Sahabat Terbaik Anak Application (Nutritional Information for Children Stunting Prevention in the first 1000 days based on Android) using the Waterfall Method (original) (raw)

Booklet preventing stunting based Android application (<i>Bocesting</i>) as a tool to enhance maternal nutritional behaviour and nutritional status

Healthcare in low-resource settings, 2023

The most common health problem was the lack of nutrition, known as stunting. One approach to addressing nutritional issues in young children was through health education using the android method. The study aimed to analyze the differences in the influence of stunting prevention education using booklet media and an Android-based application on maternal nutritional behavior and nutritional status, with the ultimate goal of preventing stunting cases. The research design employed a quantitative approach, specifically a Quasi-Experiment. Measurement tools included questionnaires assessing maternal nutrition behavior, with the samples divided into three intervention groups and one control group (n=51). Data analysis involved statistical tests, including Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney U, and Kruskall Wallis H. The results indicated that educational media using booklets significantly improved maternal nutrition behavior after the intervention (p<0.05). However, there was no significant increase in the nutritional status of children (p=0.317). Similarly, the Android application intervention group exhibited a significant improvement in maternal nutrition behavior (p<0.05), while the nutritional status of the children did not significantly change (p=0.193). A significant difference was observed in the impact of the media interventions between the booklet and Android application intervention groups and the control group regarding the enhancement of maternal nutritional behavior (p<0.05) and children's nutritional status (p>0.005). In conclusion, educational media in the form of booklets and Android applications can influence maternal nutrition behavior and children's nutritional status in the context of stunting prevention education.

Design of Nutritional Status System for Stunting Early Prevention


Based on the Electronic Community-Based Nutrition Recording and Reporting (e-PPGBM) as of July 20, 2019, it shows that the prevalence of stunting in East Java has increased. One district that has a high stunting rate in East Java is Jember Regency. In Jember Regency, 2017, the prevalence of stunting was recorded at 17.73% or as much as 29,020 children under five. The causes of stunting can be started from nutritional status, from the process of fetal growth and development in the womb to a child aged 2 years. This process is influenced by the physical condition and health of the mother during adolescence. To prevent this, technology can be applied as a medium of education, information, monitoring, or stunting prevention screening. Therefore, this study aims to design a system that can screen the nutritional status of young women, pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and toddlers. The system stores data on the results of medical examinations (user history), reports user records and provides advice or education on the results of records that have been carried out in the system. The input variables used were data on examination results and nutritional status in accordance with stunting management standards. The system designed by researchers use the Prototype system development method. The system was designed to be called the Web-Based Early Stunting Prevention Application (STEP-A). The system designed has been accepted and running well. The system has been able to provide health solutions related to nutritional status that has been inputted according to health standards.

Android-based Stunting Child Nutrition Application (GiAS) to Assess Macro-nutrients, Zinc, and Calcium in Stunting and Non-stunting Under Two Children

Global Medical and Health Communication (GMHC)

Stunted children will have normal cognitive ability if nutrition is improved. The rapid brain growth in the first 1,000 days of life means that children should not be malnourished. Stunting is generally caused by a lack of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (calcium and zinc). The mobile application called stunting child nutrition (GiAS) has features that can detect stunting, monitor toddler growth, recommend daily menus for toddlers, nutritional adequacy rate (RDA) in 2019, and others. The purpose of this study was to make it easier to distinguish macronutrients, zinc, and calcium from stunting and non-stunting children aged 12–24 months using the GiAS android application. It is conducted at the Citeureup Community Health Center, Cimahi city, for June–July 2020. The sampling technique was a simple random sampling of 88 respondents. This type of research is an observational analytic with a statistical test is a cross-sectional design. The results of ...

Utilization of the Android Application “Bocesting” in Enhancing Knowledge for Mothers of Children Under Five Years About Stunting Prevention

International Journal of Social Science, 2024

The most common health problem is malnutrition, called stunting. In the province of Riau Islands in 2020, 7.2% of cases were distributed among seven districts/cities. One attempt to address nutritional problems in young children is to approach health education using the Android method. Continuing previous research on nutritional therapies as delayed prevention in the news, using brochure media to stop prevention (Bocesting), implementation of Bocesting has a knowledge-increasing effect compared to the dissemination method. Based on this, the author is interested in researching brochure prevention of stunting (Bocesting) based android application as a learning environment in improving maternal nutritional behavior and nutritional status news, so that in Riau Islands community a special field of work in Puskesmas Kampung Bugi complexity. village Bugis District, Tanjungpinang City to analyze the differences in the effect of education on the prevention of stunting using a media leaflet and an Android-based application to improve maternal nutritional behavior and nutritional news to prevent news-induced stunting events

Development of Information System for Monitoring Pregnancy Health and Nutrition Adequacy of Toddlers for Stunting Prevention

Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri, 2021

Abstract—Stunting is a health problem caused by a lack of nutritional intake for a long time, resulting in impaired growth in children. Stunting has become one of the government's priorities due to the large number of stunting incidents in Indonesia. The lack of knowledge of mothers about nutrition and good parenting is one of the causes of stunting. Intensive provision of information and health monitoring of pregnant women from time to time will reduce the incidence of stunting in toddlers. The purpose of this research is to develop an information system that can contain various information on pregnancy health and parenting to avoid stunting and can send it regularly to user according to their needs. This information system development adapts the Prototyping model of the Software Development Life Cycle method. The result of this study is an information system that will help disseminate various information on how to fulfill proper nutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers. In ...

