Stencil-Aware GPU Optimization of Iterative Solvers (original) (raw)
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Autotuning stencil-based computations on GPUs
Finite-difference, stencil-based discretization approaches are widely used in the solution of partial differential equations describing physical phenomena. Newton-Krylov iterative methods commonly used in stencil-based solutions generate matrices that exhibit diagonal sparsity patterns.To exploit these structures on modern GPUs, we extend the standard diagonal sparse matrix representation and define new matrix and vector data types in the PETSc parallel numerical toolkit. We create tunable CUDA implementations of the operations associated with these types after identifying a number of GPU-specific optimizations and tuning parameters for these operations. We discuss our implementation of GPU autotuning capabilities in the Orio framework and present performance results for several kernels, comparing them with vendor-tuned library implementations.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016
Simulations of many multi-component PDE-based applications, such as petroleum reservoirs or reacting flows, are dominated by the solution, on each time step and within each Newton step, of large sparse linear systems. The standard solver is a preconditioned Krylov method. Along with application of the preconditioner, memory-bound Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) is the most time-consuming operation in such solvers. Multi-species models produce Jacobians with a dense block structure, where the block size can be as large as a few dozen. Failing to exploit this dense block structure vastly underutilizes hardware capable of delivering high performance on dense BLAS operations. This paper presents a GPU-accelerated SpMV kernel for block-sparse matrices. Dense matrix-vector multiplications within the sparse-block structure leverage optimization techniques from the KBLAS library, a high performance library for dense BLAS kernels. The design ideas of KBLAS can be applied to block-sparse matrices. Furthermore, a technique is proposed to balance the workload among thread blocks when there are large variations in the lengths of nonzero rows. Multi-GPU performance is highlighted. The proposed SpMV kernel outperforms existing state-of-the-art implementations using matrices with real structures from different applications. Copyright
GPU computing with Kaczmarz’s and other iterative algorithms for linear systems
Parallel Computing, 2010
The graphics processing unit (GPU) is used to solve large linear systems derived from partial differential equations. The differential equations studied are strongly convection-dominated, of various sizes, and common to many fields, including computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and structural mechanics. The paper presents comparisons between GPU and CPU implementations of several well-known iterative methods, including Kaczmarz's, Cimmino's, component averaging, conjugate gradient normal residual (CGNR), symmetric successive overrelaxation-preconditioned conjugate gradient, and conjugate-gradientaccelerated component-averaged row projections (CARP-CG). Computations are preformed with dense as well as general banded systems. The results demonstrate that our GPU implementation outperforms CPU implementations of these algorithms, as well as previously studied parallel implementations on Linux clusters and shared memory systems. While the CGNR method had begun to fall out of favor for solving such problems, for the problems studied in this paper, the CGNR method implemented on the GPU performed better than the other methods, including a cluster implementation of the CARP-CG method.
Harnessing CUDA Dynamic Parallelism for the Solution of Sparse Linear Systems
We leverage CUDA dynamic parallelism to reduce execution time while significantly reducing energy consumption of the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method for the iterative solution of sparse linear systems on graphics processing units (GPUs). Our new implementation of this solver is launched from the CPU in the form of a single “parent” CUDA kernel, which invokes other “child” CUDA kernels. The CPU can then continue with other work while the execution of the solver proceeds asynchronously on the GPU, or block until the execution is completed. Our experiments on a server equipped with an Intel Core i7-3770K CPU and an NVIDIA “Kepler” K20c GPU illustrate the benefits of the new CG solver.
CUDA based iterative methods for linear systems
Solving large linear systems of equations is a common problem in the fields of science and engineering. Direct methods for computing the solution of such systems can be very expensive due to high memory requirements and computational cost. This is a very good reason to use iterative methods which computes only an approximation of the solution.In this paper we present an implementation of some iterative linear systems solvers that use the CUDA programming model. CUDA is now a popular programming model for general purpose computations on GPU and a great number of applications were ported to CUDA obtaining speedups of orders of magnitude comparing to optimized CPU implementations.Our library implements Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and non-stationary iterative methods (GMRES, BiCG, BiCGSTAB) using C-CUDA extension. We compare the performance of our CUDA implementation with classic programs written to be run on CPU. Our performance tests show speedups of approximately 80 times for single precision floating point and 40 times for double precision.
