Anatomical and morphometric studies on the axial skeleton of ostrich (Struthio camelus) (original) (raw)
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Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity (PSP) is a condition most notably found in birds, but that is also present in other saurischian dinosaurs and pterosaurs. In birds, skeletal pneumatization occurs where bones are penetrated by pneumatic diverticula, membranous extensions that originate from air sacs that serve in the ventilation of the lung. Key questions that remain to be addressed include further characterizing (1) the skeletal features that can be used to infer the presence/absence and extent of PSP in birds and non-avian dinosaurs, and (2) the association between vertebral laminae and specific components of the avian respiratory system. Previous work has used vertebral features such as pneumatic foramina, fossae, and laminae to identify/infer the presence of air sacs and diverticula, and to discuss the range of possible functions of such features. Here, we tabulate pneumatic features in the vertebral column of 11 avian taxa, including the flightless ratites and selected members of semi-volant and semi-aquatic Neornithes. We investigate the associations of these osteological features with each other and, in the case of Struthio camelus, with the specific presence of pneumatic diverticula. We find that the mere presence of vertebral laminae does not indicate the presence of skeletal pneumaticity, since laminae are not always associated with pneumatic foramina or fossae. Nevertheless, laminae are more strongly developed when adjacent to foramina or fossae. In addition, membranous air sac extensions and adjacent musculature share the same attachment points on the vertebrae, rendering the use of such features for reconstructing respiratory soft tissue features ambiguous. Finally, pneumatic diverticula attach to the margins of laminae, foramina, and/or fossae prior to their intraosseous course. Similarities in PSP distribution among the examined taxa are concordant with their phylogenetic interrelationships. The possible functions of PSP are discussed in brief, based upon variation in the extent of PSP between taxa with differing ecologies.
Morphometric studies on the appendicular bony skeleton of the ostriches (Struthio Camelus)
BMC Veterinary Research
Background Morphometric study of the bony elements of the appendicular skeleton in the ostrich was fully described and identified. The appendicular skeleton included the bones of the pectoral girdle, the wing, the pelvic girdle and the pelvic limb. Results The shoulder girdle of the ostrich included the scapula and coracoid bones. The scapula appeared as a flattened spoon-like structure. The coracoid bone appeared quadrilateral in outline. The mean length of the scapula and coracoid (sternal wing) were 15.00 ± 0.23 and 10.00 ± 0.17 cm, respectively. The wing included the humerus, ulna, radius, radial carpal bone, ulnar carpal bone, carpometacarpus and phalanges of three digits. The mean length of the humerus, radius, and ulna were 33.00 ± 0.46, 10.50 ± 0.40 and 11.50 ± 0.29 cm respectively. The carpometacarpus was formed by the fusion of the distal row of carpal bones and three metacarpal bones. Digits of the wing were three in number; the alular, major and minor digits. Os coxae co...
Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity (PSP) is a condition most notably found in birds, but that is also present in other saurischian dinosaurs and pterosaurs. In birds, skeletal pneumatization occurs where bones are penetrated by pneumatic diverticula, membranous extensions that originate from air sacs that serve in the ventilation of the lung. Key questions that remain to be addressed include further characterizing (1) the skeletal features that can be used to infer the presence/absence and extent of PSP in birds and non-avian dinosaurs, and (2) the association between vertebral laminae and specific components of the avian respiratory system. Previous work has used vertebral features such as pneumatic foramina, fossae, and laminae to identify/infer the presence of air sacs and diverticula, and to discuss the range of possible functions of such features. Here, we tabulate pneumatic features in the vertebral column of 11 avian taxa, including the flightless ratites and selected members ...
Anatomic Particularities of Pelvin Muscularity – African Ostrich ( Struthio Camelus )
Even though specialty literature includes a series of publications regarding the muscles of pelvic limb of the African ostrich, there are still a couple of aspects that aren’t entirely understood. Therefore, a series of differences in regards to the insertions of the pectineus muscle and ambiens muscle can be described, as well as the usage of different terminology for the identification of the cranial muscles of the thigh. This study, conducted on 10 african ostriches of different ages and sexes, realized through classic methods and macroscopic investigations, aims to conduct a detailed anatomization of pelvic muscles, more precisely of the muscles whose topography is adjacent to the pelvic region. The nomenclature used was in concordance with the Nomina Anatomica Avium 1993, although this study also suggests other naming options, which from our point of view better reflect the morphological and topographical realities.
Axial and appendicular pneumaticity in Archaeopteryx
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2000
From the time of its discovery in 1860 to this day Archaeopteryx has been essential to our understanding of avian evolution. Despite the great diversity of plesiomorphic avialan (sensu Gauthier 1986) taxa discovered within the last decade, Archaeopteryx remains the most basal avialan taxon. A very unusual feature of extant birds is their lung structure, in which air diverticulae penetrate the bones. This has previously been reported in Archaeopteryx as well, in the cervical vertebrae of the Berlin specimen and in an anterior thoracal vertebra of the Eichsta« tt specimen. This indicates the presence of a cervical air sac. We show that the London specimen also has pneumatized anterior thoracal vertebrae, and, thus, that this feature was present in the most archaic avialans, as the London and Eichsta« tt specimens are di¡erent species. Furthermore, the pelvis of the London specimen shows clear signs of the presence of an abdominal air sac, indicating that at least two of the ¢ve air sacs present in modern birds were also present in Archaeopteryx. Evidence of pubic pneumaticity was also found in the same position in some extant ratites.
