Maize Yield Response, Root Distribution and Soil Desiccation Crack Features as Affected by Row Spacing (original) (raw)
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Soil compaction heterogeneity and water content are supposed to be decisive factors influencing plant growth. Our experiment focused on simulation of two soil moisture levels (0.16 and 0.19 g/g) plus two levels of clod proportion (30 and 60% volume) and their effects on root and leaf variables of maize (<I>Zea mays</I> L.). We studied number of primary and lateral roots as well as primary root length at the particular soil depths. Statistical tests showed that the decrease rate of the number of roots versus depth was significantly affected by the two studied factors (<I>P</I> < 0.01). Soil moisture and clod occurrence, interactively, affected leaf biomass (<I>P</I> = 0.02). Presence of clods modified root morphological features. Particularly, the diameter of primary roots in the clods was significantly higher than of those grown in fine soil (<I>P</I> < 0.01). For primary roots, which penetrated clods, branching density decreased...
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Biossistemas, 2009
The region of Campos Gerais, in the State of Paraná, is leader in grain yields and state-of-the-art no-tillage farming. The widely adopted no-tillage system tends to increment soil variability. There are several studies about spatial variability of soil characteristics affecting grain yield, but not enough attention has been given to the variability resulting of human actions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation of soil clay content and the depth of placement of corn seeds on areas under no-till systems management. The four selected cornfields areas for the study are property of local farm cooperatives associates. The points for evaluation were defined consider-ing the local mapping of soil texture. Clay content varied from 94 to 489 g kg-1 on Plot 1; from 222 to 414 g kg-1 on Plot 2; from 269 to 509 of rows to be considered for plant distribution and seed depth analyses. The coefficient of variation (CV) of plant distribution was between 23 and 56%. For seed...
Soil & Tillage Research, 2010
The functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions is an important tool for uses as diverse as assessment of the stress-related sensitivity of different plant cultivars and characterization of soil structure. Two of the most pervasive sources of stress are soil resistance to root penetration (SR) and matric potential (c). However, the assessment of these sources of stress on physiological processes in different soils can be complicated by other sources of stress and by the strong relation between SR and c in a soil. A multivariate boundary line approach was assessed as a means of reducing these complications. The effects of SR and c stress conditions on plant responses were examined under growth chamber conditions. Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in soils at different water contents and having different structures arising from variation in texture, organic carbon content and soil compaction. Measurements of carbon exchange (CE), leaf transpiration (LT), plant transpiration (PT), leaf area (LA), leaf + shoot dry weight (LSDW), root total length (RTL), root surface area (RSA) and root dry weight (RDW) were determined after plants reached the 12-leaf stage. The LT, PT and LA were described as a function of SR and c with a double S-shaped function using the multivariate boundary line approach. The CE and LSDW were described by the combination of an S-shaped function for SR and a linear function for c. The root parameters were described by a single S-shaped function for SR. The sensitivity to SR and c depended on the plant parameter. Values of PT, LA and LSDW were most sensitive to SR. Among those parameters exhibiting a significant response to c, PT was most sensitive. The boundary line approach was found to be a useful tool to describe the functional relation between the decline in the rate of a physiological process and the magnitude of a stress related to soil physical conditions.
