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Autonomous Vehicle -Heaven or Hell for People with Disability: A Study from Literature Submitted by


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are the future stage in the evolution of the transportation system. For this, AVs must be accessible for people with disabilities (PWDs).one of the largest minority and disadvantaged groups of the world, so that an equitable and sustainable transportation system can be built by the deployment of AVs in near future. This study aims to explore the possible aspects that need to take into consideration to make AV an accessible transportation mode for PWDs. The study is conducted based on findings from literature reviews of scholarly documents and web pages. The study explores the possible regulatory measures, design-related aspects of AV, safety, and production cost of AVs to make them accessible for PWDs. The study suggests that the current law of requirement of a driver’s license to travel by AVs should be discarded when full automation will be achieved. Meanwhile, AV should have the capacity to recognize the PWDs and provide them required accommodation. The study also enlists technological features required to make AVs accessible for all types of PWDs and also explores the status of development of these technologies in AV. As installing universal accessibility features will enhance the cost of production cost, the study makes suggestions to keep it affordable for PWDs. Along with that, the study also looks at how better safety can be ensured for PWDs while traveling by an AV

Taking on driving tasks yourself? That was yesterday! How drivers would like to be supported by assistance systems

13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can be found in almost every vehicle nowadays. They support drivers and usually ensure comfort and road safety. While some ADAS have been on the market for years and have proven themselves, some have only recently become available or are still in development. The present study investigates in which situations and contexts ADAS are considered to be most useful. We explored in which contexts a high degree of automation is desired and which implications this has for the design of ADAS. We found that users prefer a high level of automation for motorway driving and parking, but not for urban and overland driving. Our results suggest that the use of and trust in ADAS is related to their complexity. Based on our results, we derive recommendations for interface designers and car manufacturers. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in interaction design.

Analysis of Personal, Environmental and Occupational Factors Effecting Activity Performance of Disabled Drivers

Bezmialem Science

Amaç: Bu çalışma, sürüş yapan engelli sürücülerin performansındaki çevresel, kişisel ve mesleki faktörleri analiz etmek için planlandı. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya ortopedik 20 (grup II) ve 20 nörolojik özürlü (grup I) kişi alındı. Değerlendirmeler için Loewenstein Ergoterapi Kognitif Değerlendirme (LOTCA), İz Sürme Testi (TMT), kalk yürü testi ve sıralı ayak basma testi, Craig Hastanesi Çevresel Faktörler Envanteri (CHIEF-SF) ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Grup I'de 10 kadın ve 10 erkeğin yaş ortalaması 33.9 ± 12.05 yıl, II. grupta 19 erkek ve 1 kadında ortalama yaş 36.5 ± 12.45 yıl olarak bulundu. Grup I, sürüş yetkinliği için gerekli olan sürüş öncesi test normlarına uymayı başaramamış, diğer yandan olarak II. Grup sürüşe ilişkin yeterli puan almış. Visio-motor organizasyon ve düşünme operasyonları LOTCA'nın alt ölçekleri grup I'de baz puanlardan anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p <0.05). Her iki grup da CHIEF-SF'te farklı bariyerler belirttiler. Sonuç: Çalışmamız, katılımcımız için sürüşün önemli bir aktivite olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak, rehabilitasyon hizmetlerinin eksikliği ve sürüş için yasalar sürüş katılımını ve dolayısıyla sosyal katılımı etkileyebilir. Engelli bireylerin etkinlik performansını ve katılımını artırmak için sürüş rehabilitasyon hizmetlerinin, toplum sürüş bilincini, kanun koyucu bilincini sağlamak önemlidir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Ergoterapi, engelli kişiler, günlük yaşam aktiviteleri Objective: This study was planned to analyse environmental, personal and occupational factors on disabled drivers' performance who had been driving. Methods: Twenty orthopedically (group II) and 20 neurologically disabled (group I) people were included in the study. Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA), Trail Making Test (TMT), rapid pace walk test and alternate foot tap test, The Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF-SF) and semistructured interview methods were used for assessments. Results: Group I included 10 women and 10 men with mean age 33.9±12.05 years; group II included 19 men and 1 woman with mean age 36.5±12.45 years. Group I had not been able to comply with pre-driving test norms that needed for driving competency, controversially group II had proficient scores related to driving. Visiomotor organisation and thinking operations sub-scales of LOTCA were significantly lower than base scores (p<0.05) in group I. Both groups defined barriers in CHIEF-SF. Conclusion: Our study showed driving for our participant was an important activity. But lack of rehabilitation services and laws for driving might effect driving participation thus social participation. It is important to enabling driving rehabilitation services, community awareness of driving, law-maker awareness to enhance disabled people's activity performance and participation.