Innervation of the Pelvic Limb of the Adult Ostrich (Struthio camelus)
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 2010
The pelvic limb of the ostrich is innervated by the lumbar and sacral plexuses. The lumbar plexus gave rise to several nerves (N.s) including, N. coxalis cranialis, lateral and cranial femoral cutaneous N.s, N. femoralis, cranial, caudal and medial crural cutaneous N.s, and N. obturatorius. The remaining nerves emanated from the sacral plexus. The N. iliotibial, N. ischiofemoralis, N. iliofibularis, and N. coxae caudalis were distributed in the thigh, while the N. ischiadica, which terminated as the tibial and fibular N.s that innervated the leg and foot. The tibial N. gave rise to the parafibular N. then divided to form the Nn. suralis medialis and lateralis. The N. suralis medialis continued as the N. metatarsalis plantaris medialis. The parafibular N. continued as the N. plantaris lateralis, which terminated as the R. digitalis of the fourth digit. The fibular N. terminated as the superficial and deep fibular N.s. The superficial fibular N. continued as the N. metatarsalis dorsalis lateralis and divided into two digital N.s to the third and fourth digits. The deep fibular N. crossed the ankle joint and continued as the N. metatarsalis dorsalis medialis that continued as the R. digitalis of the third digit. In general, the innervation of the pelvic limb of the ostrich was similar to the pelvic limbs of several different species of domesticated birds, including the chicken. We discuss the few differences as well as appropriate sites to perform nerve blocks for the lateral and medial dorsal and the lateral plantar N.s.
Hindlimb Skeletal Morphology of the Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagridis)
Folia veterinaria, 2023
The Guinea fowl (Numida meleagridis) is a semi-domestic bird whose commercial popularity is on the increase. The gross anatomy of the hindlimbs of 8 helmeted Guinea fowls of equal sexes were studied. The pubic shafts were free, thus they did not fuse ventrally to form a symphysis. The ilium had a quadrilateral and roughly triangular pre and post acetabular wings, respectively. A conspicuous renal fossa was observed in the post acetabular wing. An incomplete concentric obturator foramen, lacking a caudal margin, was formed by the ventral border of the ischium and dorsal border of the cranial pubic shaft, while a prominent ischiopubic fissure was formed by the same bones, caudally. The incomplete concentric nature of the obturator foramen created a common space between it and the ischiopubic fissure. The femoral major trochanter was more proximal than the head, while the minor trochanter and the head were on the same horizontal level. The femur lacked a visible pneumatic foramen. The tibiotarsus had a prominent cranial cnemial crest. The fibular spine terminated at the tibia mid-shaft, leaving one interosseous space. An intertarsal sesamoid bone was identified, indicative of an adult skeleton. Crests and channels depicted the hypotarsus. Vascular foramen was identified in the distal extremity of the tibiotarsus. Digit I was oriented to the planter direction.
Journal of Morphology, 2007
The gross morphology and the flexibility along the neck of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) were examined using fresh tissue as well as neck skeletons. The results of the morphologic studies were compared with results from observations of living ostriches. The investigation was focused on differences in the morphology and the function between different sections of the neck. Additionally, the function of major dorsal neck ligaments was examined, including measurements of forcestrain-relations. Comparative studies of giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) and camels (Camelus bactrianus) were conducted to find relations between the flexibility along the neck and the general feeding strategy. The examinations revealed that the neck of the ostrich can be divided into four sections with different functions. The first is the atlas-axis-complex which is responsible for torsion. The adjacent cranial section of the neck is flexible in dorsoventral and lateral directions but this part of the neck is usually kept straight at rest and during feeding. Dorsoventral flexibility is highest in the middle section of the neck, whereas the base of the neck is primarily used for lateral excursions of the neck. For giraffes and camels, the posture and utilization of the neck are also reflected in the flexibility of the neck. For all three species, it is possible to reconstruct the pattern of flexibility of the neck by using the neck skeletons alone. Therefore, it appears reasonable to reconstruct the neck utilization and the feeding strategies of dinosaurs with long necks by deriving the flexibility of the neck from preserved vertebrae. For Diplodocus carnegii the neck posture and the feeding strategy were reconstructed. Two neck regions, one around the 9th neck vertebra and the second at the base of the neck, indicate that Diplodocus, like the ostrich, adopted different neck postures. The neck was probably kept very low during feeding. During interruptions of the feeding, e.g., in an alert, the head could have been lifted in an economic way by raising the cranial section of the neck. During standing and locomotion the head was probably located well above the shoulders.