Database replication method for real-time measurement pH parameter of fishery using a wireless sensor system (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Teknologi Elektro
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Pembuatan Sistem Monitoring Temperatur, pH dan Salinitas Tambak Ikan Secara Nirkabel
Jurnal Fisika FLUX
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Jurnal MESIL (Mesin Elektro Sipil), 2021
The city of Medan constitutes one of the cities that has the potential for the development of freshwater fish farming, this is because it can help the economy and income for fish farmers. However, the lack of understanding of tilapia farmers on poor water quality conditions resulted in slow fish growth. Then the lack of monitoring time carried out by fish pond cultivators makes harvest yields also not optimal due to water conditions that can change at any time due to various factors, coupled with the maintenance process also causes a decrease in production yields, one of which is when infectious or non-infectious diseases occur. The objective of this program is to find out about understanding water conditions, pH, and water levels, as well as to assist the process of monitoring tilapia pond water automatically using a smartphone. The stages carried out, begin with problem investigation, problem analysis. Then design the measuring instrument and finally do the simulation/analysis of the tool. The results of this program have succeeded in making a smartphone-based pH and water level measuring instrument with simulation results showing the water level in the fish pond with an average of 2.4 and the average pH value of fish pond water being 7.1. However, in the development of further tools, it is necessary to manufacture a signal transmitter that supports the amplification of measuring devices in sending data to smartphones.
Jurnal Sustainable, Vol. 07, No. 02, hal. 53- 63, Oktober 2018, 2018
Palka ikan muatan hidup saat ini tidak mampu mengontrol parameter pH air sesuai dengan lingkungan hidup ikan. pH perlu diperhatikan agar ikan dapat bertahan hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun sistem yang dapat mengontrol pH air pada palka ikan menggunakan mikrokontroler dan LabVIEW. Pengujian dilakukan pada palka dengan dimensi 90 cm x 65 cm x 50 cm. Monitoring perubahan nilai pH secara real time ditampilkan menggunakan LCD dan LabVIEW. Perangkat ini dilengkapi dengan indikator LED yang dapat mengindikasikan kondisi dari relay diluar dari perangkat lunak LaBVIEW. Selisih pembacaan sensor yang dirancang dengan alat ukur standar hanya berkisar 0,05. Proses penampilan nilai pembacaan sensor pada LCD dan LabVIEW berjalan baik dengan waktu respon pembacaan sekitar 0,5 detik dan respon waktu dalam mengendalikan relay sekitar 0,3 detik. Ikan dapat bertahan hidup dengan menggunakan sistem kontrol yang dirancang selama proses pengujian dalam waktu 2x24 jam. Nilai pembacaan dari sensor akan tersimpan secara real time selama perangkat lunak LabVIEW berjalan. Kata kunci— Mikrokontroler, LabVIEW, Sistem Kontrol pH, Palka Ikan. The live fish storege currently is not able to control the pH parameters of the water according to the fish's living environment. pH needs to be considered so that fish can survive. The purpose of this research is to design a system that can control the pH of water in fish hatch using a microcontroller and LabVIEW. The test is carried out on the hatch with dimensions of 90 cm x 65 cm x 50 cm. Monitoring changes in pH values in real time is done through LCD and LabVIEW. This device is equipped with an LED indicator that can indicate the condition of the relay outside of the LaBVIEW software. The difference in sensor readings designed with a standard measuring instrument is only around 0.05. The appearance process of the sensor reading value on the LCD and LabVIEW runs well with a response time reading of about 0.5 seconds and with a response time in controlling the relay about 0.3 seconds. Fish can survive using a control system designed during the testing process within 2x24 hours. The reading value from the sensor will be stored in real time as long as the LabVIEW software runs. Keywords—Microcontroller, LabVIEW, pH Control System, Fish Palka.