Matrix Elasticity Directs Stem Cell Lineage Specification (original) (raw)

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Preparation of Collagen-Coated Gels that Maximize In Vitro Myogenesis of Stem Cells by Matching the Lateral Elasticity of In Vivo Muscle Cover Page

Substrate Stiffness Controls Osteoblastic and Chondrocytic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells without Exogenous Stimuli

PloS one, 2017

Stem cell fate has been linked to the mechanical properties of their underlying substrate, affecting mechanoreceptors and ultimately leading to downstream biological response. Studies have used polymers to mimic the stiffness of extracellular matrix as well as of individual tissues and shown mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) could be directed along specific lineages. In this study, we examined the role of stiffness in MSC differentiation to two closely related cell phenotypes: osteoblast and chondrocyte. We prepared four methyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate (MA/MMA) polymer surfaces with elastic moduli ranging from 0.1 MPa to 310 MPa by altering monomer concentration. MSCs were cultured in media without exogenous growth factors and their biological responses were compared to committed chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Both chondrogenic and osteogenic markers were elevated when MSCs were grown on substrates with stiffness <10 MPa. Like chondrocytes, MSCs on lower stiffness substrates showe...

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Substrate Stiffness Controls Osteoblastic and Chondrocytic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells without Exogenous Stimuli Cover Page

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Assaying stem cell mechanobiology on microfabricated elastomeric substrates with geometrically modulated rigidity Cover Page

Mesenchymal stem cell responses to mechanical stimuli

Muscles, ligaments and tendons journal, 2012

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to replace or restore the function of damaged tissues and offer much promise in the successful application of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies. Optimising culture conditions for the pre-differentiation of MSCs is a key goal for the research community, and this has included a number of different approaches, one of which is the use of mechanical stimuli. Mesenchymal tissues are subjected to mechanical stimuli in vivo and terminally differentiated cells from the mesenchymal lineage respond to mechanical stimulation in vivo and in vitro. MSCs have also been shown to be highly mechanosensitive and this may present an ideal method for controlling MSC differentiation. Here we present an overview of the response of MSCs to various mechanical stimuli, focusing on their differentiation towards the mesenchymal tissue lineages including bone, cartilage, tendon/ligament, muscle and adipose tissue. More research is needed to ...

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Mesenchymal stem cell responses to mechanical stimuli Cover Page

Spatially patterned matrix elasticity directs stem cell fate

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016

There is a growing appreciation for the functional role of matrix mechanics in regulating stem cell self-renewal and differentiation processes. However, it is largely unknown how subcellular, spatial mechanical variations in the local extracellular environment mediate intracellular signal transduction and direct cell fate. Here, the effect of spatial distribution, magnitude, and organization of subcellular matrix mechanical properties on human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSCs) function was investigated. Exploiting a photodegradation reaction, a hydrogel cell culture substrate was fabricated with regions of spatially varied and distinct mechanical properties, which were subsequently mapped and quantified by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The variations in the underlying matrix mechanics were found to regulate cellular adhesion and transcriptional events. Highly spread, elongated morphologies and higher Yes-associated protein (YAP) activation were observed in hMSCs seeded on hydrogels wit...

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Spatially patterned matrix elasticity directs stem cell fate Cover Page

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The effect of matrix stiffness on mesenchymal stem cell differentiation in a 3D thixotropic gel Cover Page

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Viscoelastic properties of human mesenchymally-derived stem cells and primary osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes Cover Page

European Society of Biomechanics S.M. Perren Award 2012: The external mechanical environment can override the influence of local substrate in determining stem cell fate

Journal of Biomechanics, 2012

The aim of this study was to explore how cell-matrix interactions and extrinsic mechanical signals interact to determine stem cell fate in response to transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3). Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were seeded in agarose and fibrin hydrogels and subjected to dynamic compression in the presence of different concentrations of TGF-β3. Markers of chondrogenic, myogenic and endochondral differentiation were assessed. MSCs embedded within agarose hydrogels adopted a spherical cell morphology, while cells directly adhered to the fibrin matrix and took on a spread morphology. Free-swelling agarose constructs stained positively for chondrogenic markers, with MSCs appearing to progress towards terminal differentiation as indicated by mineral staining. MSC seeded fibrin constructs progressed along an alternative myogenic pathway in long-term free-swelling culture. Dynamic compression suppressed differentiation towards any investigated lineage in both fibrin and agarose hydrogels in the short-term. Given that fibrin clots have been shown to support a chondrogenic phenotype in vivo within mechanically loaded joint defect environments, we next explored the influence of long term (42 days) dynamic compression on MSC differentiation. Mechanical signals generated by this extrinsic loading ultimately governed MSC fate, directing MSCs along a chondrogenic pathway as opposed to the default myogenic phenotype supported within unloaded fibrin clots. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that external cues such as the mechanical environment can override the influence specific substrates, scaffolds or hydrogels have on determining mesenchymal stem cell fate. The temporal data presented in this study highlights the importance of considering how MSCs respond to extrinsic mechanical signals in the long term.

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European Society of Biomechanics S.M. Perren Award 2012: The external mechanical environment can override the influence of local substrate in determining stem cell fate Cover Page

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Cell adhesion and mechanical stimulation in the regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation Cover Page

Data of a stiffness softening mechanism effect on proliferation and differentiation of a human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell line towards the chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages

Data in brief, 2018

This article contains data related to the research article entitled "Stiffness memory of indirectly 3D-printed elastomer nanohybrid regulates chondrogenesis and osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells" [1] (Wu et al., 2018). Cells respond to the local microenvironment in a context dependent fashion and a continuous challenge is to provide a living construct that can adapt to the viscoelasticity changes of surrounding tissues. Several materials are attractive candidates to be used in tissue engineering, but conventional manufactured scaffolds are primarily static models with well-defined and stable stiffness that lack the dynamic biological nature required to undergo changes in substrate elasticity decisive in several cellular processes key during tissue development and wound healing. A family of poly (urea-urethane) (PUU) elastomeric nanohybrid scaffolds (PUU-POSS) with thermoresponsive mechanical properties that soften by reverse self-assembling at body temperature h...

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Data of a stiffness softening mechanism effect on proliferation and differentiation of a human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell line towards the chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages Cover Page