Maize Evapotranspiration and Water‐Use Efficiency in Response to Row Spacing
Agronomy Journal, 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. P ositive maize yield responses to reduced row spacing were reported in well watered crops (Fulton, 1970; Ottman and Welch, 1989; Barbieri et al., 2000; Andrade et al., 2002). Yield response to reduced row spacing was related to a greater intercepted radiation (Ottman and Welch, 1989; Andrade et al., 2002). In general, crop ET and/or yield per unit ET (water use effi ciency for grain production, WUE g) responses to reduced row spacing were not quantifi ed; and there are confl icting results whether narrow rows increases crop ET. As such, in well-watered maize crops, greater grain yields at narrow compared with wide row spacing were associated with lower (Yao and Shaw, 1964b) or with higher (Sharratt and McWilliams, 2005) crop ET. In other crops, like soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), there is agreement on that reduced row spacing did not infl uence ET in environments without soil water limitations (Mason et al., 1982; Reicosky et al., 1985; Eberbach and Pala, 2005). Maize crop ET and WUE g responses to reduced row spacing might be greater in N defi cient or water-limited crops than in crops without N or water limitations, because of the reduction in fractionally intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at low N or water supply (e.g., Boomsma et al., 2009; Earl and Davis, 2003). However, to the best of our knowledge, evidence to test these expectations is scarce in maize. As such, Alessi and Power (1976) reported similar ET at diff erent row spacing for maize exposed to water stress during the grainfi lling period. In soybean, reduced row spacing increased crop ET early in the season in environments with water limitations (Alessi and Power, 1982; Reicosky et al., 1985). Th e enhanced early season ET could result in greater water stress during critical periods for grain production in crops subjected to progressive drought (Alessi and Power, 1982). Th e objective of this study was to assess maize yield, crop ET, and water use effi ciency in response to reduced row spacing under diff erent water and N regimes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site and Crop Management Maize crops were grown at Balcarce, Argentina (37°45′ S, 58°18′ W; elevation 130 m), during 2001-2002 (Season 1) and 2002-2003 (Season 2). Th e soil was a complex of a fi ne, mixed Typic Argiudoll and a fi ne, thermic Petrocalcic Paleudoll (petrocalcic horizon at 80-cm depth), with a loam texture at the surface layer (0-25-cm depth), loam to clay-loam at subsurface layers (25-110-cm depth) and sandy-loam below 110-cm depth (C-horizon) with 5.4% topsoil organic matter. Th e area was under no-till management since 1994; previous crop was maize and ground cover by maize residues ranged from 80 to 90%. Th e petrocalcic horizon at 80-cm depth might limit crop ET (Calviño et al., 2003). Maximum water holding capacity (288 mm) and permanent wilting point (158 mm) to 80-cm soil ABSTRACT Reduced row spacing has shown to increase maize (Zea mays L.) yield; however there are confl icting results on whether narrow rows increases maize crop evapotranspiration and/or water use effi ciency. Th is work analyzes the response of maize yield, crop evapotranspiration (ET) and water use effi ciency to reduced row spacing under diff erent water and N regimes. Maize crops were grown at Balcarce, Argentina, during two seasons. Treatments included two water regimes (rain-fed and irrigated), two rows spacing (35 and 70 cm) and two rates of N (i.e., 180 kg N ha-1 or nonfertilized). Soil water content was measured through the growing seasons using a neutron probe, grain yield and shoot dry matter were determined at physiological maturity. Grain yield response to narrow rows ranged from 0 to 23%; it was higher for water limited (i.e., rain-fed crops) and/or N defi cient crops (i.e., nonfertilized crops) and lower for crops with high N fertilization and irrigation. Narrow rows consistently increased (8%) crop ET during the initial stages of crop growth; and N fertilization did not infl uence ET response to reduced row spacing during this period. Initial diff erences in ET between row spacing treatments were diluted as the season progressed, and seasonal crop ET was not infl uenced by row spacing. Reduced row spacing increased water use effi ciency for grain production up to 17%; increments were larger in N defi cient crops and/or with water limitations but were negligible in N fertilized and irrigated crops.
Soil strength and water content influences on corn root distribution in a sandy soil
Initial field observations revealed a shallow corn (Zea mays L.) root system on a Zimmerman fine sand in a corn/soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation. Since root distribution influences crop water and nutrient absorption, it is essential to identify factors limiting root growth. The objective of this study was to determine the factor(s) limiting corn rooting depth on an irrigated fine sand soil. Bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil water retention were measured on undisturbed soil cores. Corn root distribution assessed at tasseling over a 3-yr period showed an average of 94% of total root length within the upper 0.60 m of soil with 85% in the upper 0.30 m of soil. Mechanical impedance was estimated with a cone penetrometer on two dates with differing water contents. Cone penetrometer measurements greater than 3 MPa indicated mechanical impedance in soil layers extending from 0.15 to 0.35 m deep. Penetration resistance decreased as soil water content increased. However, soil water contents greater than field capacity were required to decrease penetration resistance below the 3 MPa threshold. Such water saturated conditions only occurred for short periods immediately after precipitation or irrigation events, thus roots usually encountered restrictive soil strengths. The soil layer from 0.15 to 0.60 m had high bulk density, 1.57 Mg m −3. This compacted soil layer, with slower saturated hydraulic conductivities (121 to 138 mm hr −1), held more water than the soil above or below it and reduced water movement through the soil profile. Crop water use occurred to a depth of approximately 0.75 m. In conclusion, a compacted soil layer confined roots almost entirely to the top 0.60 m of soil because it had high soil strength and bulk density. The compacted layer, in turn, retained more water for crop use.
