Autotuning stencil-based computations on GPUs (original) (raw)
Related papers
Stencil-Aware GPU Optimization of Iterative Solvers
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2013
Numerical solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations frequently rely on iterative Newton-Krylov methods, which linearize a finite-difference stencil-based discretization of a problem, producing a sparse matrix with regular structure. Knowledge of this structure can be used to exploit parallelism and locality of reference on modern cache-based multi-and manycore architectures, achieving high performance for computations underlying commonly used iterative linear solvers. In this paper we describe our approach to sparse matrix data structure design and our implementation of the kernels underlying iterative linear solvers in PETSc. We also describe autotuning of CUDA implementations based on high-level descriptions of the stencil-based matrix and vector operations.
Block-Relaxation Methods for 3D Constant-Coefficient Stencils on GPUs and Multicore CPUs
Block iterative methods are extremely important as smoothers for multigrid methods, as preconditioners for Krylov methods, and as solvers for diagonally dominant linear systems. Developing robust and efficient smoother algorithms suitable for current and evolving GPU and multicore CPU systems is a significant challenge. We address this issue in the case of constant-coefficient stencils arising in the solution of elliptic partial differential equations on structured 3D uniform and adaptively refined grids. Robust, highly parallel implementations of block Jacobi and chaotic block Gauss-Seidel algorithms with exact inversion of the blocks are developed using different parallelization techniques. Experimental results for NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs and AMD multicore systems are presented.
Block-Relaxation Methods for 3D Constant-Coefficient Stencils on GPUs and
Block iterative methods are extremely important as smoothers for multigrid methods, as preconditioners for Krylov methods, and as solvers for diagonally dominant linear systems. Developing robust and efficient smoother algorithms suitable for current and evolving GPU and multicore CPU systems is a significant challenge. We address this issue in the case of constant-coefficient stencils arising in the solution of elliptic partial differential equations on structured 3D uniform and adaptively refined grids. Robust, highly parallel implementations of block Jacobi and chaotic block Gauss-Seidel algorithms with exact inversion of the blocks are developed using different parallelization techniques. Experimental results for NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs and AMD multicore systems are presented.
Stencil Solvers for PDEs on GPUs: An Example From Cosmology
Computing in Science & Engineering, 2021
The increasingly diverse ecosystem of high-performance architectures and programming models presents a mounting challenge for programmers seeking to accelerate scientific computing applications. Code generation offers a promising solution, transforming a simple and general representation of computations into lower level, hardware-specialized and-optimized code. We describe the philosophy set forth by the Python package Pystella, a high-performance framework built upon such tools to solve partial differential equations on structured grids. A hierarchy of abstractions provides increasingly expressive interfaces for specifying physical systems and algorithms. We present an example application from cosmology, using finite-difference methods to solve coupled hyperbolic partial differential equations on (multiple) GPUs. Such an approach may enable a broad range of domain scientists to make efficient use of increasingly heterogeneous computational resources while mitigating the drastic effort and expertise nominally required to do so.
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2011
Stencil calculations comprise an important class of kernels in many scientific computing applications ranging from simple PDE solvers to constituent kernels in multigrid methods as well as image processing applications. In such types of solvers, stencil kernels are often the dominant part of the computation, and an efficient parallel implementation of the kernel is therefore crucial in order to reduce the time to solution. However, in the current complex hardware microarchitectures, meticulous architecture-specific tuning is required to elicit the machine's full compute power. We present a code generation and auto-tuning framework PATUS for stencil computations targeted at multi-and manycore processors, such as multicore CPUs and graphics processing units, which makes it possible to generate compute kernels from a specification of the stencil operation and a parallelization and optimization strategy, and leverages the autotuning methodology to optimize strategydependent parameters for the given hardware architecture.
