Pemenuhan Hak Atas Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat Di Indonesia (original) (raw)

Akses Air Bersih di Indonesia

Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, 2016

This study investigates household access on safe and clean water in Indonesia. The analysis is based on compilation data set of Statistic Indonesia and World Bank online publication namely INDO DAPOER ranging of 497 districts and municipalities for 2004-2011 periods.Our first analysis is the determinant of household access to clean and save water in district level. The second is combining access of clean and safe water with access on improve sanitation and ellectricty, to evaluate the impact on health indicator (morbidity rate) and district’s PDRB level. The third analysis is determining the impact of safe water,infrastructure, electricity and improved sanitation through morbidity rate and PDRB on the HDI. In general, this study find that better access on safe and clean water can improve community heath performance and district’s HDI. Better access on safe water should be followed by better access on sanitation, as these accesses are interlinked. Regarding intergovernmental transfer...


Negara Republik Indonesia adalah merupakan suatu organisasi kekuasaan dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia, yang dibentuk guna mengatur dan megurus serta menyelesaikan segala kepentingan seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Atas dasar inilah rakyat Indonesia melimpahkan wewenang yang dimilikinya berkenaan dengan karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa tersebut di atas kepada Negara selaku pemegang kekuasaan untuk menguasai, mengatur, dan megurus serta mengurusi persoalan berkenaan dengan pengelolaan fungsi bumi, air, dan ruang angkasa.

"Hak Rakyat Atas Air"

MAM, 2019

Salah satu cara untuk mempercepat target pemenuhan hak rakyat atas air adalah dengan memperjelas Standar Pelayanan (SP) dan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) air minum. Sejauh ini, keterkaitan antara standar pelayanan air dengan regulasi masih jauh dari cukup. SP dan SPM air di Indonesia tidak jelas. SP dan SPM itu diatur di UU Otonomi Daerah, UU Pelayanan Publik, dan UU SDA. SP dan SPM itu janji service provider mengenai parameter apa yang diterima pelanggan. Kalau ada SP dan SPM, PDAM akan tunduk pada itu. Konsumen bisa mengeluh karena ada haknya. sekarang belum ada dasar konsumen menuntut haknya,” terang Mova

Studi Tentang Hukum Air Dan Problematika Pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Atas Air DI Indonesia

This research discusses the study on water law and the problematic of fulfillment of human rights to water in Indonesia. The focus of this research is to address the rights in accessing and obtaining water, as an essential prerequisite of human's livelihood. This research also considers a case to describe the protection of the human right to water actualized in Indonesians daily life. The outcome of this research shows that there are dire problems and challenges in fulfilling human rights to water in Indonesia. Especially when faced with the global agenda of liberalizing and privatizing water, which often contradicts with the idea and efforts to protect human rights to water.

Remunisipalisasi Pengelolaan Air Bersih Oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Dki Jakarta Sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Keuangan Daerah Dan Pemenuhan Hak Atas Air Bagi Warga Jakarta

Majalah Hukum Nasional

Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 mengamanatkan bahwa air seharusnya dikuasai oleh negara dengan tujuan agar negara mampu memenuhi hak atas air bagi warga negaranya. Bertolak belakang dengan amanat konstitusi, pengelolaan air di Jakarta justru dikelola oleh swasta yaitu PT. Aetra dan PT. Palyja dengan maksud agar pengelolaan air dapat terlaksana lebih baik. Sayangnya, perbaikan pengelolaan air tidak mampu dicapai, riset membuktikan bahwa terhitung sejak 1998-2017 saat ini jaringan air bersih yang dikelola oleh swasta hanya bertambah 14.9% jauh di bawah harapan pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa remunisipalisasi merupakan jawaban agar keuangan daerah DKI Jakarta tidak merugi dan pemenuhan hak atas air bagi warga Jakarta dapat terpenuhi dengan baik.

