The Dhamma of Hope: Kertarajasa Buddhist College Experienced in Educating the “Unequal” (original) (raw)
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Despite being a career option that is not particularly popular in Sri Lanka, Buddhist chaplaincy, like other chaplaincy programs, continues to gain acceptability throughout the world. Whether a person is lay or ordained, they can both fill this position and help the community by promoting social harmony, mental health, and other associated social activities. Buddhist chaplaincy is an established role at several colleges across the globe and satisfies the aforementioned regions. In order to address issues relating to youth among university students, the study looks into the potential benefits and challenges of implementing a role identical to that of a lay Buddhist chaplain in Sri Lankan universities. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the value and necessity of providing young graduates in Sri Lanka with this kind of professional responsibility. As a first step in creating a career path in chaplaincy in Sri Lanka, this study also aims to highlight the importance of having this kind of role in Sri Lankan universities with regard to student well-being and resilience, even though this is not a position that is only limited to universities. Another objective is to persuade graduates in Buddhist Studies to consider an alternative career path rather than trying to work as lecturers and teachers in their area of expertise. A lot of emphasis has been made on promoting lay involvement in these professional tracks in order to optimize their impact and encourage laypeople to choose them. Additionally, this position can make a significant contribution to students who are experiencing major mental health issues to seek help by collaborating with other university counseling services. Since an ordained person is unable to address all the hurdles that a lay person could, playing a role like this especially by a lay Buddhist chaplain can make a significantly greater contribution and intervention to problems that university students are facing than it is being done by a monastic. Study concludes that, chaplaincy in Buddhism is not only a task for monks but also a chance for laypeople who want to serve their community to do so in a formal setting. By establishing positions like these in universities, this study demonstrates how this career can support university students who are dealing with a variety of issues. This study employs a qualitative research methodology and refers to several publications authored by academics who served in Buddhist chaplaincy positions. Research studies written by Rev. Dr. Monica Sanford, Chris Berling, and Cheryl A. Giles have received particular attention. Keywords: Lay Buddhist Chaplains, Universities, mental health, social harmony, students
Need of Education On Religious Tolerance Among The Buddhist Minority In Indonesia
Jurnal Nyanadassana: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan
Throughout history, Indonesia has faced several violence out of which religious issues has most likely become the trigger for such violence. In attempt on building tolerance among religious communities, there are four questioning points that need to be dealt with: 1) what is the religious tolerance? 2) what are the causes for the arising of religious intolerance? 3) what is our response in facing intolerance acts from other religious communities? 4) what are our contributions in creating tolerance, unity, peace and harmony in the midst of religious diversity. This research attempts to discuss this subject matter comprehensively with reference to Buddhist’s canonical literature, with its main aim for educating Buddhist minority in Indonesia on the importance of religious tolerance. The education is greatly needed for two main reasons. The first reason is to make Buddhists minority in Indonesia understand clearly the Buddhist attitude on religious tolerance, thereby they would behave ...
Education of Religious Characters in Indonesia
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
This article reviews about religious education in the congregation tariqah qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah. This research was conducted at the congregation in Sambas West Kalimantan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a method of data collection with interview techniques. The problem faced by nations in the world and Indonesia, in particular, is now being transformed by the need to globalize. This indicates that globalization is a phenomenon that cannot be avoided by anyone and any country. The consequences of globalization bring rapid changes and affect every aspect of life, including changes in moral values and social life. To overcome these problems, there is an immediate need to become a spiritual gate in internalizing religious values in living in the community.