On the History of Graphic Representations of China in the Russian Periodical Press in the Early 20th Century (original) (raw)
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Настоящая статья посвящена изучению образа России в региональных средствах массовой информации КНР на примере газеты «Хэйлунцзян жибао». В статье показано, что образ России в региональных масс-медиа Китая в целом имеет нейтральный характер. Материалы о нашей стране в основном появляются эпизодически, что в значительной мере обусловлено обращением масс-медиа КНР на внутренние проблемы своей страны. Тем не менее, СМИ приграничных с Россией регионов КНР уделяют существенно большее внимание внутренним и международным проблемам РФ, торгово-экономическому и культурному сотрудничеству с ней, по сравнению с третьими странами. Несмотря на преимущественно нейтральный характер сообщений о России, встречаются материалы, явно или неявно формирующие её положительный образ как страны с высокоразвитой культурой. This article is devoted to the study of Russia's image in regional Chinese media on the example of the newspaper "Heilongjiang Daily." The article shows that the image of Russian regional mass media in China as a whole is neutral. Materials of our country mainly occur sporadically, in large part due to the handling of the media on China's internal problems of the country. Nevertheless, the media border with the Russian regions of China are paying much more attention to domestic and international problems of the Russian Federation, with her trade-economic and cultural cooperation, as compared with another country. Although mainly neutral reports of Russia, there are materials that directly or indirectly shaping its positive image as a country with a highly developed culture.
Оn the basis of the official and pro-government periodical press published in the east of Russia from the summer of 1918 to the end of 1919 the author considers the key ideas, images and meanings for the anti-Bolshevik movement which played an important role in the collective self-identification of its supporters. Important components of legitimizing the power of the new political regimes were competitive struggle for hegemony in the field of symbolic production and formation of information, political, social, economic and cultural space corresponding to the new state doctrine. In the situation of destruction of the former (imperial) mechanism of social integration the new forms of organizing the political community «We» and its hostile opposition «They» were needed. The main object of the propagandistic departments of the Omsk government was formation and consolidation of the «imagined community», understood as the «Russian national community», and obedience to its goals of struggle against Bolshevism. The purpose of the study is to identify methods of institutionalization and representation of national identity which are typical for the newspaper formal discourse. Through the representation of goal the official and pro-government periodical press of anti-Bolshevik regimes of eastern Russia outlined the boundaries of the construction of the imagined community and built a unique identification corridors: «We» (the honest citizens of Russia)-«They» (our enemies-the Bolsheviks); politically active «Citizen»-indifferent to the fate of the homeland «Smallminded person» etc. The authors comes to the conclusion that the main methods of representation of national identity were the actualization of ideologically marked value components and political narratives.
The article deals with the phenomenon of non-Russian periodicals on the outskirts of the Russian Empire in early 20 th century. A quantitative analysis of non-Russian publications shows that, despite the political reaction after the end of the Revolution of 1905-1907, the number of non-Russian newspapers and magazines grew steadily until the outbreak of the First World War. The main features of the interaction between the foreign-language press and the imperial authorities have been pointed out. In general, they were similar to the interaction with the Russian left-wing press. Thematically, most non-Russian publications were characterized by a broad appeal to national issues, and one of the most important topics was the choice of language, alphabet and spelling, and more broadly, the issue of the future of the printed word in a particular language. The key moment in the history of the foreign press was the First World War, which led to a complete change of the market for periodicals in the western borderlands and a significant reduction in the number of publications in local languages.
China and the Boxer Rebellion in Popular Illustrated Magazines of the Russian Empire in 1898–1901
Telekinet, 2023
The article introduces into scholarly discourse reference bibliographic materials (index) containing publications about China in the popular illustrated magazines of the Russian Empire Budilnik, Oskolki, Strekoza and Shut. In these publications, the author looked for the reaction of the Russian press to the Boxer Rebellion (1898–1901) in the form of mentions and cartoons. The chosen time frame corresponds to the period during which the events of the rebellion took place. The compiled index contains over 500 references to China and makes it possible to trace the dynamics of Russia’s interest in China in the early 20th century. The index will help describe and explain the mechanics of the formation of the image of China, its representation and transformation in the periodicals in con- nection with the historical and cultural context and analyze the verbal and visual- figurative representations of China, the rebellion of the Yihetuan, the Chinese and the “boxer” in illustrated humorous magazines. The study of magazine material of various kinds contributes to understanding the mechanisms of comprehending Another culture and its subsequent representation. The analysis of the elements introduced into the image of China with the ideological and plot concepts of the boxer movement allows us to particularize the emergence, consolidation, and dissemination in Russia of some conceptions about the values, traditions, and history of China.
Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании. Материалы XXXII Международной научной конференции. Москва, 11–12 апреля 2019 г. М., 2019
Alexander K. Kruglov: Apropos of the early period of the usage of paper in Russia. At the turn of the 14-15th centuries, parchment as the main material for writing was replaced by paper in the Balkans and in Russia. Paper, in its physical and chemical properties, is much different from parchment. The examples given in the article demonstrate the difficulties caused by the lower strength of paper. Looking for ways to sew the paper quire securely led to a change in the structure of bookbinding. Binders in the North-West of Russia returned, by the end of the 15th century, to link-stitch sewing, the method seemingly completely abandoned by the mid-14th century. Thus the change of the binding technology following the change of material for writing was the result of an attempt to solve a purely technical problem. Текст доклада и небольшие исправления можно посмотреть: https://russianbinding.ru/bindinghist/kruglov/kruglov-2019-rannii-period-ispolzovaniia-bumagi
Ontogenesis of the Architectural Periodical Press of the Soviet Era (1917–1931)
Administrative consulting
В статье исследуется развитие архитектурной периодики советского времени. Особое внимание акцентировано на хронологическом интервале 1917-1931 гг. Определяются концептуальные доминанты, отражающие важность темы в современном дискурсе развития архитектурной и библиографической наук. Предложена авторская периодизация развития советской архитектурной периодики. Описываются журналы данного времени. Выявлена их главная компонента, целевое и читательское назначение и др. Обозначается социальный и профессиональный вес рассматриваемой проблематики в историко-культурном контексте. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА архитектурная периодика, советская эпоха, архитектурный журнал, исследование, периодизация, библиометрический анализ документального потока, предпосылки
Традиция изображения чиновника в китайской литературе и ее переосмысление в произведениях XX века
Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики, № 1, 2020
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Advertising of children’s goods in the Russian regional and central press in the early 20th century
Реклама детских товаров в российской региональной и центральной прессе в начале XX в. * * Исследование выполнено в рамках проекта, осуществляемого при поддержке Российского научного фонда № 22-28-00763 «Дети и детство. Повседневная жизнь ребенка в условиях провинциального городского социума (на материалах Оренбурга пореформенной эпохи)». 1 Первая Всеобщая перепись населения Российской империи 1897 г. / изд. Центр. стат. ком. М-ва внутр. дел ; под ред. Н. А. Тройницкого. [СПб.], 1904. [Тетр.] 28 : Оренбургская губерния. С. XVII.