Root abundance of maize in conventionally-tilled and zero-tilled soils of Argentina
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2008
Maize root growth is negatively affected by compacted layers in the surface (e.g. agricultural traffic) and subsoil layers (e.g. claypans). Both kinds of soil mechanical impedances often coexist in maize fields, but the combined effects on root growth have seldom been studied. Soil physical properties and maize root abundance were determined in three different soils of the Rolling Pampa of Argentina, in conventionally-tilled (CT) and zero-tilled (ZT) fields cultivated with maize. In the soil with a light Bt horizon (loamy Typic Argiudoll, Chivilcoy site), induced plough pans were detected in CT plots at a depth of 0-0.12 m through significant increases in bulk density (1.15 to 1.27 Mg m-3) and cone (tip angle of 60 º) penetrometer resistance (7.18 to 9.37 MPa in summer from ZT to CT, respectively). This caused a reduction in maize root abundance of 40-80 % in CT compared to ZT plots below the induced pans. Two of the studied soils had hard-structured Bt horizons (clay pans), but in only one of them (silty clay loam Abruptic Argiudoll, Villa Lía site) the expected penetrometer resistance increases (up to 9 MPa) were observed with depth. In the other clay pan soil (silty clay loam Vertic Argiudoll, Pérez Millán site), penetrometer resistance did not increase with depth but reached 14.5 MPa at 0.075 and 0.2 m depth in CT and ZT plots, respectively. However, maize root abundance was stratified in the first 0.2 m at the Villa Lía and Pérez Millán sites. There, the hard Bt horizons did not represent an absolute but a relative mechanical impedance to maize roots, by the observed root clumping through desiccation cracks. Index terms: zero tillage, conventional tillage, soil compaction, root growth. (1) Recebido para publicação em maio de 2007 e aprovado em dezembro de 2007.
Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2014
The magnitude of yield reduction due to soil compaction is variable and depends on the soil type, fertility status and other soil and environmental factors. The present investigation was carried out at the research farm, Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization on maize phenology, yield and heat use efficiency. The C2 (subsoil bulk density (Db)= >1.8 Mg m-3) treatment reduced yield by 15.5 and 24.3 % and heat use efficiency (HUE) by 15.2 and 20.9 % than that in C0 (subsoil Db=1.55-1.65 Mg m-3) treatment during the year 2012 and 2013, respectively. The tasseling and silking stage was delayed, while physiological maturity was advanced under C2 subsoil compaction treatment than that in C0 treatment. The N2 treatment improved the yield by 14.9 and 13.9 % and HUE by 15.2 and 14.3 % than that in N0 treatment during the year 2012 and 2013,...
Rainfed maize root morphology in response to plant population under no‐tillage
Agronomy Journal, 2020
Maize (Zea mays L.) plant population effects on aboveground growth is well recognized, but little is known regarding the effects on root morphology. Plant population effects on various root parameters were explored in situ under no‐tillage in a semi‐arid environment. A 2‐yr field trial was conducted using three plant population treatments (20,000; 30,000; and 40,000 plants ha−1) at 0.76 m row spacing. Digital images were collected at four soil depths in acrylic minirhizotron tubes using a CI‐600 In Situ Root Imager. Digital images were analyzed using the RootSnap! analysis software. In Season 1, plant population had no effect on volumetric root length density (RLDv) against the crop rows at the 0–60 cm depths. In Season 2, a lower RLDv (P < .05) was found at 30,000 plants ha−1 than 20,000 plants ha−1 at the 15–30 cm depth. A lower (P < .05) RLDv was found at 20,000 plants ha−1 compared to 30,000 plants ha−1 at 30–45 cm depth. Average root diameter was greater (P < .05) in S...
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
Mechanical impedance to root growth is one of the most important factors determining root elongation and proliferation within a soil profile. Two pot experiments were conducted at the Department of Horticulture, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, to determine the impact of subsurface compaction and different fertilizer amendments on the root growth of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.). The experiments were arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Maize and soybean varieties, “Obaatanpa” and “Anidaso” were sown in 72 plastic buckets (36 for each crop) of 12 L volume filled with a Ferric Acrisol. The treatments were different levels of compaction, using bulk density as proxy – 1.3, 1.5 and 1.7 Mg m-3, and fertilizer amendments of 100% poultry manure (15 g/pot), 100% NPK fertilizer (2.89 g/pot) and 50% each of poultry manure (7.5 g/pot) and NPK fertilizer (1.45 g/pot). The highest root growth occurred in the uncompacted soil and along the ...