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Small scale irrigation strategy is important to reduce risks associated with both rainfall variability, production of different crops three times within a year, increasing income of rural farm-households and also reduce the poverty status of farm households. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of small scale irrigation use and its implication on poverty reduction Bedele zone of Gachi woreda at Gole Maya kebele in 2019/20 production year . The required data set for the study were gathered from primary and secondary data sources from 168 randomly selected sample households both from irrigation users and non-users (84 for each). Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (chi square and independent t-test) and econometric model analysis was used to analyze quantitative data. The researcher was used binary logistic regression model to analyze the identified variables that had positive effect and negative effect on the use of irrigation water. Family labor, access to market, access to credit, extension service, trial of farm has positive effect on small scale irrigation use and While, sex, age was significant and negative effect on the use of small scale irrigation use. Thus, strengthening extension service provision for users and non users, provide credit service for farmers, making market access for users and facilitating options of irrigation for farmers are crucial on improving livelihood of the farmers in the study area. . Keywords: Logit model, Poverty Reduction, Small Scale irrigation,
Advances in Agriculture
Small-scale irrigation is one of the agricultural activities used by rural farmers to improve the overall livelihood of the rural community by increasing income, securing food, meeting social requirements, and reducing poverty. The main objective of this study was to look into the factors that influence small-scale irrigation for poverty reduction among small-holder farmers in the Offa Woreda, Wolaita Zone. Government and nongovernmental organizations supplied small-scale irrigation and training to small-holder farmers in the study area at various times; however, the key determinants impacting small-scale irrigation use were not fully identified in the study area. The study location was chosen for this study purpose because no prior in-depth research had been conducted. Simple random sampling was used to select the three kebeles for the study. A total of 134 people were included in the study sample frame. The sample was chosen using simple random sampling and the proportional probab...
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 11(2): 139-146 December, 2021
The study investigated the socioeconomic impacts of irrigated agriculture and factors affecting the decision of agro-pastoralists to participate in irrigation during 2017-2018. The result depends on cross-sectional data collected from a sample of 120 households of which 90 irrigation users and 30 non-users using a combination of purposive and random sampling. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression to assess factors that affect participation in irrigation. The logistic regression model revealed that age, credit access, extension contact, distance to water, and labor force significantly affected the decision of given agro-pastoralists to participate in irrigation practices at less than 5% probability levels. This indicates that the explanatory variables included in the model influence the decision of agro-pastoralists to participate in irrigation practices. Therefore, the provision of credit service to allow rapid progress in introducing technologies like tractors for farming practices and frequent extension contact with irrigation users could enhance the productivity in the area.
The study was conducted in Jeldu district on two peasant associations namely Metekoma and Laku. The objective of this study was to identify determinants of Small-scale irrigation use. A total of 118 farmers were randomly selected and interviewed by using semi structured questionnaire. A three-stage sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of 118 rural farm households. Cross sectional data were collected through structured questionnaire, focus group discussion, key informants and observation. Household caloric acquisition was employed to measure household food security in the study area. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. Binary logistic regression model reveals that, out of eleven explanatory variables, age of household, educational level of household, Adult equivalent, cultivated land size, Oxen ownership of household, livestock ownership in TLU, and total farm income were found to be significant. Governmental and non-governmental should give attentio...
Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demands in the world. This study evaluated the effect of small-scale irrigation on farm household income in production. The specific objective of this study is to identify the factors in-fluencing participation in small-scale irrigation and provides bases for policy makers in Girawa district, Eastern Hararghe zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Both primary and secondary data were col-lected for the study. Primary data were collected from 200 sample respondents drawn from both participant and non-participant households. Preliminary statistics and econometric models were employed for data analysis. The logistic regression estimation of factors affecting participation re-vealed that age of household head, non-farm income, livestock size, size of cultivated land, dis-tance between plot and irrigation scheme, means of transportation and participation of household heads in social organization significantly affected the participation decision of households in irri-gation farming. Results showed that participation in irrigation has a significant, positive effect on farm households’ income. Therefore, policy makers should give due emphasis to the aforemen-tioned variables to increase participation in irrigation farming and improve the livelihood of rural households.
