Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus cinnabarinus: Synonymous or not? (original) (raw)

Die fenomenologie van T.T. Cloete

Literator, 1995

The phenomenology of T.T. Cloete This article is an exploration o f the way phenomena are treated in the poetry o f T. T. Cloete. Four important aspects o f Cloete's way o f looking are discussed, viz. the collecting eye that connects everything with everything, the eye that discovers correspondences, the deological eye that reads signs o f G od' s presence, and the reflecting eye. A critique o f reflection is developed by means o f a more detailed analysis o f "Blydskap " (Joy). These fo u r ways o f seeing indicate links between Cloete's poetry and Husserl' s Phenomenology. ' Die verskillende bundels word soos volg aangedui; Angelliera met An, Jubitaposisie met J, Allotroop met Al, Idiolek met /, Driepas met D en Met die aarde praat met Ma.

Stereotipering van rotsklimmers: Ware helde of soekers na rampspoedige roem?


Die doel met hierdie literatuurontleding is eerstens om die bestaan van ’n sogenaamde Eigernoordwandstereotipe (wat gedurende die 1930’s deur die media geskep is na aanleiding van ’n reeks noodlottige klimme teen die bergspits) te identifiseer; tweedens om die akkuraatheid van die stereotipe te ondersoek deur ’n literatuurontleding te doen van die persoonlikheidseienskappe van rotsklimmers soos in wetenskaplike tydskrifartikels gerapporteer, asook deur ’n ontleding van anekdotiese inligting wat beskikbaar is oor die onderliggende motivering van rotsklimmers.Die konstruk stereotipe word in ooreenstemming met die werk van Ashmore en Del Boca (soos na verwys in Jassim e.a. 2009) omskryf as ’n “reeks opvattings oor die persoonlike attribute van ’n sosiale groep” (my vertaling). Sewentien volteksartikels is opgespoor wat aan die kriteria vir insluiting voldoen en die verwysings word in tabel 1 aangedui. Die publikasiedatums strek van 1968 tot 2015 en die inligting dek ’n tydsverloop van ...

Eenders en anders: die leksikons van Afrikaans en Nederlands in die een en twintigste eeu - 'n loodsstudie.Oorgange en voortgange. Huldigingsbundel vir prof. C.H.F Ohlhoff. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 50(3).pp. 135-154

Same and different: Afrikaans and Dutch lexicons in the twenty-first century-a pilot study Early research into the Afrikaans vocabulary was mainly diachronic and comparative (Dutch being the "mother" language from which Afrikaans developed) and the relationship between the lexicons of the two languages was not explored in any great detail towards the end of the twentieth century. This state of affairs changed with the publication of Groot Woordeboek Afrikaans en Nederlands ("Great Dictionary Afrikaans and Dutch") in 2011, a dictionary with an amalgamated lemma list. One of the outcomes of the lexicographic project was the realisation that less than fifty percent of the lemmas in the dictionary were absolute cognates, words which are similar in both form and meaning. This finding prompted a synchronic comparison of word forming processes in Afrikaans and Dutch, using two small newspaper corpora from 2009 as well a selection of neologisms. Analysis of the data shows that although Afrikaans and Dutch differ in the way in which loan words are incorporated-Dutch speakers prefer to take over the words as they are, whereas Afrikaans speakers make use of calquesthe morphosemantic process of compounding is still the most productive way for adding words to the lexicon. The two languages do not make use of each others' coinages, one indication that their lexicons are increasingly growing apart.

Die ondraaglike groenheid van teorie1

Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 1993

This article is a demonstration o f the unbearable greenness o f theory. The first part explores the meaning o f green (in Afrikaans) as a demonstration o f what intertextuality means. The second part outlines the resistance to theory. Against this resistance it is argued that theory is engaged (inter alia) in reading and interpreting difficult texts and contributing to solving the universal problem o f interpretation. As an example the controversial singing o f "Die Stem" at a rugby test is analyzed. The third part argues for the fecundity o f theory by outlining the value o f narrative theory fo r other disciplines and by a literary analysis o f the science policy and the motto o f the PU fo r CHE and a love poem by B. Breytenbach. A short program matic view o f the future o f literary theory at the PU fo r CHE concludes the article.