"Kepemimpinan Timotius: Menyelami Dinamika Kepemimpinan Dalam Konteks Gereja Modern" (original) (raw)

Pola Kepemimpinan Paulus Di Korintus Sebagai Refleksi Gereja Masa Kini

Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen, 2022

The church is body of Christ that consist of peoples that exspressed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Those believers set their life central in a community called church, it's an organism structure as organization. How church live their daily life and conduct their behavior as a Christian is a very important matter. As a community and as if an organization the churches of God they should have God's characters and qualities. Corinthians church is an example of the churches now's days. It has the complexity and the attitude that similar with the struggling of the situation and the members of the church. How churches leaders now have the same problems with Paul in his time with the Corinthians is very amazing. Paul has given to the churches today a direction and an example to be Christian religious leaders. His letters, 1 and 2 Corinthians are a guide to all Christian leaders to handle God's sheeps with care and love, as God to us, as Paul to them, to solve many problems and struggles in the ministries for the world today.

Kepemimpinan Yesus Sebagai Acuan Bagi Kepemimpinan Gereja Masa Kini

Jurnal Jaffray, 2018

This article compares the leadership model of Jesus with those of the formal prominent leaders in his time. Rooted in a deep spiritual relationship with his Father, and moved by a compassionate heart, Jesus' leadership challenges today's church leadership practices in Indonesia which is marked by either institutional centralization, absolute local autonomy, or traditionalism.

Mengembangkan Budaya Kepemimpinan berdasarkan Titus 1:5 Menilik Gereja Masa Kini

EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi

This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in the world according to the presbyter while its relevance to the progress of today's church organizations. Various challenges and contemporary conversations seem to be obstacles to the dynamics of ecclesiastical ministry. The author implements the expression in Titus 1:5 as a text of validity coinciding the main invention for that exposition. The methodology used by the author in this study uses a literature study of the literature that is correlated with the subject to study and explore in developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 looking at the leadership of church elders today. In the context of the Bible, the position of elder as a person in charge in the midst of the congregation is not creating a hierarchy in Christian leadership, but as elders who protect, guard, and fortify the congregation from heresy. By reflecting that developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 is a gift from God, whatever the duties and functions, they are still accountable to God in carrying out the ministry.

Kepemimpinan Kristen Berdasarkan 1 Timotius 3:1-7

Jurnal Teruna Bakhti, 2019

This article examines Christian leadership with integrity based on 1 Timothy 3: 1-7. This study departs from the condition of the leaders, both church leaders and leaders in general. Some leaders are no longer a figure or role model for their own families, people they lead and even society in general. With that problem, the authors describe the leader who is an example for everyone. The method used is a qualitative method. Based on the study conducted by the author, there are two important things that need to be learned, namely Leadership Model is without blemish, husband of one wife, can hold back, polite, wise, likes to give a ride, and inspires many people including the servants in Church. Furthermore, the leader has a good name inside and outside the congregation. This is evident from the activities of the leader himself. Therefore, this paper is a study of Christian leadership that highlights all aspects of the life of Christian leaders not only in the Church but in society. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji tentang kepemimpinan Kristen yang berintegritas berdasarkan 1 Timotius 3:1-7. Kajian ini berangkat dari kondisi para pemimpin, baik pemimpin gereja maupun pemimpin pada umumnya. Beberapa pemimpin tidak lagi menjadi figur atau teladan bagi keluarganya sendiri, orang yang dipimpinnya bahkan masyarakat pada umumnya. Dengan persoalan itu maka, penulis memaparkan tentang pemimpin yang menjadi teladan bagi semua orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, maka ada dua hal penting yang perlu dipelajari, yakni Keteladanan pemimpin itu tidak bercacat, suami dari satu istri, dapat menahan diri, sopan, bijaksana, suka memberi tumpangan, dan menginspirasi banyak orang termasuk para pelayan-pelayan di Gereja. Selanjutanya, pemimpin itu memiliki nama baik di dalam dan di luar jemaat. Hal ini nampak dari aktiftas pemimpin itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini merupakan studi kepemimpinan Kristen yang menyoroti seluruh aspek kehidupan pemimpin Kristen bukan hanya di dalam Gereja tetapi dalam masyarakat. Kata Kunci: integritas; kepemimpinan Kristen; keteladanan pemimpin; Timotius 1. Pendahuluan Argumen kuat untuk spiritualitas di tempat kerja dan kepemimpinan spiritual, model ilmiah yang menempatkan kepemimpinan spiritual dalam paradigma Yahudi-Kristen. Bahkan, banyak yang mengecam kelangkaan pekerjaan di bidang ini, yang menghubungkan ide-ide kepemimpinan berbasis Alkitab dengan pendekatan ilmiah sosial untuk kepemimpinan. Meskipun minat yang semakin besar dalam pendekatan spiritual dan pendekatan berbasis kepemimpinan. Perhatian khusus adalah kepemimpinan spiritual telah

