Lamella Bernensis: ein spätantikes Goldamulett mit christlichem Exorzismus und verwandte Texte [A late-antique gold amulet with Christian exorcism and related texts] [with Th. Gelzer and Chr. Schäublin] (original) (raw)

Lamellae aureae. Altgriechische Jenseitstexte auf Goldblättchen - Gold leaflets. Ancient Greek texts on gold tablets, relating to the Afterlife and the Netherworld, Silke Hahn - Bakkalaureatsarbeit I, Wien 2012

Bachelor Thesis I, University of Vienna, 2012

In Southern Italy/ Magna Graecia and many find spots across the ancient Greek and Roman world, a peculiar type of grave goods has been retrieved: small inscribed gold tablets, dating from between c. 400 BC to 300 AD. These leaflets were meant to accompany the dead on their journey to the Netherworld as a passport and guide, as the ancient Greek inscriptions state. The owners of such "passports" presumably had Orphic-bacchic background, the content provides information about the ritual context and belief system of their communities. This evidence constitutes a curious material and literary source. Unlike other text sources, the inscribed gold tablets were retrieved and acknowledged relatively late from documented excavations; substantial evidence has been found since the 1970s and still comes to light, so research is still ongoing and comparatively 'young'. Diverse textual categories and levels of significance can be distinguished and analysed. My thesis gives a basic introduction and establishes a critical edition for some selected gold tablets, complete with a German translation. I have compared the tablets with related material and literary sources, e.g. from the Black Sea area (orphic bone tablets) and from Egypt (books of the dead). In a separate chapter, I summarise the current scholarship and on-going research debate. I conclude with an outlook to the future investigation, "further along the path". My supervisor was Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Büttner, M.A. (University of Vienna). This text is written in German language. I have submitted this thesis as Bachelor Thesis I at the University of Vienna, Department of Classical Philology, in June 2012.

Ein letztes Leuchten. Zu spätrömischen Bronzelampen mit mythologischem Figurenschmuck, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 91, 2022, 99–119.

Summary: Based on earlier preliminary work, the author treats in the present paper a number of late Roman bronze lamps with mythological figure decoration, which were previously considered lost. The small number of surviving examples does not allow a complete overview of the original range of themes of this material genre. Together with comparable groups of figures on other bronze devices, such as chariots and folding tables, the lamps discussed here demonstrate a continuing interest in traditional myth imagery. Thus, the figuratively decorated lamp handles prove to be speaking testimonies for the world of thought of the elites of the 3rd and 4th century AD, some of whom still adhered to the old faith for a long time.

Ein ägyptisches Amulett mit Bes-Darstellung aus Arrabona

kam wáhrend der auf dem Terrain der §íaggonfabrik in Győr durchgeführten Ausgrabungen ein kleines Fayenceamulett mit der Darstellung des ágyptischen Gottes Bes aus einem römischen Grab zum Vorschein.1 Die Bedeutung dieses Fundes wird durch die Tatsache deutlich, dass Gegenstánde ágyptischen Ursprungs bzw. solche, die eine ágyptische Beziehung aufweisen, verháltnismáBig selten in Fundzusammenhang aus der römischen Kaiserzeit zum Vorschein kommen, auI dem Gebiet Arrabonas ist dies sogar der etste aus archáologischer Grabung stammende, ágyptische Fund. B es chreibung Grünlich-türkisfarbene Fayence-Kleinplastik, Die Oberfláche ist abgenutzt, zerschlissen,

Ein sog. Lichthäuschen aus dem Liber Pater-Heiligtum in Sarmizegetusa

Sargetia II (XXXVIII) Serie Noua, 2011, 143-154

Sarmizegetusa wurden zwei sogenannte Schornsteintöpfe bzw. Lichthäuschen gefunden: Ein handgeformtes eckiges Stück stammt aus der sog. Basilika (Gebäude EM 24), ein rundes auf der Töpferscheibe gedrehtes aus dem Liber Pater-Tempel. Die Untersuchung der Fundgruppe hinsichtlich Technik, Gebrauchsspuren und Fundkontext zeigt, dass handgeformte Stücke vor allem als Dachaufsatz zu interpretieren sind, die offenbar mit öffentlichen Gebäuden in Zusammenhang stehen. Die runden gedrehten Exemplare wurden oft in Heiligtümern gefunden und könnten eine Rolle im Kult gespielt haben.

Das lateinische Homiliar-Legendar des Dominikanerinnenklosters Marienthal (Bruxelles KBR, Hs. 831-34)

Hémecht. Revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise / Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 2022

The Marienthal homiliarium-legendarium represents a unique example of a Latin hagiographical collection from the early period of the Ordo fratrum Praedicatorum originating from a nunnery. In addition, it is a rare example of a 'traditional' Dominican hagiographical collection unlike the abbreviated collections written during the 13th century by members of the Dominican Order, which redefined the landscape of Latin hagiographical edition. Based on a detailed codicological study as well as an analysis of the texts contained in the legendarium section of the factice codex, this article questions the context of production and use of the book object. A key point is whether the legendarium was the product of a Dominican enterprise or not. The detailed study of the literary tradition of several of the texts also sheds light on the provenance of the collection. As a book belonging to a young female community of the Order, the homiliarium-legendarium also raises questions about the history of the conventual library and of its concrete use by the nuns. Like other manuscripts, it could be linked to the prioress Yolanda of Vianden whose life story is not unlike that of the saints in the legendarium.