Penggunaan Kohesi Gramatikal Pada Wacana Tajuk Rencana Surat Kabar Jawa Pos Edisi Maret 2016 Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP (original) (raw)

Analisis Penggunaan Kohesi Gramatikal Pada Teks Eksplanasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Bogor

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Guru Sekolah Dasar (JPPGuseda)

ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF GRAMMATICAL COHESION IN THE EXPLANATION TEXT OF CLASS VIII SMP NEGERI 5 BOGORThe aim of this research is to describe the use of grammatical cohesion of references and substitutions in students' explanatory texts. The focus of this research is the use of grammatical cohesion tools in the form of references and substitutions in students' explanatory texts. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, meaning that the data found in the form of sentences and will be described descriptively. Data sources used in this research are 29 explanatory texts for students of class VIII H of SMP Negeri 5 Bogor, using literature study data collection techniques. Grammatical cohesion tools analyzed in the explanatory text are references and substitutions. From the results of this analysis found the use of reference grammatical cohesion and substitution tools of 80 data findings. The most findings are the use of references as much as 67 data (84%). Refe...

Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Karangan Teks Eksposisi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Padang


This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 16 Padang. The data of this study is the use of grammatical cohesion in expository text essays. The source of the data in this study was written exposition texts by class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang. Based on the results of research on the use of grammatical cohesion in exposition text essays for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang, there is the use of grammatical cohesion, namely references, substitutions, ellipsis, and conjunctions. Based on the data analysis that has been done, the most dominant use of grammatical cohesion used in exposition texts for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang is the use of conjunctions and the least use of grammatical cohesion found is the use of ellipsis. From the quantitative data, it can be categorized as an error in the use of grammatical cohesion in an exposition text essay for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang, which is included in the high category.

Alat Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Artikel Koran Kompas

Makalah ini membahas tentang analisis alat kohesi gramatikal dalam artikel koran Kompas berjudul Erupsi Gunung Sinabung: Warga Nekat Bertahan di Zona Merah. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam analisis. Makalah ini bertujuan menjelaskan alat kohesi gramatikal yang terdapat dalam artikel Erupsi Gunung Sinabung: Warga Nekat Bertahan di Zona Merah. I. Pendahuluan Bahasa adalah sistem tanda bunyi yang disepakati untuk dipergunakan oleh para anggota kelompok masyarakat tertentu dalam bekerja sama, berkomunikasi, dan mengidentifikasi diri (Kridalaksana, 2009: 3). Manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menggunakan bahasa untuk mewakili bentuk wacana dalam berkomunikasi antara satu dengan yang lain. Bentuknya dapat berupa lisan atau tulisan. Caranya dapat secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Media komunikasi untuk menyampaikan wacana pada masa ini telah berkembang pesat. Ada media cetak seperti surat kabar dan majalah, ada juga media elektronik seperti televisi, radio, komputer, dan telepon genggam. Melalui komputer, telepon genggam, dan jaringan internet juga telah berkembang media online. Wacana yang disampaikan melalui media cetak, elektronik, dan online harus memiliki kesatuan wacana supaya informasi yang disampaikan dapat dipahami dengan benar. Oleh karena itu, alat kohesi diperlukan untuk menjadikan wacana seabagai sebuah kesatuan yang padu. Makalah ini akan berfokus pada analisis alat kohesi gramatikal dalam artikel berjudul Erupsi Gunung Sinabung: Warga Nekat Bertahan di Zona Merah. Artikel ini bersumber dari koran Kompas edisi Kamis, 26 Mei 2016.

Analisis Kohesi Dan Koherensi Rubrik Tajuk Rencana Pada Surat Kabar Harian Suara Merdeka Edisi Februari 2019 Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia DI Madrasah Aliyah


Kohesi dan koherensi merupakan kriteria dan prinsip yang penting dalam suatu teks agar suatu teks mudah dipahami dan bermanfaat bagi para pembaca. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan kohesi dan koherensi dalam tajuk rencana surat kabar harian Suara Merdeka. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di Madrasah Aliyah. Jadi, tujuan penelitian ini tidak hanya mendeskripsikan kohesi dan koherensi dalam tajuk rencana surat kabar harian Suara Merdeka tetapi juga relevansinya dengan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di Madrasah Aliyah. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data utama adalah tajuk rencana surat kabar harian Suara Merdeka edisi bulan Februari 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan, teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah analisis dokumen. Kemudian teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis mengalir yang terdiri dari mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data berdasarkan analisis kohesi dan koherensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tajuk rencana surat kabar harian Suara Merdeka menggunakan kohesi gramatikal dan leksikal serta koherensi dengan jumlah data yang ditemukan yaitu sebanyak 120. Aspek kohesi gramatikal yang digunakan meliputi pengacuan, substitusi, dan konjungsi. Pada aspek kohesi gramatikal yang paling banyak ditemukan yaitu pengacuan atau referensi dengan 37 data dan yang paling sedikit yaitu substitusi dengan 1 data. Selanjutnya dalam kohesi leksikal yang ditemukan yaitu meliputi repetisi, hiponim, dan antonim. Pada kohesi leksikal jumlah data terbanyak yang ditemukan yaitu pada aspek repetisi dengan 23 data dan yang paling sedikit yaitu antonim dengan 2 data. Sedangkan koherensi yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah hubungan makna pertentangan dengan 13 data dan yang paling sedikit adalah hubungan konsesif dengan 1 data. Kemudian dilihat dari kesesuaian unsur-unsur penyusun tajuk rencana dengan beberapa kompetensi dasar yang ada di Madrasah Aliyah khususnya kelas X analisis kohesi dan koherensi dalam tajuk rencana surat kabar harian Suara Merdeka memiliki relevansi dengan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di Madrasah Aliyah.