The Implementation of Decision-Making Systems to Help Early Detection of Android-Based Child Stunting

Jurnal E-Komtek (Elektro-Komputer-Teknik)

The deviation of child growth and development is very influential on the growth of children, delays in information on deviations in child growth and development cause delays in actions by Puskesmas (public health center) officers and parents. Therefore, the government routinely conducts screenings for Stimulation of Detection and Early Intervention of Growth and Development (SDIDTK) to find cases of deviations in the growth and development of children aged 3 to 72 months. The screenings aim to detect growth disorders (stunting, thin, thin, fat, microcephaly, and macrocephaly); developmental disorders (rough and smooth movements, speech and language, and social personal); hearing and vision disorders; and emotional mental disorders. To overcome information delays and also child growth and development handlers, an online application to monitor the growth of children aged 0 to 72 months, the M-SDIDTK application was made of which features including (1) an Android-based SDIDTK form that...

Android-Based Application for Children’s Growth Monitoring as a Complement for Child Development Card

Jurnal Teknokes, 2022

Posyandu is a community activity center to provide health services and family planning. Routine monthly weighing for toddlers is one of the activities carried out by the Posyandu. This activity aims to detect early childhood growth disorders to address these problems quickly and precisely. However, since the Covid-19 pandemic, the toddler Posyandu, held regularly every month, has been temporarily suspended until the pandemic ends. This situation causes monitoring of toddlers' growth, and development cannot be done. Therefore we need a mechanism for monitoring child growth and development that can be done online via a smartphone. In previous research has implemented several desktop, web, and mobile-based information systems, but they do not yet have complex features such as maternal and child health information management. The purpose of this research is to create an android-based application in the form of an information system for Child Development Posyandu, which will contain ...

Analysis of Factors that affect Events and Interventions of Stunting through the E-Stunting Android Application

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022

BACKGROUND: Based on the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey in 2021, it was found that the stunting rate in Indonesia reached 24.4%, which means that there were 5.33 million indicated stunting. A case study conducted in January 2021 in the West and South Surabaya was obtained from 59 children aged 3-5 years, there were 47 who were detected stunting. AIM: This study aimed to detect these causative factors and the effectiveness of stunting interventions in the e-stunting application. METHODS: The type of the research is quantitative analytic with cross-sectional approach using double linear regression analytic test with p = 0.05. The difference test used an unpaired sample test analytic by looking at the difference in mean in the control and treatment groups. This research was conducted in the west and south of Surabaya as well as in Sidoarjo city. The population of this study was all parents who had children aged 3-5 years who had indicated stunting. Sampling was done using totality sampling with the rule of thumb technique. This research instrument uses a minimum questionnaire of diet diversity and diet diversity as well as a questionnaire of parenting models. The entire questionnaire item went through a validity test with a product moment test where the r value of the table was greater r calculated with significance p = 0. 05 and reliability with Cronbach alpha test results of ≥ 0.70. RESULTS: The results of the determinant coefficient test have a relationship between the independent and dependent variables, while adjusted R 2 = 0.803 which means that 80.3% of all variables affect the Z score in children, while the difference test result obtained a result of sig. two tailed with p = 0.001 and the value of sig. Levene's test for equality variance of 0.44 > 0.001. CONCLUSION: E-stunting is able to detect stunting and determine factors which influence stunting so also can move parent's behavior when they are to give handling or intervention for their child because e-stunting has a feature which easy to use anywhere and anytime. Especially, the chat feature can to access health professionals every time. This study was to find also that the stunting rate is still high, especially in suburban areas.

SIMANTAP POLITA: Mobile Health Technology-Based Child Growth Monitoring & Stimulation Application\_Vol.7\_Issue.1\_Jan2022/IJSHR-Abstract.013.html, 2022

Background: The child population in Indonesia in 2018 was 27.6% of the total population. Child is a development asset that requires large investments in health, education, and welfare for a better future. Therefore, innovation is needed in monitoring and stimulating children's growth and development. Method: The application design used was the waterfall method. The design stage started from analyzing user needs, application design, coding, and testing. Results: SIMANTAP application consists of two modules, namely 1. Monitoring and Stimulation of growth and development in children and 2. Additional Information. The application starts from the login page, main page, and content page. Conclusion: Information technology can provide opportunities for the advancement of modern health care. This opportunity can be exploited by increasing the knowledge of parents' attitudes and behavior regarding monitoring and stimulation of growth and development in children. This technology can help health workers provide evidence-based health information and can assist parents in monitoring and stimulating children's health.

The design of growth and development children's monitoring application: a user-centered approach

International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health

Background: Due to pandemic COVID-19, intergrated health services post (Posyandu) was disrupted affecting child growth monitoring. A minimum monitoring approach for the health of children is required. The objective of this study was to design a growth and development children's monitoring application. Methods: We applied research and development methods to define and design the app. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to identify user need, including storyboards, content, features, flow, and performance of android application. We also collaborate with technology information expertise to design an app. The research was carried out in Yogyakarta from May to June 2021.Results: The result showed that users needed a comprehensive app based on Android with a minimum data storage space including growth and child development monitoring, considering storyboard design, menu interface, nutritional and developmental children's milestones, interpretation, and recommendation. ...