Stencil computations on heterogeneous platforms for the Jacobi method: GPUs versus Cell BE
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2012
We are witnessing the consolidation of the heterogeneous computing in parallel computing with architectures such as Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) which are present in a myriad of developments for high performance computing. These platforms provide a Software Development Kit (SDK) to maximize performance at the expense of dealing with complex and low-level architectural details which makes the software development a daunting task. This paper explores stencil computations in several heterogeneous programming models like Cell SDK, CellSs, ALF and CUDA to optimize the Jacobi method for solving Laplace's differential equation. We describe the programming techniques to extract the maximum performance on the Cell BE and the GPU, and compare their computing paradigms. Experimental results are shown on two Nvidia Teslas and one
Accelerating High-Order Stencils on GPUs
2020 IEEE/ACM Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS), 2020
Stencil computations are widely used in HPC applications. Today, many HPC platforms use GPUs as accelerators. As a result, understanding how to perform stencil computations fast on GPUs is important. While implementation strategies for low-order stencils on GPUs have been well-studied in the literature, not all of the techniques work well for high-order stencils, such as those used for seismic imaging. Furthermore, coping with boundary conditions often requires different computational logic, which complicates efficient exploitation of the threadlevel parallelism on GPUs. In this paper, we study practical seismic imaging computations on GPUs using high-order stencils on large domains with meaningful boundary conditions. We manually crafted a collection of implementations of a 25-point seismic modeling stencil in CUDA along with code to apply the boundary conditions. We evaluated our stencil code shapes, memory hierarchy usage, data-fetching patterns, and other performance attributes. We conducted an empirical evaluation of these stencils using several mature and emerging tools and discuss our quantitative findings. Among our implementations, we achieve twice the performance of a proprietary code developed in C and mapped to GPUs using OpenACC. Additionally, several of our implementations have excellent performance portability.
3.5-D blocking optimization for stencil computations on modern CPUs and GPUs
Stencil computation sweeps over a spatial grid over multiple time steps to perform nearest-neighbor computations. The bandwidth-to-compute requirement for a large class of stencil kernels is very high, and their performance is bound by the available memory bandwidth. Since memory bandwidth grows slower than compute, the performance of stencil kernels will not scale with increasing compute density. We present a novel 3.5D-blocking algorithm that performs 2.5D-spatial and temporal blocking of the input grid into on-chip memory for both CPUs and GPUs. The resultant algorithm is amenable to both threadlevel and data-level parallelism, and scales near-linearly with the SIMD width and multiple-cores. Our performance numbers are faster or comparable to state-of-the-art-stencil implementations on CPUs and GPUs. Our implementation of 7-point-stencil is 1.5X-faster on CPUs, and 1.8X faster on GPUs for singleprecision floating point inputs than previously reported numbers. For Lattice Boltzmann methods, the corresponding speedup number on CPUs is 2.1X.
An auto-tuning framework for parallel multicore stencil computations
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010
Although stencil auto-tuning has shown tremendous potential in effectively utilizing architectural resources, it has hitherto been limited to single kernel instantiations; in addition, the large variety of stencil kernels used in practice makes this computation pattern difficult to assemble into a library. This work presents a stencil auto-tuning framework that significantly advances programmer productivity by automatically converting a straightforward sequential Fortran 95 stencil expression into tuned parallel implementations in Fortran, C, or CUDA, thus allowing performance portability across diverse computer architectures, including the AMD Barcelona, Intel Nehalem, Sun Victoria Falls, and the latest NVIDIA GPUs. Results show that our generalized methodology delivers significant performance gains of up to 22× speedup over the reference serial implementation. Overall we demonstrate that such domain-specific auto-tuners hold enormous promise for architectural efficiency, programmer productivity, performance portability, and algorithmic adaptability on existing and emerging multicore systems.
Sparse matrix solvers on the GPU
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2003
Many computer graphics applications require high-intensity numerical simulation. We show that such computations can be performed efficiently on the GPU, which we regard as a full function streaming processor with high floating-point performance. We implemented two basic, broadly useful, computational kernels: a sparse matrix conjugate gradient solver and a regular-grid multigrid solver . Real time applications ranging from mesh smoothing and parameterization to fluid solvers and solid mechanics can greatly benefit from these, evidence our example applications of geometric flow and fluid simulation running on NVIDIA's GeForce FX.