De rerum natura (original) (raw)
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Cosmologie et modèle biologique chez Lucrèce : dire l'unité du monde
Cosmologie et modèle biologique chez Lucrèce : dire l'unité du monde, 2023
The present article tackles the issue of the unity and cohesion of the world as it is evoked by Lucretius in the De Rerum Natura. Through this work, we would like to show that the philosopher offers an original solution to this question by using a biological model: the organic unity. This model plays a dual role, both critical and descriptive. First, it replaces what Lucretius identifies as 'false models' of the union and cohesion of the world: the model of the world as living based on the theory of the soul of the world, the model of the world as divine, rested on demiurgic and providential theories and finally the model of the world as principle, elaborated from the thesis of the eternity of the world and its parts. Then, by evicting these three models of explanation and description of the cohesion of the parts of the world, based on a bad definition of the nature of the world, the Lucretian biological model proposes a re-description of the unity of the world which is compatible with the Epicurean cosmological theses of the plurality of worlds and of the mortality of the world. Keywords Lucretius. Cosmology. Biological model. Unity of the world. De Rerum Natura.
Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas, 2017
The return of Lucretius' "De rerum natura" in 1417 promoted an increasing recovery of ancient medical theories related to the atomistic philosophy in Renaissance Italy. Since Girolamo Fracastoro used Lucretian concept of semina rerum to explain the spread of the 'French pox' (1530), philosophers, physicians and humanists returned to look at Lucretius' poem on nature as a main source of medical knowledge. This is the case of Girolamo Mercuriale, who defended Lucretius' scientific authority first in a bitter epistolary quarrel with Piero Vettori, then in his "Variarum lectionum libri" (1570), where Lucretius is placed into the same atomistic tradition with Hippocrates and Asclepiades of Bithynia, the founder of the Methodic school of medicine, and finally in his treatise "De pestilentia" (1577), where Mercuriale exposed his theory about the contagion referring to the concepts of both Lucretius and Fracastoro.
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GIAMBATTISTA VICO, Orationes inaugurales, 2020
Between 1699 and 1707 Giambattista Vico, professor of rhetoric at the Royal University of Naples, gave six lectures in Latin on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year. These are orationes of exceptional importance, and offer a precious source about the method and thought of the great philosopher. The digital edition reproduces the text of the idiographic manuscript (Naples, National Library “V. Emanuele III”, XIII B 55) of the Lectures given by Giambattista Vico. XML:\_Orationes&p=frontespizio&s=frontediz&e=interpretative&ce=critical
de rerum natura, texte en latin, 2022
Le poème de Lucrèce – de rerum natura – est une des bases de la transmission de l'épicurisme depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à sa redécouverte à la Renaissance italienne. Voici le texte latin dans l'édition d'Alfred Enout (1920) amendée par celle de Cyril Bailey (1947).
Nel contributo vengono presentati i risultati dei primi sondaggi effettuati in maniera sistematica nel De laudibus Dei di Draconzio e nel De spiritalis historiae gestis composto da Avito di Vienne finalizzati a rilevare la presenza del modello lucreziano e le differenti modalità e funzioni di riuso. Dopo una selezione di loci significativi tratti dai due poemi e una disamina dell’insieme dei dati emersi, ci si sofferma in particolare sul commento di Drac. laud. I 1-28; 138-148; 164; 437-458 e di Alc.Av. carm. I 17-31: IV 3-109; 155-164. The paper presents the results of the first screening carried out systematically in the De laudibus Dei of Dracontius and in the De spiritalis historiae gestis composed by Avitus of Vienne aimed at detecting the presence of the Lucretian model and the different modalities and functions of reuse. Afer a selection of significant loci taken from the two poems and an examination of the set of data emerged, we dwell in particular on commentary of Drac. laud. I 1-28; 138-148; 164; 437-458 and of Alc.Av. carm. I 17-31: IV 3-109; 155-164.