Alat Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Artikel Koran Kompas (original) (raw)

Kohesi Gramatikal Referensi Dalam Koleksi Cerita Pendek Kompas

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

This study aims to find reference grammatical cohesion forms used to construct narrative discourse. This research method is a descriptive method with qualitative research. Based on the results of data analysis it was found that the reference grammatical forms of cohesion found in the March 2015 edition of Kompas Sunday's short story collection included personal, demonstrative, and comparative references. The persona reference found is person reference I consists of aku, saya, ku-, -ku, kita, and kami. The persona II reference consists of kamu, kau, -mu, and kalian. As well as reference persona III consists of ia, dia, -nya, beliau, and mereka. The demonstrative form of grammatical cohesion is found in kini, sekarang, saat ini, kala itu, dulu, siang itu, sore itu, hari itu, hari ini, di sana, di sini, ke sana, ke mana, sana, ini, and itu. As well, a comparative form of grammatical cohesion found is seperti.

Analisis Kohesi Anafora Dan Katafora Pada Tajuk Rencana Koran Kompas


The purpose of this study was to determine the cohesion aspect anaphora and katafora the Kompas newspaper editorials. The method used in this study is qualitative content analysis with technical analysis is a method used to examine in greater depth discourse. The results showed that of the 12 editorial discourse data showed as many as 164 pairs of sentences. Research data of 164 couples found 67 sentences have cohesion anaphora or as much as 40,48% and only 14 pairs sentence with katafora cohesion or 8,54%. Aspects of cohesion anaphora is used predominantly in building cohesion sentence. From the use of markers, can be show that demonstrative pronouns as much as 54,32% more often appear in a sentence with cohesion. It indicates that the demonstrative pronoun marker has an important role in forming the sentence cohesion.

Kohesi Gramatikal Dalam Ragam Bahasa Perundangundangan


Jenis dan bentuk kohesi dalam bahasa Indonesia sangat banyak, tetapi dalam bahasa perundang-undangan kohesi yang digunakan hanya terbatas pada beberapa jenis dan bentuk tertentu. Karena belum ada yang membahas masalah itu, artikel ini akan mengupas kohesi gramatikal dalam ragam bahasa perundang-undangan. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan jenis dan wujud kohesi dalam bahasa perundang-undangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif inferensial yang bukan hanya memaparkan bentuk dan ciri kohesi gramatikal. dalam bahasa perundang-undangan melainkan juga menganalisisnya. Hasilnya diketahu bahwa kohesi gramatikal dalam bahasa perundangundangan sedikit berbeda denga ragam bahasa yang lain, terutama dalam hal pengacuan. Pengacuan yang bersifat anaforis lebih dominan daripada pengacuan yang bersifat kataforis, baik pengacuan yang berupa pronomina persona terikat (klitik -nya), pemarkah takrif (dimaksud, tersebut, dan ini), maupun penyulihan atau substitusi (dia atau ia). Frasa sebaga...

Analisis Sarana Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Teks Berita Humas di Website Kanwil Kemenag Jawa Tengah


This research is descriptive qualitative. The method of providing data used is the library method, using listening, reading, and note-taking techniques. The data source was obtained from the news text of the Central Java Ministry of Religion Regional Office's online news site. As a research in the form of a library method, the data sources of this study took six news texts that were considered representative. The text criteria selected as data sources are news texts that contain the use of cohesion and are limited to news related to leadership activities within the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java which will take place in 2021. This study uses discourse analysis that focuses on cohesion. The results of this study are the use of grammatical cohesion in the text. The use of means of grammatical cohesion include references, substitutions, ellipsis, and conjunctions. The most common means of grammatical cohesion are conjunctions, while the least is ellipsis. The means of grammatical cohesion in the text function to produce effective sentences, efficiency, avoid monotony, and achieve cohesive aspects of discourse.

Penggunaan Kohesi Gramatikal Pada Wacana Tajuk Rencana Surat Kabar Jawa Pos Edisi Maret 2016 Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP


This study has two objectives (1) Describe the type of grammatical cohesion of discourse editorial in newspaper Jawa Pos edition in March 2016. (2) Describe the grammatical cohesion in discourse editorial Jawa Pos newspaper editions in March 2016 as the Indonesian teaching materials in SMP. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research is on the editorial grammatical cohesion Jawa Pos edition in March 2016 as a junior high school teaching materials. The data in this study are words, phrases, and sentences that contain grammatical cohesion. Sources of data in this research is the discourse of the editorial in the newspaper Jawa Pos edition in March 2016. Data collection techniques in this study refer to the method followed by the techniques noted. Data analysis in the research is the method shared with techniques for direct elementd. A technique for the direct element followed by advanced techniques in the form of dressing techniques and techniques ...

