The Quality of Inpatient Health Services at Mamajang Health Center, Makassar City (original) (raw)

Analysis of the Quality of Inpatient Health Services at Medan Haji General Hospital

Contagion: Scientific Periodical Journal of Public Health and Coastal Health

Currently the hospital is innovating to increase the level of patient satisfaction indicators which are still a problem in the quality of health services. The purpose of this research is to raise issues related to the quality of inpatient services at RSU Haji Medan. The method used is descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional study design, namely through a sample of 189 people taken from 9818 populations through calculations using a categorical descriptive formula and drawn by purposive sampling, data collection is carried out based on direct interviews using a questionnaire instrument adopted from RISKESNAS Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia, after the survey was conducted, the data were analyzed by means of frequency and central distribution, statistical tests using the Spearman rho correlation, multiple linear regression. The results showed that the average patient was still in the dissatisfied category (mean = 150.79), the Spearman rho test stated that there was a re...

Analysis Of Patient Service Quality At Kimia Farma Pettarani Clinic

International Journal of Management and Business Economics

The analysis of the quality of patient service on Chemical Farma Cabang Clinic Pettarani. Thesis study Program Management Faculty of Economics and business of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. Guided by Tutors and Mentors Jusriadi Edi I II Muhammad Nur Abdi. The purpose of this research is "to know and analyze the quality of service to our satisfaction the patient on Clinic branch Farma Pettarani Chemistry". This research uses descriptive analysis with using this type of qualitative data, where data based on the data expressed in the form of a description of the information are obtained from the results of qualitative interviews. The results showed that patients feel satisfied in Clinical Chemistry against Farma Pettarani because of the speed and ketanggapan nurses as well as doctors in serving them Besides good greetings as well as manners also became a benchmark of patients to come back on the medication the clinic. Patient satisfaction factors to the quality of m...

The Analysis of Inpatients Satisfaction on Service Quality at Rumah Sakit Respira


Background: Health service quality is the level of perfection of health services that organized in accordance with the code of ethics and service standards, so as to give satisfaction for each patient. According to data report in 2016 at RS Respira Yogyakarta, the most of inpatients diagnosis is COPD, which is as much as 117. This study aims to determine the level of inpatientssatisfaction in the Pulmonology Department at RS Respira Yogyakarta. Method: Research mix method with case study design. Quantitative samples are questionnaires (March April 2017, n = 8). Qualitative samples are lung specialists, nurses, nutritionists and people who are involved in patient satisfaction with purposive sampling technique. Results and Discussion: Aspect Input: There is inpatients satisfaction at RS Respira Yogyakarta. This hospital takes a role in the quality of health services. One way is to provide the amount of equipment in Inpatient Installation according to the needs of patients, both in qua...

Measuring the Quality of Health Services in Lattakia Province Patients' Perspective (Field Study of Health Centers in Jableh City)

Journal of Social Economics Research, 2016

This study aims to measure the quality of health services provided in Lattakia province (Jableh city) from beneficiaries' perspective, the study sample group is chosen from the families who visited health centers in Jableh during the current crisis across the country. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach, a questionnaire was designed and distributed between families who benefited from provided health services in order to measure the quality of provided health services in the mentioned centers. The sample consists of 1100 questionnaire which is about 10% of the sample study group, using random sampling principle, and in order to measure the quality of health services the researcher used the satisfaction of health services beneficiaries model. The data was studied and analyzed using SPSS program. Data analysis showed that health services centers in Jableh city lack quality, depending on the Dimensions of Quality Health Services (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, credibility and safety) from the perspective of the beneficiaries of the provided services. Contribution/ Originality: This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the measurement of beneficiaries' satisfaction with health services provided at Jableh health centers.

Analysis of the Effect of Health Service Quality on Patients in the Inpatient Room of Haji Hospital Medan


The hospital is one of the institutions engaged in health services. The main indicator of the standard of a health facility and is a measure of the quality of service, low customer satisfaction will have an impact on the number of visits that will affect the profitability of health facilities. This study aims to determine the effect of quality and the dominant variables that affect service on patient satisfaction at the Haji-Medan Hospital in 2020. The quantitative research was conducted through an analytical survey research approach with a cross sectional study approach. Testing through logistic regression on the independent variables, namely; Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangible from the respondents' questionnaire data as many as 80 samples. The results showed that service quality had a significant effect on patient satisfaction from four variables, namely; reliability p value 0.020 (p < 0.05), responsiveness p value 0.038 (p < 0.05), empathy p va...