The Intersection of Driving With a Disability and Being a Public Transportation Passenger With a Disability

Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 2009

This article explores certain characteristics of the population of older adults at the intersection of driving with a disabling condition and potentially being a public transportation passenger with a disabling condition. This population will likely place considerable pressure on society to help those who can drive, to continue to drive, and to help those who cannot drive, to use alternative transportation including public transportation. The dynamic interaction of health conditions and personal and contextual factors pose considerable challenges to rehabilitation practitioners. In this article, we also explore training and education as a possible method of helping people extend their community mobility life expectancy.

Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel

Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007 on - GI '07, 2007

The increasing quantity and complexity of in-vehicle systems creates a demand for user interfaces which are suited to driving. The steering wheel is a common location for the placement of buttons to control navigation, entertainment, and environmental systems, but what about a small touchpad? To investigate this question, we embedded a Synaptics StampPad in a computer game steering wheel and evaluated seven methods for selecting from a list of over 3000 street names. Selection speed was measured while stationary and while driving a simulator. Results show that the EdgeWrite gestural text entry method is about 20% to 50% faster than selection-based text entry or direct list-selection methods. They also show that methods with slower selection speeds generally resulted in faster driving speeds. However, with EdgeWrite, participants were able to maintain their speed and avoid incidents while selecting and driving at the same time. Although an obvious choice for constrained input, on-screen keyboards generally performed quite poorly.

Towards a Driving Training System to Support Cognitive Flexibility


Driving under unfamiliar conditions, such as unfamiliar traffic system and unfamiliar vehicle configuration during overseas holidays, might cause fatality, injury or property damage. In these cases, a driver needs to apply their prior knowledge to a new driving situation in order to drive safely. This ability is called cognitive flexibility. Prior research has found that left/mixed-handed people show superior cognitive flexibility in tasks required such ability than right-handed people. This paper aims to explore the relationships among cognitive flexibility, handedness and the types of errors drivers make, specifically at roundabouts and intersections in an unfamiliar driving condition. We conducted an experiment using a right-hand driving simulator and a left-hand simulated traffic scenario as a driving condition to collect the related data to driving at roundabout and intersection. All participants were not familiar with that condition. We found that left/mixed-handed drivers show a significantly superior cognitive flexibility at a turn-left roundabout and intersection. Also left/mixed handed drivers make a significantly fewer number of errors than right-handed drivers when entering the roundabout and approaching the intersection.

The method of selecting adaptive devices for the needs of drivers with disabilities

Open Engineering

This article presents the research which resulted in the creation of the method of automatic selection of adaptive devices for the needs of drivers with motor disabilities – ASA System. An expert system was used to build the method, which used databases from various fields of knowledge in the inference process. The databases were created on the basis of an analysis of the literature on the mobility of people with disabilities, a review of the operation of companies specializing in adaptations, verification of adaptive devices in terms of their functions, as well as various categories of disability. The knowledge of the individual selection of adaptive devices and expertize in this area made for specific recipients were used. Based on the accumulated knowledge, a simplified division of adaptive devices and classification of disabilities were implemented. The conclusions from analyses made it possible to formulate the rules necessary for the application process. A comparative analysis...

Autonomous Vehicles and People with Disabilities: A Scientometric and Integrative Analysis of the Literature

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) promise a new mobility reality for People with Disabilities (PWDs) by offering more possibilities for their inclusion into modern transport systems. When considering AVs’ dissemination for PWDs is related to different types and features of disabilities. Via a scientometric and integrative review, this paper proposes a research agenda on the feld of AVs and PWDs. The search and analyses were based on papers indexed on Scopus, having resulted in a total of 294 articles. This database was chosen since it contains a larger number of records when compared to other academic databases, but mainly by yielding more complete metadata to be used on bibliometric analytical software. The articles were collected in a single search. As for the main results, research on AVs and PWDs is concentrated in Europe (mainly in the Netherlands), Asia, and United States. The research agenda provides a guidance for researchers in AVs, human disabilities, and transport inclusion. It was possible to envisage some principles: proper communication with PWDs about transport technologies along with the industry; engagement with users or PWDs consumers with interactive technologies, and adequate regulations of accessibility and safety. The main contributions of this study were: to delineate a landscape of the past research on AVs and PWDs, and to envision a research agenda on this subject. Another important contribution was to observe that some benefts of AVs applicable for PWDs could be also applied to the elderly. Therefore, the elaboration of new technologies on transport must be inclusive and interactive.