Students’ Autonomous Learning Activities outside the Classroom to Master English as a Foreign Language (original) (raw)
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In response to the interest in learner autonomy in recent years, educational research has been increasingly paying attention to students’ out-of-class autonomous learning activities. This study aims to (1) describe the extent to which Indonesian tertiary students engaged in autonomous English language learning outside the class, (2) explore their perceived constraints in practicing autonomous learning, and (3) examine whether there are any significant differences in the autonomous learning activities between female and male students and between the English major students and non-English major students. Employing the explanatory mixed-method design, a total of 402 first-year students completed a questionnaire, and 30 of whom were interviewed. The questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests, and the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed that the students did engage in several out-of-class English learning ac...
Readiness for autonomous English language learning: The case of Indonesian undergraduate students
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022
The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to investigate how Indonesian undergraduate students perceive their teachers’ and their responsibilities in English language learning; (2) to investigate how the students perceive their abilities related to autonomous English language learning; (3) to examine if there are differences in the students’ perceptions of their responsibilities and abilities concerning gender and majors of study. The study employed a mixed-methods research approach with a sequential explanatory design and recruited 402 participants in the quantitative phase and 30 participants in the qualitative phase. The data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The findings showed that the majority of students deemed the teacher to be the one in charge of their learning despite their positive perceptions of their abilities. No significant difference was found between males and females in their perceptions of responsibilities and abilities. Reg...
Analysis of Autonomous Learning as Method in Learning English: A Case Study
Berumpun: International Journal of Social, Politics, and Humanities, 2023
In the modern era, teaching English is the main role for making students be able to get a skill and communicate with foreigners on social media and reality. English teaching needs teachers to teach students to develop both academic and personal abilities of English. English Teachers often used new methods and strategies in learning English and even these methods were often evaluated every week but, why there were still many students who had not been able to understand English in terms of theory and practice. Autonomous learning was a student-centered language learning method in order to be able to practice and that its approach made students autonomy focused on utilizing of cognitive and metacognitive resources to shape the English learning process. The writer uses library research in this article. Library research is research in which data collection techniques are carried out by reading various literature related to information and relevance to the research topic. As for the type of literature research that is being carried out, namely field research, research uses a descriptive type, namely to describe in detail about reality or phenomena by providing criticism or research on these phenomena. The approach used by the author in this study is a qualitative approach. This qualitative approach is used to solve actual problems by collecting, compiling, analyzing and classifying data. Various types of data sources in articles in the form of journals, research reports, scientific magazines, newspapers, relevant books, seminar results, unpublished scientific articles, sources, bibliographical letters, video graphics and so on.
As the improving the efficiency of teaching English as foreign language is the main aim of all the teachers, analyses of mastering it in a better way have been analyzed in this article. In order to gain the aim, it is important to try finding out specific features in mastering of English language. It is necessary for the teachers to charge their students to take control of their own learning both inside the classroom and beyond it and turn their students into independent learners. At the same time the further successes should be gained by new teaching methods, approaches and perspectives, and fostered by teaching resources, teaching materials, pedagogical abilities. In the paper we tried encouraging practical learning of English language mainly by student's independent work and increase attractiveness, interest and involvement in tasks, through formal and informal learning. The difficulties can be overcome acting due to the needs and intentions of students. The students' work should be understood, felt important, felt welcomed both, by the teachers and group members.
In H. Chodkiewicz & M. Trepczyńska (Eds.), Language Skills: Traditions, Transitions & Ways Forward (pp.472- 488). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014
There are contradictory findings in the literature as to whether autonomy is laden with the cultural values of the West. With respect to a teacher-dominated educational context that is considered similar to those of other eastern countries, studies in Turkey concerned with autonomous learning, though of great importance, remain scarce. Motivated by this gap in the literature and the fact that out-of-class learning is a relatively new area in the literature on autonomy, the present study, using a descriptive survey model and convenience sampling, focuses on the out-of-class language learning strategies of Turkish learners of a foreign language. To elicit the out-of-class learning preferences of 134 language teacher trainees from English, German and French language teaching departments (who can be deemed successful foreign language learners as they all were allowed to begin their undergraduate education after passing the national student selection examination), these trainees were asked a written, open-ended question regarding what they had done to improve their foreign language competence outside the classroom. The responses were analyzed qualitatively with content analysis, which yielded results in accordance with the common findings in the literature such as a marked preference for songs, films/series and books, thus suggesting that learners tend to work mainly on receptive skills, such as reading and listening, at the expense of working on their productive skills, Autonomous Language Learning Strategies 473 such as speaking and writing. Additional findings of the study can be considered context-specific, such as the still frequent use of vocabulary cards, and technology-related, such as the use of language learning websites and digital games. Furthermore, it was found that even the strategies viewed as traditional, such as listening to songs, are now frequently employed via the Internet. In consideration of these findings, we believe that contemporary information and communication technologies can be exploited as effective means of autonomous learning within a framework of training learners of learning how to learn and of setting learning goals for them as teachers, who will never be completely replaced by technological instruments.