Kohesi Leksikal dalam Rubrik Politik Surat Kabar Kompas

KLITIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2020

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan jenis kohesi leksikal yang terdapat dalam surat kabar Kompas edisi Desember 2015 dan implementasi sebagai bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat-kalimat yang memuat penggunaan kohesi leksikal dalam surat kabar harian Kompas edisi Desember 2015 dan kohesi leksikal sebagai materi bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMK. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu surat kabar Kompas edisi 2015. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka, teknik baca, dan teknik catat. Prosedur analisis data menggunakan metode agih. mengumpulkan data, menggolongkan sesuai dengan jenis kohesi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi peneliti. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat enam jenis kohesi leksikal, repetisi, sinonimi, antonimi, hiponimi, kolokasi, dan ekuivalensi dalam surat kabar Kompas dan kohesi leksikal. Sebagai bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMK materi kohesi menunjang kelengkapan materi klasifikasi kata berdasarkan bentuk kata, makna kata berdasarkan kelas kata, dan penggunaan kamus dalam mencari bentuk, kategori, dan makna kata.

Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Karangan Teks Eksposisi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Padang


This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 16 Padang. The data of this study is the use of grammatical cohesion in expository text essays. The source of the data in this study was written exposition texts by class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang. Based on the results of research on the use of grammatical cohesion in exposition text essays for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang, there is the use of grammatical cohesion, namely references, substitutions, ellipsis, and conjunctions. Based on the data analysis that has been done, the most dominant use of grammatical cohesion used in exposition texts for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang is the use of conjunctions and the least use of grammatical cohesion found is the use of ellipsis. From the quantitative data, it can be categorized as an error in the use of grammatical cohesion in an exposition text essay for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Padang, which is included in the high category.

Pemarkah Kohesi dalam Rubrik Tapaleuk Harian Pos Kupang

RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 2017

Penelitian ini mengkaji "Pemarkah Kohesi dalam Rubrik Tapaleuk Harian Pos Kupang" yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan jenis dan penggunaan pemarkah kohesi dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang. Wacana yang dikaji adalah wacana yang berisi kisah hidup sepasang suami-istri yang memparodikan isu-isu hangat di kota Kupang dan sekitarnya. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa rubrik Tapaleuk menggunakan empat aspek kohesi garamatikal, yaitu referensi, subtitusi, elipsis, dan konjungsi. Aspek referensi atau pengacuan yang ditemukan yakni referensi persona, referensi demonstratif, dan referensi komparatif. Selanjutnya, aspek subtitusi atau penggantian yang ditemukan yakni subtitusi verba dan subtitusi klausa. Kemudian, aspek elipsis atau pelesapan yang ditemukan yakni elipsis verba dan elipsis nomina. Terakhir, aspek konjungsi atau kata hubung yang ditemukan yakni konjungsi aditif, konjungsi adversatif, konjungsi temporal, konjungsi kausal. Aspek-aspek ini digunakan sebagai pemarkah kohesi gramatikal baik dalam tataran antarklausa, antarkalimat maupun antarparagraf. Selain aspek kohesi gramatikal, ditemukan pula aspek kohesi leksikal. Aspek-aspek tersebut antara lain berupa aspek repetisi, kolokasi, hiponim, meronim, antonim, dan sinonim. Setiap aspek kohesi leksikal tersebut digunakan sebagai pemarkah kohesi leksikal antarkalimat maupun antarparagraf. Penggunaan pemarkah kohesi membuat sebuah wacana menjadi kohesif dan padu.

Penanda Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Latar Belakang Skripsi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aimed to determine the marker of what grammatical cohesion was in the background of the students’ thesis of Padang State University. The research data was in the form of written data, namely paragraphs in the background of students' thesis at Padang State University. The results in this study showed 7 theses there were 263 used of grammatical cohesion. From the analysis of the data, the most dominant marker of grammatical cohesion was the reference marker of 142 data. There were 62 data substitution markers, 38 data ellipsis markers, and 21 conjunction markers. So, it could be concluded that the writing of the background of the students’ thesis at Padang State University had a marker of grammatical cohesion which made the paragraph intact and efficient.