When enough is enough - strange adventures in the land of the Amazingly Multilingual Rectifier (original) (raw)
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Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse quis sem elit, et mattis nisl. Phasellus consequat erat eu velit rhoncus non pharetra neque auctor. Phasellus eu lacus quam. Ut ipsum dolor, euismod aliquam congue sed, lobortis et orci. Mauris eget velit id arcu ultricies auctor in eget dolor. Pellentesque suscipit adipiscing sem, imperdiet laoreet dolor elementum ut. Mauris condimentum est sed velit lacinia placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam diam metus, pharetra vitae euismod sed, placerat ultrices eros. Aliquam tincidunt dapibus venenatis. In interdum tellus nec justo accumsan aliquam. Nulla sit amet massa augue.
(2015) A Frustrated Mind [Last Version]
In this work we will develop the thesis that the concept of dynamical frustration (Binder, 2008), involving the tension between conflicting tendencies in a physical system, is essential when analyzing the cognitive-computational bases of language. We will argue that there are two kinds of frustrations interplaying, in principle as independent theses: an architectural global frustration relating phrase structural and Markovian processes in general computations; and a local derivational frustration relating semantic and phonological cycles within language processing. After developing and analyzing each frustration, with particular focus on human language, we will briefly explore the consequences these frustrations have on the “design” of mental faculties, and the impact our theory has on the Minimalist notion of “perfection in language design”.
Random Rhetoric@ ARS ELECTRONICA 2020
Random Rhetoric@ ARS ELECTRONICA 2020, 2020
Random Rhetoric‘ assembles democracy with Epicurus‘ swerve (παρέκκλιση par‘nklisis; Latin: clinamen); an idea that describes the slight deviation and randomness of atoms from their ‘ordinary‘ pathways. Melanitis‘ works on democracy refer to a geometrization of the art of oratory and its processes through the randomization of information: ‘Political speech and philosophy emerging from machines and computers render humans to mere ‘viewers‘ or envisage new roles in society‘. He anticipates that ‘even the official state structures of future dialectics may be derived from self-programming computers‘. Epicurus (341‘270 BC) founded his school as a counterpoint to Plato's Academy in a Garden outside Athens, where he taught philosophy until his death. ‘Random Rhetoric‘ acts as a metaphor of an epicurean garden, a dynamic place where logos, speech and dialectics are remodeled with the use of machines. The digital environment serves as the main forum where interactive code-based works like ‘The Oratory Machine‘ (a computer programmed in real-time speech synthesis) participate in a philosophical dialogue with the public, reshaping the art of rhetoric in some cases through the pretencing of intelligent dialogue. Attributing fraud to machines is something intertwined with the structural elements of their construction; not accidentally, in etymologies of techne (= art), the entries art and deceit derive from a common root..
The translocal poetics retains cognitive obscurity of the familiar, but also preserves fascinating mystery of unexpected and successful transmissions of the familiar into other places and spaces. Literature then reveals the ability to transfer one locality into the world of another, generating confusion and excitement, misunderstandings and discoveries, by means of which a creative transnational and translocal literary and cultural community is ceaselessly being built. E d w a r d B a l c e r z a n M a c i e j D u d a S ł a w o m i r I w a s i ó w V e r i t a S r i r a t a n a fall 2015 J a h a n R a m a z a n i and translocal fall 2015