Sinergitas Pemimpin Gereja Menuju Kepemimpinan Transformatif di Era Disruptif

Jurnal Teruna Bhakti, 2024

Synergistic leadership is one of the keys to success in building an organization. Despite this, a leader is often associated with seniority or gender status. Still, in the current era of disruption, the stigma of leadership based on seniority and gender must be eliminated because today's leaders place more emphasis on personal competence. To achieve remarkable goals, church leaders must build leadership that synergizes with subordinates, such as church ministers. The synergy referred to here is the collaboration of leadership teams between generations and genders. This study aims to explore the benefits of leadership synergy in an organization and provide direction for leaders on building optimal leadership synergy. Use literature reviews (books and journals) to analyze leadership synergies, transformative leaders, and technological disruption. The author proposes several steps to build leadership synergy to be optimal, including shepherds, creating a clear framework regarding the duties and responsibilities of each leader; generations of leaders respect each other's roles and authorities, strengthen communication in an attitude of mutual respect, and respect; establish a shared vision, mission, and goals; Develop a culture of collaborative work between leaders.

Mencetak Kepemimpinan Kristen Berkompeten Melalui Keteladaan Kepemimpinan Yesus Untuk Masa Depan Gereja

Artikel ini meneliti konsep kepemimpinan yang berkompeten dalam konteks gereja, dengan fokus pada teladan kepemimpinan Yesus. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan yang berkompeten dalam gereja harus didasarkan pada komitmen, kasih, kerendahan hati, dan kesediaan untuk melayani. Artikel ini menganalisis bagaimana teladan Yesus dalam hal rela menderita tanpa malu, kasih, kesediaan melayani, dan kerendahan hati dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi para pemimpin gereja untuk mengembangkan kepemimpinan yang berkompeten. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan Yesus tidak hanya relevan dalam konteks keagamaan tetapi juga dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, menciptakan pemimpin yang tidak hanya efektif dalam mencapai tujuan tetapi juga transformatif dalam mempengaruhi kehidupan orang lain.

Sosialisasi Kepemimpinan Milenial Berdasarkan Surat 1 Petrus 5:1-2 Dan Relevansinya Bagi Gereja Masa Kini

REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

The shepherd is a leader in the style of leadership offered by Jesus to his followers. This concept has been almost forgotten by some church leaders because today's church is more likely to be more inclined. The shepherd as a leader is a pattern of leadership that must be applied in Christian leadership, as Peter said in his writings 1 Peter 5:1-2 how a shepherd's attitude and responsibilities to the people led. The shepherd as a leader must be able to lead willingly, lead with devotion and be an example.AbstrakGembala sebagai pemimpin adalah gaya kepemimpinan yang ditawarkan oleh Yesus kepada pengikutnya. Konsep ini sudah hampir dilupakan oleh beberapa pemimpin gereja, karena gereja zaman sekarang lebih cenderung kesekuralisme. Gembala sebagai pemimpin merupakan satu pola kepimpinan yang harus diterapkan dalam kepemimpinan Kristen, seperti yang dikatakan Petrus dalam tulisannya 1 Petrus 5:1-2 bagaimana sikap dan tanggungjawab seorang gembala kepada umat yang dipimpin. Gemba...