Penegasan Peran Negara dalam Pemenuhan Hak Warga Negara Atas Air

Jurnal Konstitusi

This writing analyses access to water not merely as a right but as human rights. Since the right to water constitues human rights, then constitutionally, the state, mainly the government, is obliged to respect, fulfil and protect that right. In order that the government can perform its obligation to fulfil the right of citizens to water, the sate should put control of water under the power of the state. Thus, there are two perspectives in fulfilling the rights of citizens to water, human rights perspective and the perspective of state control. From the perspective of human rights, the 1945 Constitution has stipulated the obligation of the state in fulfilling the human rights of citizens including the right to water as stated in Article 28I paragrahp (4). From the perspective of state control over water resources, the 1945 Constitution has also determined constitutional standard as stipulated in Article 33. This concept of state control based on Article 33 has been interpreted by ...

Hak Atas Air dan Kewajiban Negara dalam Pemenuhan Akses terhadap Air

MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2015

Water is a basic need of human being, no one can live without water and it has no substitution. Water is a a requirement of adequate living standard for the health and well-being of all human being..The current problem is the availability of water in fulfill the human need is decreased. On the one hand there is the view that water is a commodity while the other side said that water is a social good.. The right to water implies that everyone should have access to water without discrimination. The state's role is indispensable when people are not in the same position in getting water, the differences position of people can occur not only a problem of economic inequality, but also the specific natural conditions in a certain region. Such differences make some parts of society difficult to gain access to water, and in this situation, the presence of the state is strong required.

PERCIK. Media Informasi Air dan Penyehatan Lingkungan. Hak Atas Air


Media Informasi Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Diterbitkan oleh: Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Pokja AMPL). Terbit berkala setiap 3 bulan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Dimaksudkan sebagai media saling bertukar informasi diantara penggiat AMPL dan masyarakat umum. Terbit pertama kali pada Agustus 2003.

Air Bersih Untuk Masyarakat Miskin Dengan Sumur Bor


Levying problem of clean water to society represent indispensablelity and cannot be obviated as one of medium to reach healthy society. But, Indonesia society in reality, especially in drought district, very difficult to get cleanness water. For the purpose, cannot be denied that in district which is difficult gets cleanness water very susceptible to contagion disease. Ironic problem to cleanness water access is " cost of water, 'when poor clan exactly must pay for 5 times more is compared to rich clan. Main problem-especially for they there is no koneksi and access either to PDAM and or alternative of other piping water system. Its question, what which can done sees so the tightness of poor clan access to the healthy and clean water. Method applied in execution of application program is counselling, training and practice programly so that society can self-supportingly manages together to fulfill cleanness amount of water required. Obtained result from this activity is available of source of clean water which in the form of well drill with casing made from PVC AW pipe have diameter 4" with deepness 35 m, provided with: (1) Submersible pump which is with power of 1 PK with debit 1 litre/second, (2) Input pipe from PVC AW materials is having diameter 1,25" and cable for automatic of water level from well location to water receptacle, (3) Water receptacle with elevation of foundation 1,5 m and having capacities 5000 litres, and (4) Box panel automatic water level, what is functioning controls water level at well and water receptacle.

Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Dan Pemanfataan Air Bersih

National Multidisciplinary Sciences

Desa Sebanen termasuk desa yang kesulitan untuk mendapatkan air bersih ketika musim kemarau tiba, air sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat disana. Masyarakat tergantung pada sungai untuk mendapatkan air bersih dan harus menempuh jarak + 500 meter dengan berjalan kaki melewati persawahan. Pemerintahan Desa Sebanen beserta Masyarakat berinisiatif mengusulkan adanya pengelolaan air bersih sehingga pengelolaan air bersih masuk ke Desa Sebanen pada tahun 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan,pengembangan dan pemanfaatan air bersih di Desa Sebanen Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan pengelolaan air bersih sangatlah penting karena dari parisipasi masyarakatlah pengelolaan air bersih ini masih berlanjut dan dapat dipergunakan oleh seluruh masyarakat sekitarnya. Dari bentuk partisipasi yang paling diminati yaitu partisipasi uang dan tenaga