International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences, 2021
Small-scale irrigation is the feasible way by which agricultural production and productivity can be enhanced to meet the ever-growing food demand of populated countries like Ethiopia. This study was conducted to assess factors affecting farm households’ participation decision in small-scale irrigation using the primary data collected from 220 sample households from Walmara district, central Ethiopia. Both descriptive and econometric data analyses were conducted to analyze the collected data. The logistic regression result revealed that the sex of the household head, size of land owned, the occurrence of crop pests during the main season, family size, and access to credit services were the variables that positively and significantly affected household participation decision in small scale irrigation, while age of the household head, number of livestock owned and distance from irrigation site were the variables that negatively and significantly affected households’ participation decis...
Even though small-scale irrigation (SSI) is a practical solution to address issues like poverty, food insecurity, and low farm production, its promise is often overlooked in Ethiopia. In the Demba Gofa District of southern Ethiopia, many rural households continued to rely primarily on rain-fed agriculture despite the possibility of irrigation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the adoption of SSI in Demba Gofa and its effect on farm income. A cross-sectional explanatory research design with a mixed-methods approach was employed on a total of 369 households selected through a multistage sampling procedure. An econometric data analysis using the propensity score matching model was employed to evaluate the effect of small-scale participation on households' farm income. The analysis revealed that the gender of the household head, cultivated land area, market accessibility, livestock ownership, and credit service accessibility positively affect irrigation adoption. Households' irrigation adoption was negatively and significantly associated with the age of the household head and the distance of the farm from the irrigation site. Furthermore, households that did not adopt small-scale irrigation schemes lost 4831.77 ETB in farm revenue compared to those that did. Thus, the study advises the government to support the establishment of adequate, long canals and government-guaranteed credit services for smallholder farmers in order to boost household income and, consequently, food security. Agricultural agents ought to conduct routine evaluations of the canals' operation and offer farmers training to enhance their skills in the sustainable use of irrigation systems.
Irrigation and Drainage, 2009
A study was conducted in the Ambo district of western Ethiopia in 2006 to understand the poverty reduction impacts of small-scale irrigation development, using the Indris irrigation system as a case study. The study was based on a survey of representative farm households with and without access to irrigation. The total sample size for the study was 222 (107 households with access to irrigation and 115 without). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Foster, Greer and Thobeck poverty indices, and Heckman's selectivity model. Results indicate that the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty are significantly lower among those farm households with access to irrigation. In addition to irrigation, other variables such as farm size, livestock holding size, land productivity, and family size significantly influence the level of household consumption expenditure. However, the proportion of poor people in the overall sample, notwithstanding access to irrigation, is alarmingly high, indicating the deep-rooted and critical situation of poverty in rural Ethiopia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Une étude a été menée dans le district Ambo de l'ouest de l'Éthiopie en 2006 pour comprendre les impacts de l'irrigation à petite échelle sur la réduction de la pauvreté en utilisant le cas du système d'irrigation Indris. L'étude a été basée sur une enquête auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de ménages agricoles avec et sans accès à l'irrigation. La taille de l'échantillon total était de 222 (soit 107 ménages ayant accès à l'irrigation et 115 sans accès à l'irrigation). Les données ont été analysées en utilisant les statistiques descriptives, les indices de pauvreté Foster, Greer et Thobeck, et le modèle de sélectivité de Heckman. Les résultats indiquent que l'incidence, la profondeur et la sévérité de la pauvreté se sont révélées significativement plus faible parmi les ménages agricoles avec accès à l'irrigation. Outre l'irrigation, d'autres variables telles que la taille de l'exploitation, la taille du troupeau, la productivité des terres et la taille de la famille influencent de manière significative le niveau de dépenses de consommation des ménages. Toutefois, la proportion de pauvres dans l'ensemble de l'échantillon, indépendamment de l'accès à l'irrigation, est alarmant, indiquant une situation de pauvreté critique et bien ancrée dans les régions rurales de l'Éthiopie. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 2021
