Pengaruh Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Pabrik Kontruksi Beton (original) (raw)
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Pengaruh Motivasi Ekstrinsik Dan Intrinsik Terhadap Kinerja Pekerja Proyek Konstruksi
Communication is a process to convey a message that is one way from the Communicator to the Communikan by using certain media to bring up the effect. The Important things in an organization are human resources, aspects of work motivation, and aspects of education. The aims of this research is to know the performance influence of construction workers when given motivation by superiors, knowing the need or whether motivation is applied in the construction environment, knowing what motivation the construction worker needs to improve its performance, knowing the method used in analyzing the Motivational parameters, as well as the results obtained by workers when given motivation. this study is using literature studies on the influence of motivation on worker performance, comparing three related journals. From the analysis results using Wolcoxon test the sign-rank states the variable physiological needs greatly affect the performance of workers with a percentage of 29.49%. Then using the path analysis method stated that the variable actualisation requirement is quite significant to the performance of workers with a percentage of 57.08%. Thereafter, with multiple linear regression methods resulted in a percentage of 29.89% in the variable physiological needs. Based on the analysis of the three related journals, it states that the variables most influential to the worker's performance were the need for an actualisation with an average percentage of influence of 29.02%. The motivation needed to improve the performance of construction workers is the need for selfactualization, physiological needs and social needs.
AH20403, 2021
Faktor internal atau lebih dikenali sebagai faktor dalaman penambahbaikkan produktiviti kerja merupakan salah satu daripada faktor yang mempengaruhi produktiviti samaada produktiviti organisasi ataupun produktiviti pekerja. Keperluan untuk mengambil kira faktor internal menurut kepentingan semasa adalah elemen-elemen yang terkandung di dalam faktor ini sangat berkait rapat dengan penggerak kepada penyumbang ekonomi negara. Seperti pada era pandemik Covid-19 ini, faktor internal mampu mendorong produktiviti kerja dari kekuatan dalaman.
Analisa Faktor Eksternal Dan Internal Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Pada Sektor Konstruksi
Infrastructure construction is very important in a country. The seventh president is improving the infrastructure in Indonesia. At the same time also focus in advancing the Islamic economy in Indonesia. There has been an increase in the infrastructure budget in the last five years, and there are plans to advance the Islamic economic sector at the same time. The increase in the infrastructure budget does not change the number of contractors and is not followed by the amount of financing from Islamic banks. Islamic banks in Indonesia are owned by conventional banks by more than 70%, the indicators differ between the activities of the Islamic and non-Islamic banks. The purpose of this article is to examine the effect of the size of the infrastructure budget, the number of contractors, the number of shares ownership of conventional banks in Islamic banks, profit sharing costs and NPF on the amount of Islamic bank financing of the construction industry. This study used quantitative methods. The results of this study found that the APBN, the number of contractors, the level of profit sharing and the amount of NPF affected the amount of financing but the large number of institutional shares does not affect it. The results of this study are expected to be able to support government programs that are currently focus on improving infrastructure and enhancing the financing from Islamic banks.