Quality Analysis of Service Program Services National Health on Satisfaction Patients in Public Hospital Mimika District Mimika\_Vol.3\_Issue.3\_July2018/IJSHR\_Abstract.006.html, 2018

Background: Mimika Hospital in Mimika Regency is the only hospital owned by the local government which is the reference for advanced health services for patients including JKN participants in Mimika Regency. Patient satisfaction with service is satisfied in tangible dimension, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, assurance and empathy. Research Objectives: Analyze the health service program for patients in Mimika General Hospital of Mimika Regency. Methods: Descriptive analytic design with cross sectional study. The study was conducted in May 2018 in Mimika Hospital in Mimika Regency. The population are JKN patients who have visited 3 times in Mimika Hospital in Mimika Regency and the number of samples is 210 people. Data obtained using questionnaire and analysis using Chi square and logistic binary regression. Results: There is a relationship between outpatient program of JKN toward patient satisfaction is tangible (p-value 0,000 <α = 0,05), reliability (p-value 0,005 <α = 0,05), responsiveness (p-value 0.005 <α = 0.05), assurance (p-value 0,000 <α = 0,05), empathy (p-value 0.001 <α = 0.05). The assurance and empathy in the service quality of the JKN program is dominant factor on the patients satisfaction in Mimika Hospital in Mimika Regency

The Relationship of Patient Satisfaction Level with the Quality of Health Services in Oka Public Health Center, Larantuka District, Timur Flores Regency

East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences

The term “health” refers to a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being that enables people to function effectively in both the social and economic spheres. Since everyone's health is related to other things, it is very important that people have access to high quality health care. One of the ways that Puskesmas, which stands for Community Health Services, works to provide the best level of public health in its area is by prioritizing activities that promote and prevent disease. In the context of health services, quality refers to the ability of health services to meet the needs and expectations of all consumers in accordance with professional standards and ethical principles. One month was spent at the Oka Health Center for examinations. Patients at the Oka Health Center were asked to rate their satisfaction with the level of service they received. A cross-sectional study was used in conjunction with quantitative methods in this study. This study used ...

Quality of Health Service Outpatient Unit UPT Puskesmas Ciputat Timur Tahun 2019

Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding, 2021

One of the SDGs targets in achieving UHC is increasing access to quality essential health services. Puskesmas is the front line in providing essential health services in the community. However, several complaints were still found in the health services provided, which also decreased public access to the Puskesmas. This study aims to determine the quality of outpatient health services at the UPT Puskesmas Ciputat Timur in 2019. This research is an evaluation study using a descriptive-analytical survey method with a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional study design. The sample determination was based on the Probability Proportionate to Size sampling technique with a total sample of 341 samples according to the sample table from Krejcie and Morgan. Data were collected using a questionnaire with two methods of measuring service quality, namely Servqual and Community Satisfaction Index, and using univariate data analysis. The results of this study stated that outpatient satisfact...

Analysis Of Health Care Quality Evaluation Of Patient Satisfaction In Health District Genyemdistrik Nimboran Jayapura

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2017

Health development aims to provide the widest opportunity for the community, and the government has also provided some means or health facilities that can be used by the community in order to Obtain optimal health status and it is manifested Among other things by building health centers throughout Indonesia, This study aims to identify and evaluate the quality of health services performed by health workers to the satisfaction of Patients undergoing treatment at the health center Genyem. This study to analyze the description of the variable quality of services that include: physical evidence, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy at the health center in simultaan Genyem and partially significant to satisfaction of Patients in health centers Genyem. The Data in this study were Directly Obtained by distributing questionnaires that have been provided. Multiple linear regression analysis to control classical assumption (normality, autorelation and multikolioneritas) Became the main models chosen in research, having escaped the validity and reliability of the instrument can be concluded: 1. Quality of service include: physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy in health center Genyem got good perception of the patient; 2. Variable physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy simultaneously (together-the same) Significantly Affects patient satisfaction; 3. Based on the SWOT analysis, found the barriers-barriers faced by PHC Chief and Health Officer in terms of improving patient satisfaction and Formulated a strategy-a strategy that can be applied to improve patient satisfaction.

The Relationship between Health Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction at the Labanan Health Center, Teluk Bayur District Berau District

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2023

One significant effort to increase Indonesia's health sector competitiveness is to improve health services' quality. Efforts to improve the quality of health services are challenging because health services are carried out starting from the sub-health center, main health center, and hospital. These health facilities must provide full service to patients to feel well served. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the quality of health services and patient satisfaction at the Labanan Public Health Center, Teluk Bayur Sub District, Berau Regency. This research method uses a quantitative descriptive-analytic approach with a correlational type of research. The data analysis technique uses the chi-square statistic test. This research was conducted at the Labanan Public Health Center, Teluk Bayur Sub District, Berau Regency, with a total sample of 124 respondents. The study results showed that 46 respondents (63.9%) stated that the service quality was excellent and satisfied with the services at the Labanan Public Health Center. In comparison, 23 respondents (44.2%) stated that the service quality was excellent and dissatisfied. Meanwhile, 26 respondents (36.1%) noted that the quality of service was not good. Still, they were satisfied with the quality of service at the Labanan Public Health Center. Twenty-nine respondents (55.8%) said the service quality was not good. From the results of statistical tests (p-value = 0.008 <0.05).