Sparse matrix solvers on the GPU
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2003
Many computer graphics applications require high-intensity numerical simulation. We show that such computations can be performed efficiently on the GPU, which we regard as a full function streaming processor with high floating-point performance. We implemented two basic, broadly useful, computational kernels: a sparse matrix conjugate gradient solver and a regular-grid multigrid solver . Real time applications ranging from mesh smoothing and parameterization to fluid solvers and solid mechanics can greatly benefit from these, evidence our example applications of geometric flow and fluid simulation running on NVIDIA's GeForce FX.
Acceleration of GPU-based Krylov solvers via data transfer reduction
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2015
Krylov subspace iterative solvers are often the method of choice when solving large sparse linear systems. At the same time, hardware accelerators such as graphics processing units continue to offer significant floating point performance gains for matrix and vector computations through easy-to-use libraries of computational kernels. However, as these libraries are usually composed of a well optimized but limited set of linear algebra operations, applications that use them often fail to reduce certain data communications, and hence fail to leverage the full potential of the accelerator. In this paper, we target the acceleration of Krylov subspace iterative methods for graphics processing units, and in particular the Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized solver that significant improvement can be achieved by reformulating the method to reduce data-communications through application-specific kernels instead of using the generic BLAS kernels, e.g. as provided by NVIDIA’s cuBLAS library, and b...
Parallel Sub-structuring Methods for Solving Sparse Linear Systems on a Cluster of GPUs
2014 IEEE Intl Conf on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2014 IEEE 6th Intl Symp on Cyberspace Safety and Security, 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Embedded Software and Syst (HPCC,CSS,ICESS), 2014
The main objective of this work consists in analyzing sub-structuring method for the parallel solution of sparse linear systems with matrices arising from the discretization of partial differential equations such as finite element, finite volume and finite difference. With the success encountered by the general-purpose processing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), we develop an hybrid multiGPUs and CPUs sub-structuring algorithm. GPU computing, with CUDA, is used to accelerate the operations performed on each processor. Numerical experiments have been performed on a set of matrices arising from engineering problems. We compare C+MPI implementation on classical CPU cluster with C+MPI+CUDA on a cluster of GPU. The performance comparison shows a speed-up for the sub-structuring method up to 19 times in double precision by using CUDA.
Block-Relaxation Methods for 3D Constant-Coefficient Stencils on GPUs and Multicore CPUs
Block iterative methods are extremely important as smoothers for multigrid methods, as preconditioners for Krylov methods, and as solvers for diagonally dominant linear systems. Developing robust and efficient smoother algorithms suitable for current and evolving GPU and multicore CPU systems is a significant challenge. We address this issue in the case of constant-coefficient stencils arising in the solution of elliptic partial differential equations on structured 3D uniform and adaptively refined grids. Robust, highly parallel implementations of block Jacobi and chaotic block Gauss-Seidel algorithms with exact inversion of the blocks are developed using different parallelization techniques. Experimental results for NVIDIA Fermi/Kepler GPUs and AMD multicore systems are presented.
Preliminary Implementation of PETSc Using GPUs
PETSc is a scalable solver library for the solution of algebraic equations arising from the discretization of partial differential equations and related problems. PETSc is organized as a class library with classes for vectors, sparse and dense matrices, Krylov methods, preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, and differential equation integrators. A new subclass of the vector class has been introduced that performs its operations on NVIDIA GPU processors. In addition, a new sparse matrix subclass that performs matrix-vector products on the GPU was introduced. The Krylov methods, nonlinear solvers, and integrators in PETSc run unchanged in parallel using these new subclasses. These can be used transparently from existing PETSc application codes in C, C++, Fortran, or Python. The implementation is done with the Thrust and Cusp C++ packages from NVIDIA.