Opinions of EFL students regarding autonomous learning in language teaching
The purpose of this study is to reveal the opinions of the Sivas Cumhuriyet University students, majoring at English Language Teaching Department in the 2017-2018 academic year, about the autonomous learning process to acquire English speaking proficiency. This study, which aims to reveal the sources that affect the students' autonomous learning activities and speaking skills in English language learning, has been conducted with qualitative study methods and is in descriptive survey model. Interviewing method was chosen as the data collection tool of the study. A semi-structured interview form was prepared and conducted in order to reveal the students' opinions about the language learning process, the activities they do individually in order to improve their English speaking proficiency, the sources affecting their speaking skills, and their recommendations for students who want to improve their speaking skills. Qualitative data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, and the...
An Analysis of Students’ Readiness for Autonomous Learning of English Subject
Journal of English Language Teaching and Education (JELTE)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuikesiapan siswa untuk belajar mandiri mata pelajaranbahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Sampelpenelitian ini adalah tiga puluh empat siswa kelas sepuluh.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode langsung dan tidaklangsung, yaitu pedoman wawancara dan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan metode campuran, danpeneliti menggunakan kuesioner tertutup dan wawancarasemi terstruktur. Data dari kuesioner dianalisis secarakuantitatif menggunakan perangkat lunak Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Versi 22 dan versidesktop Microsoft Excel 2011. Hasil kuesionermelaporkan bahwa skor rata-rata tertinggi adalah 3,18. Sekitar 59% siswa selalu memiliki target prestasi belajaruntuk belajar mandiri dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, dantingkat interpretasi siswa dikelompokkan antara tingkatmenengah dan tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, siswasiap untuk belajar lebih banyak tanggung jawab di banyakbidang proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris....
Learner’s Autonomy In English As A Foreign Language Teaching And Learning
Biormatika, 2022
This article presents the outcome of a case study research which is particularly aimed at investigating dimensions of learner autonomy in EFL teaching-learning particularly in an English education program and situations under which learners learn autonomously. To collect the data, a questionnaire adapted from Murase (2009) was distributed to fourty first-year undergraduate students of a university in Bandung and interview was addressed to nine undergraduate learners. The findings showed that all dimensions of learner autonomy are found and each dimension is reflected in various degrees. The degree of technical and political dimensions of learner autonomy is in respect not as satisfactory as expected. However, the degree of learner autonomy in the psychological and socio-cultural dimension is high enough. This means that learners are mostly autonomous in terms of that they learn a language on their own outside the classroom without the aid of a lecturer and they have a capacity for critical reflection, decision-making, and independent action in their learning. There are four major aspects related to situations under which learners learn autonomously, including the subject matter, the lecturer, the time, and the challenging task. This means that learners learn autonomously when they are interested in a certain subject, aware of the importance of the subject, and realize that relying on the classroom session is not enough. Besides, they learn autonomously when the lecturers engage them actively in the classroom, give feedback positively, and motivate them. Most learners learn autonomously when they have free time and get a challenging task such as movie project. It is recommended for further research to investigate learner autonomy in a more specific context of class, for example learner autonomy in a speaking class, in order to get more in-depth data.
Autonomous Learning Strategies for Academic Speaking by English Education Department Students
J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic
Autonomous is the individual capacity to take responsibility for their own learning activities. Autonomous learning adapted learning method that learners use to obtain their own learning needs and goals, determine the most current learning method, and assess learning activity. This research aims at identifying students’ autonomous learning strategies in academic speaking class. There were 20 students from the English Education Department were involved to gather the data. This study employed a quantitative approach in order to get the data. The data were taken by using a questionnaire. The result shows that the general description of the students of the English Education Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong was not included a specific description of how the students employed the autonomous learning strategy for learning particularly in academic speaking. The researcher found two kinds of autonomous learning strategies which were metacognitive strategy and social mediation st...