Kepemimpinan Gembala jemaat di era modern

Kepemimpinan gembala jemaat memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga pertumbuhan jemaat dihadapkan pada tantangan yang semakin rumit, seperti perkemvbangan teknologi, keragaman budaya, serta perubahan sosial yang cepat. Tulisan ini mengkaji bagaimana kepemimpinan gembala jemaat berstrasformasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umat masa kini, tanpa mengesampingkan nilainilai Alkitab. Pendekatan pastoral yang fleksibel penuh empati dan berbasis komunitas menjadi Solusi utama dalam menghadapi berbagai persoalan. Melalui perpaduan antara kebijakan tradisional dan modern kepemimpinan gembala berperan penting dalam menjaga relevansi gereja dan mendorong partisipasi aktif umat dalam kehidupan spiritual mereka. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan gembala jemaat. Abstrak The leadership of the congregation's pastor has an important role in maintaining the growth of the congregation in the face of increasingly complex challenges, such as technological developments, cultural diversity, and rapid social change.This paper examines how pastoral leadership is transforming to meet the needs of today's congregation, without neglecting biblical values.A flexible, empathetic, and community-based pastoral approach is the main solution in dealing with various problems.Through a combination of traditional and modern policies, pastoral leadership plays an important role in maintaining the relevance of the church and encouraging active participation of the congregation in their spiritual life. Pendahuluan Era modern membawa perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk dalam kehidupan beragama. Jemaat di era modern diperhadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan baru sehingga membutuhkan kepemimpinan yang efektif dan adaptif dari seorang gembala jemaat. Karena itu, kepemimpinan gembala jemaat harus menyadari perlunya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip tertentu dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab demi tercapainya pertumbuhan iman menuju kedewasaan rohani jemaat di dalam Yesus Kristus.

Memaknai Ulang Panca Tugas Pemimpin Menurut 2 Timotius 4:1-5 Sebagai Pedoman Bagi Kepemimpinan Kristen Masa Kini

EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership

In this era of disruption in which the world is undergoing massive changes in all fields that change the entire fabric of people's lives, Christian leadership is also experiencing challenges. A Christian leader is also required to be sensitive to the present. A Christian leader must be realistic in facing various challenges. This article will examine what the duties of a church leader are as a responsibility in his leadership to face the challenges of the times in the form of unhealthy teaching that attacks the life of the congregation. The author bases his study on the five duties of a leader in 2 Timothy 4:1-5. The method that the author uses in the presentation of this article is a descriptive qualitative method with a text analysis approach and literature study. Based on biblical analysis, it can be concluded that the five duties of a leader in facing the challenge of unhealthy teachings in the congregation, so that leaders can help the congregation in maintaining their faith in the midst of today's era of disruption. Abstrak: Di era disrupsi ini yang mana dunia tengah mengalami perubahan besar-besaran di segala bidang yang merubah seluruh tatanan kehidupan masyarakatnya, kepemimpinan Kristen juga mengalami tantangan. Seorang pemimpin Kristen juga dituntut untuk peka terhadap isu kekinia. Terlebih seorang pemimpin Kristen harus realistis dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang terjadi dalam gereja. Artikel ini hendak mengkaji apa tugas pemimpin jemaat sebagai tanggung jawab dalam kepemimpinannya untuk menghadapi tantangan zaman berupa pengajaran tidak sehat yang menyerang masuk dalam kehidupan jemaat. Penulis mendasarkan kajiannya pada lima tugas pemimimpin dalam 2 Timotius 4:1-5. Adapun metode yang penulis gunakan dalam pemaparan artikel ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisi teks dan studi pustaka. Berdasarkan analisis biblikal maka dapat diperoleh panca tugas seorang pemimpin dalam menghadapi tantangan adanya ajaran yang tidak sehat dalam jemaat, sehingga pemimpin dapat menolong jemaat dalam pemeliharaan iman mereka ditengah-tengah era disrupsi hari ini.

Tugas Pemimpin Muda Kristen Masa Kini Sebagai Gembala Menurut 1 Timotius 4

Angelion: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

The church is God's people who need guidance and leadership so that people can know God. Therefore the Church needs a leader who understands his duties as a leader. But there are still church leaders who do not understand their duties as leaders based on Bible principles. The church is less prepared for the younger generation as leaders. This we can see in the church in general does not provide opportunities for young people to develop their potential to lead. This church's disbelief in youth leadership is increasingly apparent because of the life of the Christian youth itself. Aside from not being able to be considered capable, the church is reluctant to entrust great responsibility to the youth because the lives of Christian youth are often considered far from God's word. Today's young Christian leaders are those who carry out Christian leadership duties at a relatively young age. Today's young leaders have so many weaknesses that young leaders are less accepted and respected by many people, so that Christian youths are trusted they must carry out the duties of young Christian leaders today according to 1 Timothy 4 namely young Christian leaders should remind the congregation of the word, teach the truth of the word , be an example for God's people who are led, grow in service, supervise themselves and teachings. So that the Christian Young leaders can be respected by everyone.