalism makes a difference. It is a fact that the rule of the Ottoman Empire has shaped the Albanian nationalism as it has done with all Balkan nationalism. However, the Albanian nationalism was developed under the conditions that the Ottoman Empire established in the region, videlicet on the policies it applied. The nature of the Albanian nationalism differs from the other regional ones in that it is not an aggressive movement and that it developed more on the basis of a cultural awakening. The investigation of the steps that resulted in this variation holds a particular significance For a real understanding of all the mentioned changes one has to know the systems and policies that are to be explained in this study. Az Oszmán Birodalom albán nacionalizmusa rendszerszintű perspektívából elemezve A Balkán-félsziget hat évszázadon keresztül az Oszmán Birodalom uralma alatt állt. Ez a hosszú közös múlt az Oszmán Birodalom politikai, katonai, vallási, közgazdasági, kulturális, társadalmi, demográfiai, művészeti, épí-tészeti, valamint állami hagyományai és rendszere terén is (és még sok más
The effect of these policies on the population of the region has been examined on a systematical basis. These types of policies also had an impact on the subsequent development of nationalism in the Balkans. Nationalism in the Balkans began in the early 19th century with the Greek and Serbian uprisings; these uprisings were largely armed, and later spread to other Balkan peoples. In all these developments, Albanian nationalism makes a difference. It is a fact that the rule of the Ottoman Empire has shaped the Albanian nationalism as it has done with all Balkan nationalism. However, the Albanian nationalism was developed under the conditions that the Ottoman Empire established in the region, videlicet on the policies it applied. The nature of the Albanian nationalism differs from the other regional ones in that it is not an aggressive movement and that it developed more on the basis of a cultural awakening. The investigation of the steps that resulted in this variation holds a particular significance For a real understanding of all the mentioned changes one has to know the systems and policies that are to be explained in this study. Az Oszmán Birodalom albán nacionalizmusa rendszerszintű perspektívából elemezve A Balkán-félsziget hat évszázadon keresztül az Oszmán Birodalom uralma alatt állt. Ez a hosszú közös múlt az Oszmán Birodalom politikai, katonai, vallási, közgazdasági, kulturális, társadalmi, demográfiai, művészeti, épí-tészeti, valamint állami hagyományai és rendszere terén is (és még sok más
The Albanian National Renaissance and the Creation of the Albanian State
Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Albanians are among the oldest and most autochthonous people in Balkan. Known as the "Illyrians", "Albans", "Arberesh" and "Albanian", the Albanian people are among the founders of the Balkan Peninsula and among the most authentic contributors to the culture and civilization of the European continent. Historians and great scholars of the world and Albanian schoolars such as Thuman, Hahn, Shuflai, Stipcevic, Hosch, Çabej, Buda, Zheliskova have confirmed with their historical and linguistic studies the autochtonity, authenticity and contribution of Albanians in this region of more than three thousand five hundred years. This study investigates the early period of the Albanian National Renaissance and its repercussions on the establishment of the Albanian Nation State. Felt alone and without any support from international protection of any Greater Power and especially from the Othoman Empire, Albanian National Identity started to be seen as one of the main idea, which remained to be proclaimed by Albanian Renaissancers. So the Albanian National Renaissance movement began later than all the other Balkan peoples and not well-prepared in its political projects. In the cultural, civilizational and spiritual plan, the Albanian National Renaissance was as broad and western as many other peoples of the region. This paper will study the efforts, challenges and in general the elements in the context of creation of the Albanian nation, by bringing the main elements, which characterised this period of time.
The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations
Albanian nationalism has been largely studied by overlooking the state of art of theoretical discussions on nationalism, focusing merely on chronological narratives which after a point tend to replicate themselves. This paper embraces the modernist theories of nationalism in order to explain the emergence of Albanian nationalism and its consolidation during the post-independence period under the auspices of Albanian nation-state. Thus it rethinks many of the conceptual understandings which underpin Albanian historiography and have acquired as such an orthodox status within popular culture. We argue that Albanian nationalism can be better understood within a broader structural framework which restricted and enabled the political elites to construct an Albanian nation.