Analisis Sarana Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Teks Berita Humas di Website Kanwil Kemenag Jawa Tengah


This research is descriptive qualitative. The method of providing data used is the library method, using listening, reading, and note-taking techniques. The data source was obtained from the news text of the Central Java Ministry of Religion Regional Office's online news site. As a research in the form of a library method, the data sources of this study took six news texts that were considered representative. The text criteria selected as data sources are news texts that contain the use of cohesion and are limited to news related to leadership activities within the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java which will take place in 2021. This study uses discourse analysis that focuses on cohesion. The results of this study are the use of grammatical cohesion in the text. The use of means of grammatical cohesion include references, substitutions, ellipsis, and conjunctions. The most common means of grammatical cohesion are conjunctions, while the least is ellipsis. The means of grammatical cohesion in the text function to produce effective sentences, efficiency, avoid monotony, and achieve cohesive aspects of discourse.

Analisis Bentuk Kohesi Dan Koherensi Wacana Berita Dalam Majalah Panjebar Semangat Sebagai Materi Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa DI SMP

Jurnal KATA

The purpose of this research is describe: (1) cohession aspect in Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine, (2) coherence aspect in Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine, and their relevance as learning material of Javanese class in Junior High School. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The data of the study using writing data form Javanese news in Panjebar Semangat magazine. Sources of data in this study are documents and informants. Sampling technique in this research use purposive sampling. Data collection techniques are document analysis and interview. Data analysis ie interactive data analysis. Conclusion: (1) News cohesion in Panjebar Semangat magazine is grammatical and lexical. Conjugate elements dominate in grammatical cohesion compared to the elements of reference, substitution, and percolation; whereas repetition elements predominate in form cohesion compared to elements of synonymy, antonymy, collocation, hyponimi, and equivalence;

Peranti Kohesi Dalam Wacana Tulis Siswa: Perkembangan Dan Kesalahannya

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012

The aim of the study was to describe the cohesive devices found in the students' written discourse along with its development and usage errors. The data were gathered from the students' writing products from 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders of SDN Baratajaya, Surabaya by using observation and tests as the instruments to obtain the data. The result of the study shows that all elementary students' written discourses (grade 3, 4 and 5) apply the cohesive devices. The cohesive devices most widely used in their written discourse are conjunctions, lexical synonymy, and grammatical ellipsis. The findings illustrate not only the development of the usage on cohesive devices through its percentages on conjuctions, repetition, and synonymy in the students' written discourses but also the description of the cohesive device errors through the use of conjunction, ellipsis, substitution, reference and repetition.

Penanda Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Latar Belakang Skripsi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aimed to determine the marker of what grammatical cohesion was in the background of the students’ thesis of Padang State University. The research data was in the form of written data, namely paragraphs in the background of students' thesis at Padang State University. The results in this study showed 7 theses there were 263 used of grammatical cohesion. From the analysis of the data, the most dominant marker of grammatical cohesion was the reference marker of 142 data. There were 62 data substitution markers, 38 data ellipsis markers, and 21 conjunction markers. So, it could be concluded that the writing of the background of the students’ thesis at Padang State University had a marker of grammatical cohesion which made the paragraph intact and efficient.

Penggunaan Kohesi Gramatikal dan Kohesi Leksikal pada Kumpulan Cerpen Surat Kecil untuk Ayah Karya Boy Candra

Diskursus, 2021

The aim of this research is: 1) To find out the use of grammatical cohesion contained in a collection of short stories from small letters to father by Boy Candra. 2) To find out the use of lexical cohesion contained in a collection of short, short letters to the father by Boy Candra. 3) To find out the comparison of the use of grammatical cohesion with lexical cohesion contained in a collection of short stories from Boy Candra's small letters to fathers. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The technique used is the literature technique. The data sources used were 18 short stories in a collection of short letters to Boy Candra's father. The grammatical cohesion tools analyzed in the four short stories are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. After analyzing, it turns out that the use of the grammatical cohesion tool in the short story is 1900. This number was divided into four types of grammatical cohesion markers, namely 954 references (50%), 113 substitutions (6). %), ellipsis as much as 39 (2%), and conjunction as much as 794 (42%) so that the total becomes 1900. The reference type is further divided into three, namely endophore references (cataphores), endophore references (anaphore), and exophores references. While the lexical cohesion analyzed in the eighteen short stories, namely repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, collocation, and equivalence. After analysis, it turns out that the use of lexical cohesion in these short stories amounted to 507. markers of lexical cohesion, namely repetition as much as 215 (42%), synonym as much as 54 (11%), antonym as much as 63 (12%), himponym as much as 71 (14%), collocation as much as 2 (0.3%), the equivalent of 102 (20%), bringing the total to 507. Meanwhile, in short stories from a collection of short letters to the father by Boy Candra, there is no meronim. The findings of these data were found thoroughly in eighteen short stories from a collection of short letters to the father by Boy Candra.