WhatsApp in Emergency Remote Learning (The Students’ Perception) (original) (raw)


LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal, 2020

Lately, pandemic covid-19 has changed the educational field including learning methods from conventional learning to distance learning. This shift needed more adaptation for all parts like stakeholders, teachers, and also students. Evidently, various efforts have been made by teachers in simplifying teaching and learning such as applying some digital technologies like WhatsApp App, an asynchronous communication to reach the students' presence with any spaces and time. This study aimed to describe and to evaluate the use of utilizing WhatsApp App in distance language learning for the English Education Department Students of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Yogyakarta. The research design of this study was a case study. Furthermore, this study gave the detailed information, description, and understanding deeply in relation to the use of WhatsApp App in remote teaching. Students' perception and the factors affecting the effectiveness were investigated through a questionnaire. The results showed that WhatsApp App can support and helped the language learning to be more effective and efficient for the reason that it was accessible and low technology for distance learning. The students were more responsive and enthusiastic in joining the class. Indeed, it has given more facilities and satisfaction in practice.

The Effectiveness of Whatsapp as An Online English Teaching Media at MTsN Kota Pasuruan : Teachers Perspectives

Edulitics (Education, Literature, and Linguistics) Journal

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many changes in the learning process system. With technology, Whatsapp has become one of the media that is widely used. This study investigates the effectiveness, problems, and solutions of WhatsApp as a virtual English learning media. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with questionnaires and interviews as instruments. The results of the study show that Whatsapp is an effective, useful, and helpful media in learning English for students at MTsN Pasuruan. Teachers can also apply 4 skills in English Teaching with the help of the Whatsapp features. The results of this study proved that Whatsapp might be the best solution for distance learning English media. Keywords : Whatsapp, Online Learning, English Language Teaching

Whatsapp as Learning Media During COVID-19 Pandemic in Learning Process of English Subject at Sman 5 Baubau

English Education Journal

During the pandemic Covid-19, among the many long-distance communication applications, the teachers at SMAN 5 Baubau choose Whatsapp Group as learning media which could be used on weak networks and also does not consume internet quota like the others. The objectives of this study was to find the using of this application as a learning media at SMAN 5 Baubau and the impact of this application on the distance learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. The present study used qualitative method. This research carried out in June - December 2020 at SMA Negeri 5 Baubau. The subjects in this study were 18 students at SMA Negeri 5 Baubau with details of Class X (6 people), Class XI (6 people) and Class XII (6 people). The instruments used in this research was interview. The findings showed that the majority of students did not have problems or obstacles in using this application. However, some students found it difficult in the learning process that depends on the chat in the group. Alt...

The Use of Whatsapp as a Medium for Teaching English during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Case study at SMKN 2 Pekanbaru


Epi Marlianti (2021) : The Use of Whatsapp as a Medium for Teaching English during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Case study at SMKN 2 Pekanbaru This research aimed to explain how the teacher used whatsapp as a medium for teaching English during the COVID 19 pandemic, to explore the challenges faced by teacher on using whatsapp as a medium for teaching English, and to explore the students’ responses toward the use of whatsapp as a medium for teaching English during the COVID 19 pandemic at SMKN 2 Pekanbaru. This researcch was conducted under the qualitative case study design. The participants of this research were four English teachers and twelve students.The results revealed that whatsapp was good alternative media for teacher in teaching English. Whatsapp features could make the teaching and learning process interactive and effective. With WhatsApp, teachers and their students were enabled to directly and conveniently access a lot of digital learning resources with different formats, incl...

WhatsApp as an Instructional Tool Beyond a Classroom in a Malaysian College.docx

English teachers always seek new and interesting approaches to teach English which is relevant to today’s digital native students. WA has been suggested by many to be used in ESL classrooms. Therefore, this paper reports a study on the use of Whatsapp Application (WA) features (text, image and video) as an instructional tool beyond a regular classroom, students’ perception towards the use of WA in teaching and the benefits and drawbacks of using WA in promoting English language learning. A mix-method research design was utilized to obtain detailed information about the use of WA out of the confined classroom. The instruments include observations on WA exchanged messages, semi-structured interviews and survey questionnaire. The outcomes of the study suggest an instructional tool which can be used “in the real world” and help lecturers to understand the prospective benefits of WA to enhance the teaching and learning process. Keywords— WhatsApp; social network application; tertiary institution; instructional tool; English language learning

