Tendencije / Tendencies (original) (raw)


Through a comparative analysis of themes and motives associating the love poetry of the “Serbian Bob Dylan” Bora Đorđević and the fiction of the French novelist Michel Houellebecq, with an emphasis on Đorđević’s collection of poetry Pusto ostrvo (i.e. “Desert Island”, 2017) and Houellebecq’s novel La possibilité d’une île (engl. transl. The Possibility of an island, 2005), we aim at showing a number of similarities in their approach to the problem of frailty and pain of love. Both authors explore the causes of and the solution for the antagonism between egoism and need for love in a couple. From the theoretical point of view, our comparison hinges on three basic dichotomies : eros/ agape (D. de Rougemont, L’Amour et l’Occident, 1960 ; Engl. Trans. Love in the Western World, 1940), love-need/ love-gift (C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves, 1960) and I-Thou/ I-It (Martin Buber, Ich und Du, 1923 ; engl. transl. I and Thou, 1937). Confronting the many aspects of love offered by the poet and the novelist, we argue that they both consider ageing, selfishness and romantic illusion as the major impediments to a lasting love. Love’s labor is always lost when reduced to sexual intercourse, which “has all too short a date”, so that the rest of life turns into solitude and pain. Still, the crucial trigger of love misery is in us: the self-centered love or eros is a beggar who takes pleasure in its own desire, whereas sexuality is that fundamental and life-long instinct of transcending the limits of self by knowing the other and belonging to him/her. Considered in such a context, the motif of island represents a new Eden where love and joy of two blended individuals become possible.

N Cekic A Jovanovic 2009 tendencies.pdf

This paperwork considers changes on stereotypes in functional evaluation of a student housing unit within student dorm at the beginning of this century. Urban-architectural organization of a student housing unit being largely designed as an apartment structure was many times architecturally copied from the past. There seems to be a real urge for modern unclasping, more innovative, inspired, functional and better designed functional structure. The communications analysis in relation to public-semipublic-semiprivate-private implicates more actual possibilities through arrangement and consideration of terraced spaces nevertheless of new modes. One is standing for a conceptually more contemporary student apartment with identity, ideas with differently arranged living floor plan and more usable space of the housing unit, which accounts for more quality in regards to individual status within students collective housing.

Polarisation of Expressive Tendencies in Serbian Architecture at the Beginning of XXI Century [Polarizacija ekspresivnih tendencija u srpskoj arhitekturi početkom XXI veka]

The subject of this research includes specific examples of extreme tendencies of architectural expressiveness, present in Serbia in the past fifteen years (after 2000). The term 'extreme tendencies' in architectural expressiveness refers to the group of expressive characteristics of architectural creation, which are the consequence of creative tendency to achieve maximal simplicity (minimalist tendency) or maximum dynamizing (expressionist tendency) of the architectural composition. The focus of the paper is critical analyses of expressive characteristics of referent architectural objects and cause-and-effect links with socio-political circumstances present in Serbia from the 1990s, i.e. since disintegration of SFR Yugoslavia. Unlike other countries in the region (Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, etc), which have gone through the period of post-socialist transition under different and less dramatic circumstances, expressive examples of architecture in Serbia have been polarised and appeared in extreme manifestations (expressionism and minimalism). The paper draws a general conclusion that polarization of expressive architectural examples emerges in the period of transition and under conditions of extreme socio-political and economics changes. Predmet istraživanja čine karakteristični primeri ekstremnih tendencija u aritektonskoj izražajnosti, koji su nastali u Srbiji tokom poslednjih petnaest godina (nakon dvehiljadite godine). Pod pojmom ''ekstremne tendencije'' u arhitektonskoj izražajnosti se misli na skup ekspresivnih karakteristika arhitektonskog dela, koje se javljaju kao posledica stvaralačke težnje ka maksimalnom pojednostavljenju (minimalistička tendencija) ili maksimalnom dinamiziranju (ekspresionistička tendencija) kompozicionog sklopa. Težište rada predstavlja kritička analiza ekspresivnih karakteristika referentnih arhitektonskih objekata i uzročno-posledičnih veza sa društveno-političkim okolnostima koje se odvijaju u Srbiji od početka devedesetih godina dvadesetog veka, tj. od raspada SFR Jugoslavije. Za razliku od drugih zemalja u regionu (Hrvatska, Slovenija, Rumunija, Bugarska i dr.) koje u drugačijim i manje dramatičnim okolnostima prolaze kroz period post-socijalističke tranzicije, izražajni primeri arhitekture u Srbiji su polarizovani i javljaju se u ekstremnim pojavnim oblicima (ekspresionizam i minimalizam). U radu se izvodi opšti zaključak po kome se polarizacija ekspresivnih arhitektonskih primera javlja u periodu tranzicije u situacijama ekstremnih društveno-političkih i ekonomskih promena.

RAD ASCRO Savic Pavicin - Ozljede

Occupational Injuries among Dentists in Croatia Ozljede na radu među stomatolozima u Hrvatskoj Uvod Stomatološka profesija procijenjena je u svijetu kao visoko rizična i to prema mnogim parametrima (1). Istraživanja pokazuju da su stomatolozi skloni profesionalnim bolestima, bolestima povezanima s radom te da su, nažalost, često u opasnosti od ozljeda tijekom rada (2, 3). Profesionalne bolesti i ozljede na radu imaju višestruku etiologiju, a specifični radni uvjeti jedan su od bitnih čimbenika (4, 5). Uzroci obolijevanja najčešće su dugotrajna izloženost i visoka koncentracija specifičnih štetnih i nepovoljnih tvari, različitih mikroorganizama te opetovani prisilni nefiziološki položaj tijela (5). Sklonost ozljedama na radu povećava i stalno rukovanje velikim brojem oštrih instrumenata i igala, malo radno polje te strujanje zraka i vode što, uz slinu i krv pacijenta, može uzrokovati ozljedu oka stranim tijelima (krhotine zuba, materijala i sl.). Rizične čimbenike u stomatološkoj profesiji možemo podijeliti na biološke, biomehaničke, kemijske, fizikalne i psi-ACTA STOMATOLOGICA CROATICA www.ascro.hr