Nationalism's role in the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire is reexamined. Traditionalists blamed the breakdown on the extreme nationalism of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) while today's orthodoxy attributes it to the external contingency of the Balkan Wars and World War I instead. This article looks at the onerous state-building and mild nation-building demands put forth by the CUP toward the Albanians. The Albanian resistance created unstable coalitions that broadened to include north and south, and tempered religion in favor of ethnicity, but fell short of demanding independence. The First Balkan War forced a vulnerable Albania to reluctantly declare independence for which it had made contingent plans. The Ottoman center refused to change course and its pursuit of an imperial nation-state prompted other populations to think and act more ethnically than ever before and draw up their own contingent plans. The concept of ethnicity without groups (Brubaker) and the causal connection between state-building and nationalism (Hechter) are critically assessed in the Ottoman context. Was the Ottoman Empire's demise caused externally or internally? Was it owed to war or homegrown nationalism? Three concepts can help us navigate this puzzle: reluctant nationalists, imperial nation-state, and neo-Ottomanism. Together they provide a conceptual framework for understanding the end of the empire as a liminal space of contradictions. They also bring into sharper focus the forces that impinged on the empire to bring it down. The framework presented here tells us that neither war nor nationalism operated in isolation as exogenous and endogenous factors. It was their interaction that proved explosive and it is that nexus which should be the object of our attention. The Young Turks turned to nationalism to deal with their fears of impending wars and prospects of disintegration. Their recourse to nationalism resulted in unpopular policies whose implementation caused unprecedented conflict with Albanians and galvanized nationalistic activities among them. Disorders and Albanian nationalism both influenced the outbreak of the Balkan Wars, and without the Balkan Wars in the
European Journal of Language and Literature, 2015
According to Tom Nairn, the reason why the dispute between modernists and primordialists is not resolved is because it is irresolvable. This is because the two approaches place different emphases on different aspects of identity formation. Nairn described the debate between Anthony Smith and Ernest Gellner, as a courteous difference of emphasis. Hence, the old presuppositions of modernism are losing their hold, but no one is quite sure what new ones will replace them. The great debate in nationalism' studies, is one between so-called "primordialists" and "modernists". Put simply, primordialists argue that the nation derives directly from a priori ethnic groups and is based on kinship ties and ancient heritage. For their part, modernists insist that the nation is an entirely novel form of identity and political organization, which owes nothing to ethnic heritage and everything to the modernism, and the scoope of the debate between them, fail to offer a satisfactory account of the formation of national identity. In this context we need to see where the Albanian national identity takes part. This paper seeks to show how it reacted to the waves of social transition? Where it finds itself and what connects it with globalisation?
Enis Sulstarova, Pinar Akcali.Constructing the Albanian Nationalism through discourse
This article analyzes the continuity and change in the nationalist discourse in Albania during the three periods of its modern history, National Awakening (1878-1912), Communism (1944-1990), and Post-Communism (1990-2002) by looking at the three basic approaches of the literature on ethnic studies: primordialism, circumstantialism, and constructionism. We aim to show how the actors of nationalist discourse construct a ‘primordial’ Albanian identity in different, yet somehow consistent ways over these three periods depending on the different economic, political and social circumstances.
Research problem: The Albanian ethnogenesis and national identity framed by the "Illyrian" theory of Albanian ethnical and cultural origin and the main possible political consequences of the implementation of the "Illyrian" theory of Albanian ethnogenesis, accepted firstly by the national awakening movement of the Albanians (1878-1913) called "Rilindja", i.e., the renaissance. Methodology: Analysis and comparison of different historical sources, scientific literature and ideologically-propaganda works by distinct and opposite authors of different ethnical and educational backgrounds.
Religious Harmony, An Important Factor in the Political Unity of Albanians in Years 1912-1924
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2016
In the years 1912-1924, Albania was the place in which were four religions: Islam, Orthodox, Catholic and Bectashi. The ideological, political, cultural, educational movement known as the Albanian National Renaissance, (`30 years of the XIX century until 1912 with the declaration of independence of Albania), it devoted an important attention of the political unity of Albanians face as chauvinistic platforms like Megaliideja and Narcetania. present at the time and at high risk for Albanians. The objective of these platforms was as much territorial and assimilationist. The equality of nationality and religion was an idea which was becoming bigger; who was turk was a Muslim, who was catholic was Latino, who was greek was Orthodox. Endangered the existence of a nation. Albanian Renaissance before 1912 aimed to find ways and approsiate means that political unity of Albanians does not sullied in front of assimilating platforms. An important political act for albanians was the Declaration ...