The livelihood of rural households in Ethiopia depends on agriculture and largely small-scale subsistence oriented and crucially rain-fed. Use of the available water resources for irrigation development is the most promising option to counter the erratic rain and occurrence of drought in the country which makes agricultural production a challenge. The aim of this study is to analyze the determinants of use of small-scale irrigation and its effects on household food security in Bako Tibe district of west Shoa zone. Data were collected from 120 randomly selected household heads (40 users and 80 non-users) from four Kebeles of the district. Both descriptive statistics and econometric model were applied for analyzing data. In the econometric analysis, the determinants of use of small-scale irrigation were identified by the use of binary logit model. Household calorie consumption method was adopted to determine food security status of the sampled households. A result shows that 82.5% of irrigation users and 37.5% of non-users are found to be food secure while 17.5% of the users and 62.5% of non-users are food insecure. The binary logistic regression model shows that seven variables are found to determine use of small-scale irrigation and the variables are: distance of the irrigation scheme, number of livestock, total annual income, access to market information, age, sex and dependency ratio. In general, the empirical analysis, like many other similar studies, confirms that small-scale irrigation development would have positive effect on food security of beneficiary households. Thus, concerned bodies should join hands to support the development of small-scale irrigation schemes to reduce the food insecurity problem in the study area in particular and the country in general.
Small-scale Irrigation Utilization by Farmers in Southern Ethiopia
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The small-scale Irrigation Scheme is vital in assisting Ethiopia's sustainable agriculture development. Therefore, more small-scale irrigation schemes were developed in the country, including the Ella Small scale Irrigation Scheme, considering that irrigation is the apparent response to low agricultural productivity. This research aims to assess the current Irrigation scheme status of the farming households and investigate the factors affecting the farming households in utilizing the scheme. The selected sample size consists of both Irrigators and Non-irrigators farming households, including males and females. For the comparison, to identify the gender role and distribution of the resources equally at the Kebele level. The sample size was 100 household heads through a random sampling technique based on probability proportional to size. The researcher determined the sample size because of its representativeness at 10% of the total population. The data were both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data were collected by using a semi-structured interview schedule. In contrast, the qualitative data were collected using a checklist through Focus Group Discussion and Personal interviews with Key Informants. The PA was selected purposively by considering a smallscale irrigation scheme, relative accessibility, and a study area. The researcher knew well since it was one of the project areas for the researcher to work on. The secondary data was collected from different published and unpublished research works done by other researchers on similar or related topics and from stakeholders who directly or indirectly work on developing small-scale irrigation schemes and different records of the Government offices. Having collected data, it was analyzed in three statistical ways of data analysis; these were: Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage. In addition, inferential statistics were employed to measure the degree of significant association of independent (explanatory) variables with the dependent variable. Finally, the econometric model employed was the Binary Logit model to examine the utilization of Small-scale Irrigation by farming households and factors that affect households not effectively utilising the irrigation scheme under the study. The Binary Logit model results indicate the educational level of HHs, family size, landholding, livestock holding, frequency of extension contact, access to input supply, occupation of HHs and conflict over irrigation water utilization. Based on the above research findings that the following recommendations were suggested strengthening practical adult education, efficient utilization of labour of active family members, cultivation of high-value crops and vegetables that produces and harvests within a short duration, keeping their livestock from diseases and planting grasses for their forage along with the irrigated plot of the farm, frequent monitoring and evaluation of DAs at least twice a week, providing agricultural input at right cropping time, establishing agroindustries, strengthening Water Users Association and Conflict Resolution Committees.