Evaluation of Applicants for Employment in Higher Education: A Faculty Search Committee's Results and Recommendations (original) (raw)
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Attracting highly qualified faculty is a matter of importance to metropolitan universities. Faculty hiring is a significant activity on any campus, but at many institutions facing declining resources, faculty hires now offer particularly precious opportunities to strengthen departments and reinforce areas of institutional priority. Although the results of faculty hiring processes have significant impacts on universities, many of the processes related to this activity have been the subject of relatively modest detailed examination. While this issue of Metropolitan Universities focuses on faculty hiring and success, it is not a comprehensive study of faculty hiring. The articles in this issue offer perspectives about how candidate and faculty expectations, along with institutional resources and processes, can impact the longterm success of those hired to teach on our campuses.
Departmental Search Committees and the Evaluation of Faculty Applicants
Teaching of Psychology - TEACH PSYCHOL, 2004
We surveyed directors of departmental search committees eN = 89) to ascertain which criteria have the most value in the faadty applicant selection proceSs. Respondents used several methodologi.cal techniques; including rank order, agreement, and importance scale questions. Results indicated that match or lit with department is the most important criterion in applicant selection, followed by
General Instructions for all programs : 1) Walk-in interviews are not allowed. 2) GTU will depute more than one V. C. nominee in case of more than 30 candidates in a day. 3) Only those candidates are eligible whose result has been declared without any backlog before last date of application in published advertisement. 4) Provisional degree certificate shall be valid for endorsement only for the post of Assistant Professor/Lecturer. Notification is acceptable for PH. D. degree till the submission of final degree certificate. 5) If university finds any invalid documents; endorsement shall be withdrawn. Such a person will not be eligible for appointment in any GTU affiliated college. That person will be blacklisted on GTU website and legal actions can be initiated against that person by the university. 6) Ad-hoc teaching experience shall be considered subject to submission of Salary slip, IT return, teaching experience letter, relieving order (if applicable). 7) Self employment experience shall not be considered for appointment/endorsement. (A) ADVERTISEMENT: The Institute has to publish detailed advertisement for the interview in at least all over Gujarat editions like Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Bhuj of one leading Guajarati news paper and one English news paper. The minimum size should be 100 sq. cm. The advertisement must consist of c o u r s e / p r o g r a m m e , designation(s), no. of vacancies, date, time, venue & description of eligibility criteria. Last date must be mentioned in published advertisement. The advertisement should also be uploaded on the institute website. (Note : Age, qualification & eligibility criteria must be considered as per mentioned last date of advertisement.) (B) SELECTION COMMITTEE: For Director / Principal : (a) The selection Committee for the post of College Principal shall have the following composition:-o Chairperson of the Governing body as a Chairperson. o Two members of the Governing Body of the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of whom one shall be an expert in academic administration. o ONE nominee of the Vice Chancellor who shall be a higher education expert. o Three external experts consisting of the Principal of a college, a Professor and an accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the Governing Body of the College) out of a panel of six experts approved by the relevant statutory body of the university. (b) At least five members, including two experts, should constitute the quorum. (c) All the selection procedures of the selection committee shall be completed on the day of the selection committee meeting itself, wherein minutes are recorded along with the scoring Performa and recommendation made on the basis of merit with the list of selected and waitlisted candidates/panel of names in order of merit, duly signed by all members of the selection committee.
For questions regarding your Di vi sion 16 mem ber ship including address chang es and sub scrip tion inquiries for The School Psychology Quarterly and The School Psy chol o gist, write the Di vi sion 16 Ad min is tra tive Office, Division Services Office, Amer i can Psy cho log i cal As so ci a tion, 750 First St., N.E., Wash ing ton, D.C. 20002-4242, call (202) 336-6013 or send your inquiry via fac sim i le machine to (202) 336-5919. For change of address: APA/Di vi sion 16 Mem bers need only send one change of address no ti fi ca tion to the APA Di rec to ry Office at the APA ad dress listed above. Di vi sion 16 Student Af fil i ate Mem bers should send no ti fi ca tion to the APA Di vi sion Ser vic es Office.
Business Ethics and Leadership, 2021
This qualitative descriptive study explored what community college administrators and faculty described as being effective recruitment and retention methods for faculty at community colleges in the Northeastern United States. This study answered two research questions: what recruitment methods do administrators and American faculty at community colleges describe as being effective in the recruitment of American faculty? Also, what retention methods do administrators and American faculty at community colleges describe as being effective in the retention of American faculty? The researcher applied critical race theory to form a framework for best practices in recruiting and retaining American faculty. Data were obtained by interviewing six American faculty and surveying seven community college administrators employed at Massachusetts community colleges who were selected using purposive sampling and community college online staff directories. Using MAXQDA data analysis software, the researcher-initiated data analysis using thematic analysis. Data were organized and analyzed to identify codes, categories, and themes. Data analysis resulted in six themes: hiring processes, faculty diversity, recruitment strategies, work environment, student and faculty relationships, and retention strategies. The findings of this study can benefit community college personnel by recommending recruitment and retention strategies to effectively recruit and retain American faculty. There was limited research and data available related to the recruitment and retention of African American male faculty at community colleges. The faculty and administrator participants of this study provided rich data on effective recruitment and retention methods for African American male faculty at community colleges. The critical race theory theoretical framework was summarized. Theoretical and practical implications emerged. Based on the data and new insights, implications for future research were discussed.