Optimal load management strategy under off-peak tariff riders in UTeM: a case study (original) (raw)
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IEEE Spectrum, 2000
Demand-side load management The rising cost of peak-demand power means that utilities must encourage customers to manage power usage [lJ Load management canshavethepeaks and fill in the gapsin the daily demandpattern Ior electric powe;: The curve shown hererepresents theprojectedhour-to-hour demandfor a winter weekdayin1990 in thePublicService Electric and GasCo.'sNew Jersey service area. Thepeak demandcanbereducedand theoffpeak demandincreased (shaded areas) by suchload-management techniques as interruptible service and load-control cyclical serviceand thermal storage. A simple peak/off-peak rate structure requires a two-or threeregister meter, each measuring total consumption within a specific time. Weekends as well as nights are usually off-peak periods. Another rate pattern, encompassing multiple cost zones, incorporates peak, off-peak, and shoulder (occurring either before or after a peak) periods. The costs in shoulder periods fall between those in peak and off-peak periods. Several utilities have investigated demand rates for residential customers. These incorporate a charge for the rate at which energy is used, as wellas for total energy use. A charge is incurred for the greatest rate of use in a high-demand period, measured as the maximum kilowatthour consumption per hour within a certain time interval (generally 15or 30 minutes). Demand rates are difficult for a residential consumer to understand and accept. Movement to this concept may not occur for many years, if ever. But a number of utilities already offer time-of-day rate structures to residential customers. Generally the intent is to encourage voluntary use of any kind during an off-peak periodfor example, from 9 p.m, to 7 a.m. Customers with storage heating, solar heating, and certain heat pumps can take advantage easiiy of the iower rates. Commercial and industrial customers are usually quick to take advantage of time-of-day rates. But even when the off-peak rates are five times cheaper, studies have shown that residential consumers are often unwilling to make more than minor changes in their patterns of electricity consumption. For "basic" appliances-those not involved in space and water heating-they seldom shift use by more than 2 percent from peak to off-peak periods.
Load Shifting and Peak Clipping for Reducing Energy Consumption in an Indian University Campus
Energies, 2021
This paper analyzes the intelligent use of time-varying electrical load via developing efficient energy utilization patterns using demand-side management (DSM) strategies. This approach helps distribution utilities decrease maximum demand and electrical energy billing costs. A case study of DSM implementation of electric energy utility for an educational building Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology (ACGCET) campus was simulated. The new optimum energy load model was established for peak and off-peak periods from the system’s existing load profile using peak clipping and load shifting DSM techniques. The result reflects a significant reduction in maximum demand from 189 kW to 170 kW and a reduction in annual electricity billing cost from 11,340to11,340 to 11,340to10,200 (approximately 10%) in the upgraded system. This work highlights the importance of time of day (TOD) tariff structure consumers that aid reduction in their distribution system’s maximum demand and dem...
Optimal time-of-use pricing for residential load control
Abstract Demand response (DR) can be defined as change in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to change in the price of electricity over time. Demand Response also refers to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices. Time-of-use (TOU) power pricing has been shown to have a significant influence on ensuring a stable and optimal operation of a power system.
A Literature Review on Demand Side and Energy Efficient Management
Energy crisis is one of the major issue and hindrance of progress in our country. Increased use of load which depend on the quality and continuity of the electrical supply, challenge the reliability of a distribution system due to the fluctuating demand. Emerging new technologies demand-side load management will change the way we consume and produce energy. By effectively applying future energy production, consumption, and storage techniques, a more energy-efficient electricity supply chain can be achieved. This review paper proposes an idea of how an electricity utility may employ for selective pricing for peak and off-peak time periods to influence demand for the purpose of load levelling. And also the methodologies involved both in demand side responses as well as the suitable energy management techniques.
