Media repolonization in Poland: from legislative concepts to the ownership transformation of Polska Press Group (2015-2021 (original) (raw)

Polish Media 22 Years After Socio-Political Breakthrough—The Road to Professionalization and Democratization

Over two decades have passed by since Poland took the course of democratic changes. In the early 1990s the press sector was re-established as a consequence of de-monopolization and has been taken over by foreigners. The electronic media sector has been restricted for 15 years and foreign companies could only have one third of the ownership. The complexity of Polish media system reflects the long way from communism and governmental media towards free democratized market with some remnants of the previous era. It is hard to predict when it will be shaped in a brand new way and if it is generally possible.

The media in Poland: Five years after the breakdown

Academia Letters, 2021

One day later, the Act took effect. An immediate replacement of the Polish TV and Polish Radio Boards and Supervisory Boards members followed. The principle which formed the basis of the regulatory philosophy of this system and has been in force since the early 1990s was also questioned, i.e. that the government's authority over public media is exercised by an authority other than that directly subordinate to the government or a part of it. What has happened in Poland with respect to the public media proves the media's position vis a vis the authorities and the politics typical for the Central and Eastern Europe where the deeply rooted traditional media philosophy has still been in force in line with the well-established behavioural patterns connected with the post-authoritarian culture; the degree varying from country to country. Ironically, the latter facilitates the development, in Central and Eastern Europe, of the phenomenon named "Italianisation of the media". 1 The notion occurred in 1980s as a result of the then developed model of the Italian media. Let's recall its characteristic features: • Strong state control of the media • Close relations between the media and the ruling party

Adam Szynol Fifteen Years of Passauer Neue Presse (Polskapresse) and Orkla Media on the Polish Regional Press Market

Streszczenie: Autor artykułu opisuje najważniejsze momenty związane z kilkunastoletnią obecnością dwóch zagranicznych koncernów (Passauer Neue Presse i Orkla) na polskim rynku regionalnej prasy codziennej. Począwszy od pierwszych inicjatyw wydawniczych, poprzez fazę ostrej konkurencji między obu spółkami i kształtowanie się duopolu, a na spluralizowanym monopolu skończywszy. Autor podsumowuje dokonania Orkli i Passauera w poszczególnych regionach Polski. W artykule jest także mowa o ekspansji kapitału zagranicznego na rynki lokalne oraz o konsolidowaniu spółek wydawniczych i fuzjach tytułów należących do obu koncernów. Zakończenie aktywności Norwegów (Orkli) w Polsce, wykupienie ich gazet przez brytyjski fundusz Mecom i utworzenie dziennika ogólnopolskiego przez Passauera, zdaniem autora, wyznacza nowy etap na rynku prasowym w Polsce. Może się on zakończyć monopolizacją regionalnej prasy codziennej.

Local Media in Poland in the Period of Social and Political Transformation

The article presents and illustrates the substantial changes that occurred in local media in Poland during the social and political transformation. The authors begin with the outline of tendencies in the development of local media after 1989, presenting the factors that promoted changes in this segment of the media, and identifying the main phases of transformations in local media. Local press is the segment of local media that changed the most: in the 1990s, the number of local titles grew rapidly, and their circulations dropped, publishing companies were diversified, and new types of local press appeared. The development and changes in the market of electronic media were connected with the process of granting licences by the National Broadcasting Council, the expansion of commercial broadcasters, and the progressing process of ownership consolidation. Local radio prevailed over local television in the transformation period. There were also changes in the group of local journalists: their number grew rapidly, local editorial teams became younger, and journalists had lower education levels and less professional preparation.

Media landscape of Poland - from a distance


This short essay is meant for scholars and students of mass media who need a basic introduction to the largest media market in Eastern Europe-Poland. The contemporary Polish media system functions within a framework shaped by the process of transformation from authoritarian communism to liberal democracy, and it is impossible to understand without some knowledge of that transformation. Therefore the text consists of three parts: the postwar communist authoritarian system (1944-1989), the transformation from authoritarian communism to liberal democracy (1989-2004) and recent trends including the rise of the "new" online media (2004-2013).

Politicisation of the polish media or mediatisation of polish politics?

Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2014

Today the mass media are referred to as ‘the fourth estate’. It did not take long for them to be elevated to this position and calling them this term puts them on a par with the other three types of power. Strong dependence is thus present between the political and the media systems. Therefore, it seems reasonable to pose the following questions: Which is currently exerting greater influence – the media on politics or maybe politics on the media? Are we dealing with the mediatisation of Polish politics or politicisation of the Polish media? These are just a few questions that come up with regard to the relationships between these two spheres of life. The purpose of this article is to differentiate and describe the levels on which the realms of Polish politics and the media meet, confront each other and cooperate. It is therefore necessary to examine the legal framework for the mass media, the interference of Polish politicians in the shaping and functioning of the institution controlling and regulating the Polish media – Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji [the National Broadcasting Council], as well as to draw attention to the agenda-setting theory and the role journalists play in relations with politicians.

Politics and the Media in Poland from the 19th to the 21st Centuries

Brill, 2024

The book presents the latest research and reflects on the relationships between the media and politics, using the case study method. It delves into the interests of Polish researchers from various centres. The individual chapters focus on different types of both old and new media, including the press, books, radio and the Internet. The authors are historians, media experts and political scientists, sociologists, cultural experts, linguists and representatives of other disciplines. As a result, the research methods, hypotheses and research results present a range of perspectives.

The gradual takeover of the Czech media system

In the Service of Power: Media Capture and the Threat to Democracy, 2017

Changes in the ownership structure of mainstream Czech dailies are transforming what had been a relatively stable Czech media environment over the previous 20 years. Newspapers are now owned by major national business groups with political ties. This text discusses the developments in the ownership of Czech print media and illustrates the changes that the evolving ownership structure brings in terms of media content, media legislation, and public service media. It argues that changing ownership patterns have made media more dependent on the political and business elite and concludes that legislative changes are desirable with a view to protecting media pluralism in the country.