Students’ Responses on Using Whatsapp During Online Learning

Datokarama English Education Journal, 2021

Recently, the use of mobile devices to communicate, learn, attain knowledge, and share information. Whatsapp as one of free downloaded device applications become the most popular platform, especially among university students. It is also regarded as one of teaching and learning media that could facilitate collaborative learning even though in this online classes due to Covid-19 pandemic. Challenges in attracting students’ attention and interest become higher during online learning, since lecturer could not directly interact and teach students. Students are required to fast adapt this new way. This research investigates students’ response on using Whatsapp as a learning tool during the online English Classes at State Islamic Institute of Palu. To get the result, there were 62 students of English Study Program at Tarbiyah and Teaching Education Faculty given 17 items of questionnaire. The result shows the majority of the students have positive responses and enjoy using Whatsapp as a l...

Embracing WhatsApp Application as Emergency Remote Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic

Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities

This paper pictures education changes into a technological system. Face to face class has to be limited because of the pandemic. In Indonesia, online learning is something new that needs adaptation to do because not all students are familiar with the system. Some students got some difficulties during online learning and students also have different views of this learning system. Emergency remote teaching (ERT) is meant to be a temporary shift from the normal modes of teaching. This takes what would have otherwise been face-to-face or hybrid teaching and transforms it to become digital education. The Mobile device can help the students continue their lessons through online classes because that is the alternative way to keep learning. Whatsapp Application can help students communicate and share knowledge with their teachers from a distance without face to face. Whatsapp application is then promoted as the alternative way in facing the remote learning situation. WhatsApp has become a s...

WhatsApp and English Learning: Students’ Perceptions and Challenges in Pandemic Era

JL3T ( Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching)

Since the pandemic era due to Covid-19, WhatsApp has become an application that is widely used for online learning. In the new normal era, WhatsApp was still the application most widely used by lecturers and students because sending teaching materials was easy and fast. This study investigated students’ perceptions and challenges of utilizing WhatsApp in English language learning amid the pandemic era. The method used was a qualitative method. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique in selecting the participants. The participants in this study amounted to 12 EFL students of 2nd semester of STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh. A semi-structured interview was used as data collection techniques. The interview data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman flow model. The results showed that students used social media to learn and improve their English skills. WhatsApp is the most used application, considered fun, comfortable, helpful, and easy to use. WhatsApp is not only effe...

The Utilization Of Whatsapp Media As A Student's Digital Literation Media In Distance Learning In SMA Private Santo Thomas 2 Medan

IJEMS:Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science, 2020

Whatsapp as one of the most influential social media and is widely used by people in Indonesia. Students in Indonesia in the digital era are currently using devices in their daily activities both at school and outside of school. However, most of these students use social media applications, especially Whatsapp, only for social media, even though in this application, there are benefits that can improve digital literacy skills. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the use of WhatsApp as a media for students 'digital literacy and 2) the students' digital literacy skills seen from their language skills. The method used in this research is observing, taking notes, and studying the literature. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of this study are, 1) the level of digital literacy of students with whatsapp social media is still lacking and 2) the improvement of students' digital literacy skills in terms of language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and writing.

Teaching and Learning Using Whatsapp: English Teachers' Perception

ENLIT Journal

Social media has become part of the lives of Indonesian teenagers today. Referring to a survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Network Organizing Association (APJII) in 2017, young people dominate the internet users in Indonesia to adults with a percentage of 75.50 % in the age range of 13-18 years, and teachers must deal with this fact. The researchers were interested in using teenagers' addiction to these gadgets to support the learning process. In this study, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods and took English teachers in Banjarmasin as research. The research was conducted by holding social media training, focusing on WhatsApp to learn English. Next, the researchers asked the subjects to use WhatsApp in the teaching and learning process. Next, researchers distributed questionnaires to figure out the perception of teachers. As a result, it was found that: 1) WhatsApp was very useful as a learning medium, 2) Students were motivated to follow the learning proc...