Generation of Mass in Infinite Spherical Universe (original) (raw)

Formation of Complex Matter Structures and Mutual Relations Between the Mass of Elementary Particles


The model of Expansive Nondecelerative Universe leads to a conclusion stating that at the end of radiation era the Jeans mass was equal to the upper mass limit of a black hole and, at the same time, the effective gravitational range of nucleons was identical to their Compton wavelength. At that time nucleons started to exert gravitational impact on their environment which enabled to large scale structures become formed. Moreover, it is shown that there is a deep relationships between the inertial mass of various leptons and bosons and that such relations can be extended also into the realm of other kinds of elementary particles.

12 On the Origin of Elementary Particle Masses


The oldest enigma in fundamental particle physics is: Where do the observed masses of elementary particles come from? Inspired by observation of the empirical particle mass spectrum we propose that the masses of elementary particles arise solely due to the self-interaction of the fields associated with a particle. We thus assume that the mass is proportional to the strength of the interaction of the field with itself. A simple application of this idea to the fermions is seen to yield a mass for the neutrino in line with constraints from direct experimental upper limits and correct order of magnitude predictions of mass separations between neutrinos, charged leptons and quarks. The neutrino interacts only through the weak force, hence becomes light. The electron interacts also via electromagnetism and accordingly becomes heavier. The quarks also have strong interactions and become heavy. The photon is the only fundamental particle to remain massless, as it is chargeless. Gluons gain mass comparable to quarks, or slightly larger due to a somewhat larger color charge. Including particles outside the standard model proper, gravitons are not exactly massless, but very light due to their very weak self-interaction. Some immediate and physically interesting consequences arise: i) Gluons have an effective range ∼ 1fm, physically explaining why QCD has finite reach ii) Gravity has an effective range ∼ 100 Mpc coinciding with the largest known structures; the cosmic voids iii) Gravitational waves undergo dispersion even in vacuum, and have all five polarizations (not just

theory of nothing how mass emerges. june 2022

The math for the Standard Model (SM) resulting from the Big Bang (BB), is predicted by a so-called 'Dynamic Metric Space' (DSM) [3,4]. ToN develops a spin model based on Classical Mechanics (CM), corresponding to Quantum Mechanics (QM) and to General Relativity Theory (GRT). This engineering model brings String Theory (ST) into QM by using hyper-complex numbers called 'Octonions', and into GRT, by incorporating black holes of an electron mass (), into each Octonion 'like' spin that corresponds to the quarks. It is a unifying theory, but NoT a 'Theory of Everything' (ToE). As a currently complete theory, it could be considered a Grand Unifying Theory, while incorporating Black Matter and Black Energy (BE), introduced to physics as Dark Matter (DM) and Dark Energy (DE). The discrepancy between QM and CM can be reconciled by the energy stored in the particle Aether, AKA,(BE), and the Electric Field, which was introduced to Physics as (DE). The discovery of , allows a functional understanding of the physical constants when defined exclusively in terms of (), the speed of light (), a Planck Length (ℓ), and , which predicts the uncertainty principal, (UP) geometrically.

Particle mass generation from physical vacuum

Apeiron, 2011

We present an approach for particle mass generation in which the physical vacuum is assumed as a medium at zero temperature and where the dynamics of the vacuum is described by the Standard Model without the Higgs sector. In this approach fermions acquire masses from interactions with vacuum and gauge bosons from charge fluctuations of vacuum. The obtained results are consistent with the physical mass spectrum, in such a manner that left-handed neutrinos are massive. Masses of electroweak gauge bosons are properly predicted in terms of experimental fermion masses and running coupling constants of strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions. An existing empirical relation between the top quark mass and the electroweak gauge boson masses is explained by means of this approach.

Origin of Mass

BMC Journal of Scientific Research, 2018

Thousands of physicists are working night and day to solve an even more fundamental problem. How do particles acquire mass? Although many of us would like to have less mass, particle theorists find it extremely difficult to explain how we have any at all. In this paper I attempt to explain the formation of mass by different approaches which may clarify the concept of mass.

