Models explaining the perceived outcomes of public libraries (original) (raw)

Patterns of perceived public library outcomes in five countries

Journal of Documentation, 2016

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare the perceived benefits of public libraries between five culturally different countries: Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, South Korea and the USA. Design/methodology/approach – The data were based on representative samples of Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Korean and American adult library users. In Finland a mail survey was used and in other countries web surveys were used for data collection. The distribution of the proportion of those benefiting from the library in various areas of life at least sometimes was compared across countries. The pattern of benefits was compared across countries by forming four outcome indexes from the 19 benefit areas. The differences in the outcomes between the countries were explained by demographics and library use variables. Findings – The intensity of perceived benefits differ considerably, with the Finns and Americans reporting a higher level of benefits than the South Koreans, who in turn derive more...

The health and wellbeing benefits of public libraries

Libraries have an important role in society as providers of a range of services from book-lending and computer access to children’s activities, training courses and meeting space. But understanding the value of libraries is a complex issue due to the wide-ranging services that libraries provide and the inherently non-market nature of these services (most are free at the point of use). This study looks at the value of the health and wellbeing benefits of library engagement measured through economic value, using methods that are consistent with the HM Treasury Green Book guidance. There are two key research aims of the study. We find that average willingness to pay (WTP) to maintain current library services among library users in England is £19.51 per year in increased council tax. As would be expected, non-users reported a lower WTP: we find that average willingness to pay to maintain current library services among non-users of libraries in England is £10.31 per year in increased council tax, which is around half that of the WTP values stated by library users. It is possible to aggregate use value across the library-using English population to estimate a national average WTP for library services of £365.3 million per year. We can also aggregate a value for non-users in the English population to estimate a national average non-use WTP for library services of £358.1million per year. In total this provides a combined annual WTP for local library services of £723.4million across library users and non-users in England.

The Comprehensive School Reform and Public Library Use in Finland 1972–1977: A Methodological Experiment

The article is a preliminary report of a research project that is still going on. The specific goal of the research was to see whether the comprehensive school reform in Finland in the years 1972-1977 had a positive influence on the use of Finnish public libraries. A more general interest was to find an additional proof for the supposition that a high level of education enhances public library use. The comprehensive school reform meant a dramatic rise in the quality of the Finnish basic education. The data were obtained from the Finnish public library statistics. The study follows how the number of home loans per capita changed during the years when a comprehensive school reform was being implemented in different regions of Finland. The findings are preliminary and subject to the further processing and refinement. The results show, however, that there may have been a positive influence of the comprehensive school reform on the use of libraries. Further studies are necessary to make the results more reliable.

A Comparison of Selected Aspects of Finnish and Polish Public Libraries

Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia, 2014

The article presents and compares the general situation of public libraries and readership in Finland and Poland at the beginning of the 21st century, based on selected statistical data on the topic. In order to correctly understand the library policy of Finland - a country in which it is impossible to implement cultural policy without taking into account the geographical and natural conditions of individual regions - the most important data on the country are presented and compared with data on Poland.Statistical schedules, online reports on the activity of public libraries, libraries’ homepages, legislative acts and professional library science magazines, among others, served as source materials for the conducted analysis. The comparative method, documentation analysis method and statistical method were used to achieve the assumed objectives.Considering the limitations on the article size, a decision was made to select a few specific aspects of the topic for analysis - the most im...

Measuring the public library's societal value: A methodological research program

IFLA Journal, 2013

Public libraries in the Netherlands face growing scepticism about their value to communities and society at large. The digitization of media, information and communication gives rise to questions about the library's function, as it still is based mainly on physical service provision. Furthermore, the current economic recession causes local, regional and national governments to critically question every euro spent on cultural institutions. In this climate, there is a growing need for public libraries to show their worth-not only in an economical, but also in a more sociological sense. As standardized measurements for these values are still lacking, a research program was started to develop these outcome measurements. In this paper, we sketch the rationale behind this program and the steps the Netherlands Institute of Public Libraries is taking to develop a measurement instrument geared at validly and reliably demonstrating the societal value of public libraries. Results from the first stages of the research program will be presented: a theoretical framework of the (possible) impact of libraries on Dutch society, based on the findings of a literature study and qualitative research. The findings help us identify and conceptually enrich five domains of possible impact: cognitive, social, cultural, affective and economical. This outcome framework will guide the development of a measuring instrument.

Perception of Young Adults towards Advancement Public Library Services

Indian Journal of Science, 2015

The purpose of this study was to explore patronage and usage of the young adult user of a public library. Patrons of the young user of a public library are Dindigul District Library. Most of the Young adults used on their basic aims are improve the career development. Concluded that out 125 questionnaires, 118 (94.4%) were replied. A large number of them representing 48 (40.685%) were from the city area because library located nearest the city bus stand. The considerable numbers of the respondents are in the age group of 21–25 years representing 36.44%.

Are Libraries Worth Investing in?: Finnish University Libraries and their Effect on the National Economy

LIBER Quarterly, 2009

The paper discusses the correlation between the growth of the gross national product (GNP) of Finland and the library materials costs of the academic libraries during thirty years . Statistical data were used in the analysis and it was found that there is some correlation between the trends of these two. The paper discusses different possibilities for interpretation of this outcome, but the authors draw the conclusion that it is clearly worth investing in libraries as one tool to improve the knowledge economy.

The relationships between the expenditures and resources of public libraries and children’s and young adults’ use: An exploratory analysis of Institute of Museum and Library Services public library statistics data

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2017

Children’s librarians have long recognized the value of libraries for the development of children and adolescents and have championed for appropriate funding to support programs and services targeted to children, adolescents, and families. Using data from the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Public Library Survey, this study examined the relationships between the expenditures and resources of public libraries and children’s and young adults’ use. Three groups of variables were chosen from the dataset to represent expenditures, resources, and children’s and young adults’ library use respectively. Correlation analysis results reveal that most of the expenditures and resources variables were significantly correlated with children’s and young adults’ library use in libraries of all sizes. Further, analyses of material circulation and program attendance rates reveal that children’s materials account for more than one-third of total library material circulations and 70% o...