A Compilation Volume of Presidents' Speeches presented during Annual General Meetings of IEI (original) (raw)


Engineering profession in the next two decades will undergo dramatic changes, driven by not only technological developments but also societal transformation. Besides increased globalization, more acute concern for environment for sustainable development, will characterize changes and challenges for future engineers in their roles. As industry increasingly looks at Corporate Social Responsibility, not just as mandatory but as key to success, future engineers should change their mind sets and incorporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility as key parameters in their day-today working as well as decision making framework. As roles for future engineers expect different competencies from the graduating engineers, it is the responsibility of future engineering education to reinvent itself and brace itself for a paradigm shift in the way, students are groomed to match the changed expectations. Consequently, the way the components of education namely, knowledge, skills and attitude and values, are to be imparted has to be different. Contents, as well as pedagogy, will need to be changed accordingly. This tectonic shift will pose challenges to all the stake holders, educational institutions, government, teachers and students. Each one of them, needs to gear up itself to address the challenges. It also calls for change in mindsets so that the transition is smooth and successful. Concerted and synergistic efforts from all of them will help in engineering the future of engineering education with a strong and resilient foundation.