The formation of particles in the Universe

To have the law of universal gravitation is hardly enough to explain the formation of particles. The formation of particles takes place in the Universe, under very dynamic circumstances. Objects rotate, circle around other objects; they melt and collide; all objects put together move in the same direction (the orbit around a larger object; inside a local group of objects; inside clusters and superclusters of galaxies; inside the Universe, multiverse and probably inside two or (at the most) three even larger groups of multiverses. 1Space is filled with radiation (waves) of different kinds and very different intensities (force). This image of space is to be kept constantly in one's mind during the discussion about the formation of particles, because there are no static or "frozen" images or events. In the experiment, which I conducted in 2005., the results showed the gathering of a part of glass and quartz fragments on the surface of water (in the experiment, the gathered group was 5-6 cm in diameter large). The goal of the experiment was to see the behavior of matter after it had passed through a filter, which simulated the friction of matter. The filter was a transparent pressure hose, a few meters long, filled with quartz sand (and the other with grained glass). To make more intensive friction force, I used a compressor and a pressurized water machine. In the exit part of the equipment I used water (as a filter of outgoing matter particles) in an open container. The conclusion was that matter, under pressure, tends to gather and segregates itself on the water surface – even though it should, generally, sink (with a mild rotation, which is not going to be discussed now). There is only one force in space, which is able to create the friction of particles – and it is radiation (waves). Since the muon discovery (µ), which science fails to acknowledge even to this day, it has been known that in the collision of waves and particles (matter) a disintegration2 of proton can occur, which is later confirmed in accelerators or in particle collisions. 3 Waves are at the same time a very weak force when we discuss the formation of particles (here, the particles of hydrogen, helium, etc., are discussed). A chemical composition of the visible matter in the Universe can testify for it – on average, different sources claim there is about 89% of hydrogen (H) and 11% of helium (He) and all other elements. Chemical compositions of nebulae and clouds have the same ratio.

The Origin of Mass

Arxiv preprint arXiv:0902.1791, 2009

Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement are two crucial features of Quantum Chromodynamics responsible for the nature of the hadron spectrum. These phenomena, presumably coincidental, can account for 98% of the mass of our visible universe. In this set of lectures, I shall present an introductory review of them in the light of the Schwinger-Dyson equations.

On the Origins of Mass

Research Square, 2024

Probability, as manifested through entropy, is presented in this study as one of the most fundamental components of physical reality. It is demonstrated that the quantization of probability allows for the introduction of the mass phenomenon. In simple terms, gaps in probability impose resistance to change in movement, which observers experience as inertial mass. The model presented in the paper builds on two probability fields that are allowed to interact. The resultant probability distribution is quantized, producing discrete probability levels. Finally, a formula is developed that correlates the gaps in probability levels with physical mass. The model allows for the estimation of quark masses. The masses of the proton and neutron are arrived at with an error of 0.02%. The masses of sigma baryons are calculated with an error between 0.007% and 0.2%. The W-boson mass is calculated with an error of 1.3%. The model explains why proton is stable while other baryons are not.

On the Origin of Elementary Particle Masses

The oldest enigma in fundamental particle physics is: Where do the observed masses of elementary particles come from? Inspired by observation of the empirical particle mass spectrum we propose that the masses of elementary particles arise solely due to the self-interaction of the fields associated with a particle. We thus assume that the mass is proportional to the strength of the interaction of the field with itself. A simple application of this idea to the fermions is seen to yield a mass for the neutrino in line with constraints from direct experimental upper limits and correct order of magnitude predictions of mass separations between neutrinos, charged leptons and quarks. The neutrino interacts only through the weak force, hence becomes light. The electron interacts also via electromagnetism and accordingly becomes heavier. The quarks also have strong interactions and become heavy. The photon is the only fundamental particle to remain massless, as it is chargeless. Gluons gain ...