Demand Response Programs Influence On A Load Pattern
Demand response is one of the optimization methods for load pattern in the electric power systems. Utilities offer pricing models of the Demand response to incentivize consumers to shift or decrease the load. As for tariff planning, consumption variation is the main issue that requires careful quantitative analysis. There are several approaches to attract consumers for load control. For these reasons it is necessary to study pricing models of the Demand response. Also, benefits and disadvantages of the models are to be presented for consumers to make comfortable electric energy consumption to their daily consumption schedule. Theoretical analysis and numerical modelling methods for calculated case of Demand response programs in industrial sector were used. Quantitative analysis among the programs of demand response was carried out to present demand elasticity. Also, advantages and disadvantages of the programs and their application ways as a tool for shifting and decreasing load at energy market were presented. Several programs of demand response to motivate consumers for controlling the load are offered. Differential tariffs in several price models were considered. Practical application of different demand response programs effects to price-based tariffs.
Managing Electricity Demand through Demand Charges for Industrial and Commercial Customers
Demand charges for capacity consumption represent a large proportion of in- dustrial and commercial customers’ electricity bills. However, their potential to supplement existing Demand Response Programs to smooth or reduce load consumption in those clients has not been fully explored in the literature. Hence, in this paper, we developed an analytical framework to understand the incentives for reducing and smoothing electricity demand of three different tariff structures that are already used to apply demand charges in electricity markets. The interaction between these demand charges and two rate-based demand response programs is also explored. We found that time-of-use and critical peak pricing are fully compatible with a demand charge per kWh. With a demand charge per kW applied during control periods, these pro- grams can increase capacity pay problems. If a demand charge is applied to each customer’s maximum consumption, the high energy price signals from these programs may not decrease aggregate consumption.
A time of use tariff scheme for demand side management of residential energy consumers in Bangladesh
Energy Reports, 2021
The aim of this paper is to develop a new Time of Use (TOU) tariff scheme for Demand Side Management (DSM) of residential consumers in Bangladesh. In this advanced era of technology, the requirement of electrical energy is continuously increasing. However, the overall growth of electricity generation is comparatively slower due to depletion of fuel sources. In this situation, a strategic plan needs to be implemented at consumer end to mitigate the energy crisis. As such, the concept of DSM is introduced where consumers can save electricity bills by changing their consumption pattern. It subsequently reduces the generation requirement during peak hours, which offers operational flexibility and financial benefits to utility. In the literature, DSM has been used in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. However, the existing techniques do not explicitly consider the low-income consumers when TOU scheme is utilised. It may result in financial repercussion for these consumers. To overcome this challenge, a TOU scheme is proposed in this paper by ensuring financial benefits for all types of residential consumers and utility. To this end, an optimisation model is formulated by taking into account the various consumer groups such as low-income, middle-income and high-income. Two different meters (meter 1 and meter 2) are prudently allocated to these consumers. Using genetic algorithm technique, optimisation model is solved to provide electricity tariff and block sizes for various consumers under two meters. The proposed algorithm is applied to the residential inhabitants of a practical distribution system in Bangladesh. The results suggest that significant amount of annual savings can be achieved simultaneously by consumers and utility. The low-income consumers remain financially least affected while the proposed TOU tariff scheme is executed. In addition, the proposed TOU approach is compared to existing methods and found that optimisation based TOU outperforms the conventional ones.
In mitigating the peak demand, the energy authority in Malaysia has introduced the enhanced time of use (EToU). However, the number of participants joining the programs is less than expected. Due to that reason, this study investigated the investment benefit in terms of electricity cost reduction when consumers subscribe to the EToU tariff scheme. The significant consumers from industrial tariff types have been focused on where the load profiles were collected from the incoming providers' power stations. Meanwhile, ant colony optimization (ACO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are applied to optimize the load profiles reflecting EToU tariff prices. The proposed method had shown a reduction in electricity cost, and the most significant performance has been recorded congruently. For a maximum 30% load adjustment using ACO optimization, the electricity costs have been decreased by 10% (D type of tariff), 16% (E1 type of tariff), 9% (E2 kind of tariff), and 1.13% (E3 type of tariff) when compared to the existing conventional tariff. The cost-benefit of the EToU tariff switching has been identified where the simple payback period (SPP) is below one year for all the industrial types of consumers.
Demand side Management means reducing the electric power consumption and altering the shape of the overall system demand versus time curve, in the aim of achieving better balance between the customers cycle demand and the utilities current and planned generation capacity, transmission and distribution (T&D) resources. With LM the construction of new generating plants and T&D facilities can either be avoided or postponed.