Ajay Gandhi, “The Porous and the Pure: An Artifactual History of Ties Between Asia, Europe, and Latin America”, Mecila Working Paper Series, No. 69, (2024) São Paulo: The Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, pp. 1-27. (original) (raw)
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The history of Brazil in its colonial period is characterized by the movement of Asian people, goods, and merchandise radiating from Brazilian ports that received ships via the Carreira da Índia, the main sea route integrating the Portuguese Empire both commercially and politically. Asian memory and imagination were present in the urban centres of the Portuguese American colonies in the form of cultural material before the actual presence of Asians, which began to occur through cycles of immigration into Brazilian lands during the nineteenth century. This article traces the circulation of ivory carvings from Asia into Portuguese America as a way of illustrating the presence of Eastern cultures in the New World, as well as the relevance of the Carreira da Índia to these cultural connections.
Afonso de Albuquerque and the Consumption of Material Culture in the Indian Ocean (1506-1515)
Ana Moás RESUMO PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cultura material, consumos artísticos, arte da expansão, Afonso de Albuquerque Nesta dissertação pretendem-se identificar as práticas de Afonso de Albuquerque enquanto consumidor de arte e avaliar até que ponto são paradigmáticas do seu tempo ou constituem um marco taxativo na periodização do consumo de arte. O governador (entre 1509 e 1515, mas na Ásia desde 1506) do que viria a ser o Estado da Índia teve um papel fundamental enquanto receptor e distribuidor de presentes diplomáticos, mas são também inteligíveis nos textos coevos apontamentos sobre as suas estratégias pessoais de usufruto e exibição de objectos artísticos. O texto explora como eram tomadas as decisões quanto à cultura material num momento de trocas intensas e sem precedentes com a Ásia. Argumenta-se que as práticas alteraram-se significativamente durante o período de governo de Albuquerque, motivadas pela sua (rápida) apreensão da geopolítica asiática. A dissertação divide-se em duas partes.
This book is about Afonso de Albuquerque’s grand dream of creating in Asia a community of people who would be loyal to the Portuguese crown not just politically, but emotionally as well. Albuquerque had conceived a three pronged attack on Goanidentity : conversion to Christianity, annihilation of the native language and the mixing of the blood. Once these three roots of identity - religion, language and race - were severed, Albuquerque expected Goans to be a lost people, naturally gravitating towards a Portuguese identity.
The aim of this essay is to analyse the goals and achievements of the study missions carried out in the Estado da Índia (State of India) during the 1950s, as well as the ensuing propaganda based on an ideological rhetoric promoting the existence of a kind of Lusotropicalism with an Indo-Portuguese strand, also denominated Indo-Lusotropicalism. This was crucial to the aspirations of the Estado Novo's (New State) political propaganda, namely to legitimate Portuguese claims in India, as well as claims to the heritage of Goa, Daman and Diu. In fact, it involved the development of a kind of 'Indo-Portuguese orientalism' within Lusotropicalism, clearly differentiated from other forms of Orientalism in other Western countries. An analysis of the works produced by these study missions confirms how the Estado da Índia was intended to be seen by the world according to the Portuguese dictatorial regime: a territory completely different from India and, by contrast, fully integrated into a Lusotropicalist world entirely connected with Portugal yet still maintaining its own specific characteristics. The distinct scopes of the study missions suggest an analysis organized in different sections within this chapter, according to their respective branches of knowledge.