Analysis of Micro-Credentials Implementation Opportunities in Ukraine and Other European Countries (original) (raw)
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Рашкевич, Ю., Cемигіна, Т. (2022). Мікрокваліфікації (micro-credentials) і розвиток освітніх систем. Педагогічна компаративістика і міжнародна освіта 2022: матеріали VІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конференції / Ін-т педагогіки НАПН України (с. 229-233). Київ-Тернопіль: Крок
Chinese social credit system: key features and possibility of using in Ukraine
Socio-Economic Research Bulletin, 2021
The article considers the key features of the social credit (rating) system implementation and functioning, which is the main tool for digitalization of Chinese society, and in the future is considered by the Chinese authorities as a basic mechanism of electronic government. The historical retrospective of the phenomenon of social rating emergence and development, which was later transformed into social credit, is presented. Attention is paid to the differences in the implementation and functioning of the social credit system, depending on regional characteristics. The participants in the social credit system and the main mechanisms for collecting information for the social credit level formation, including through the mandatory use of specially designed ID-cards, and recently the almost widespread use of the verification for a person by face, have been determined. Despite the position of the Chinese authorities, according to which the use of the social credit system is successful, ...
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Trends of Microfinancing in Russia
Baikal Research Journal, 2018
Against the background of tightening requirements to the banking sector and globalization of the economy, microfinance becomes an important stake of the countrys financial market. Currently, there appears a high-level need for borrowed resources by small and medium-sized businesses, individual entrepreneurs and the consumers, which creates a demand to be met only by microfinance organizations in case of bank rejections. The article examines the concept and specificity of the microfinance organization activities, considers their functions and the history of appearance in Russia. It makes an analysis of the market microfinancing dynamics at the present stage and substantiates the main trends of its further development. In accordance with the analysis carried out, it specifies and substantiates the problems inherent to the microfinancing activity and offers the way of their solution implementation of which will allow to gain stable development of the microfinancing market and to increa...
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Legal regulation of Fintech in Ukraine and The European Union
Current Trends in the Development of Scientific Research in Today's Conditions, 2024
Fintech technologies have achieved great success in expanding access to payment services in some countries of the world. They are used by major digital platforms to fill gaps in the traditional payment system. More and more companies around the world are embracing Fintech and moving to the latest technologies that can lead to significant efficiency gains in the financial sector, including payments, financing, investments, asset management and insurance. However, they can also pose risks to the stability and integrity of the financial system, especially when they operate outside the scope of financial regulation and supervision. Every country in the world is unique, each country has its own legislation and its own approach to legal regulation of Fintech. There are countries that are only watching how Fintech develops in other countries, but in their own countries they are not doing anything to develop Fintech. There are countries that allow the development of Fintech in their countries, go to meet new business models and implement into the existing legislation of the country norms that allow for financial regulation and supervision of Fintech. Currently, there is no single legal act in the world that would regulate Fintech in absolutely all countries. Just as there is no single tax code in the world, there cannot be a single regulatory act regulating Fintech, because each country has its own legislation, traditions, culture, etc., so the approach to Fintech in each country is individual.
Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2021
У статті з’ясовано досвід фінансування освіти в окремих країнах Європейського Союзу та можливість його використання у теперішніх реаліях України. Використовуючи праці зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених, виявлено особливості розвитку освітніх процесів та запропоновано комплексні напрями використання цього досвіду, які включають суб’єктів використання досвіду, нормативно-правову базу, виконання аналізу фінансування освіти у країнах Європейського Союзу та в Україні а також формування схем, моделей впровадження цього досвіду в Україні. Особливий акцент зроблено на порівнянні основних критеріїв фінансування освіти в країнах Європейського Союзу та України.
E-government in Ukraine and EU Problems of European Integration.doc
Сподівання на відродження України як незалежної та сильної держави та партнерські відносини у межах європейського простору тісно пов'язані з впровадженням інформаційних технологій, з розповсюдженими лозунгами про розвиток електронних демократії і урядування. Світ вступає у цифрову епоху, технології змінюються з надзвичайною швидкістю, і переваги, що ними надаються, незалежним засобам масової інформації, опозиційним політичним силам, громадським активістам, пересічним громадянам можуть підірвати основи авторитарних і тоталітарних режимів, мають безсумнівний позитивний ефект для свободи та демократії.