Ritos políticos e politização popular no Brasil imperial (original) (raw)

Funerals, Opposition and Protest between France and Brazil in nineteenth century

Almanack, 2015

This article seeks to establish some comparative points about the so-called "opposition funerals", in nineteenth-century in France and Brazil, from propositions presents in the innovative approach of Emmanuel Fureix proposals on the occasion of the Forum Magazine Almanack, occurred in 26/08/2014, which is shown here as article. In this work, Fureix analyzed the protest rites in France of the 1830s and 1840s and among them focused the funerals of Liberals that became ceremonial opposed to the government of the monarchist Restoration, giving new kinds of funeral rites. The dialogue with their proposals will seek to analyze the feasibility of reflecting on such opposition burials in nineteenth-century Brazil.


IUS FUGIT. Revista de Cultura Juridica (Espanha/ Spain), 2015

And, so as before, after so many other ill succeeded uprisings, the last one gathered all the elements of an outburst. And, without a doubt, it succumbed, as every soul understood how meaningless was all that turbulence; passions then restrained their ardor, silenced their demands, dissipated their threatens; so, naturally, aversion and divorce were over, and under the promise of a conservative progress surfaced the time of transaction.

Stormy Times: How did Social Movements Conquer the Political Class for the Overthrow of the Dictatorship in Brazil?

Mundos do Trabalho, 2023

The book is divided into seven chapters that investigate pivotal moments and key players that contributed to the fall of the military regime and the establishment of democratic institutions. Pitts employs a creative writing methodology, covering various historical junctures over two decades during the dictatorship, thus transforming the act of reading the book into a delightful experience. In the first two chapters, Pitts laid the foundations of his theses on the role of the political class in the democratization of Brazil. The book narrates a historically relevant confrontation between the military and the political elite due to the resurgence of a left-wing student movement, in which some of the prominent figures were precisely the sons and daughters of politicians.

Popular Refractions: Lina Bo Bardi and Marilena Chaui at the Crisis of the National-Popular in the redemocratization of Brazil.

The Observers Observed: Architectural Uses of Ethnography, 2021

The paths of the Italian-born Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914-1992) and the Brazilian philosopher Marilena Chaui (1941 - ) crossed in the Workers' Party (PT) first government in São Paulo between 1988 and 1992, during the government of the Mayor Luiza Erundina (1934 - ). It was the first time that the new party, created in 1980 at the end of a dictatorship (1964-1981), ruled in the largest city in the country. Lina Bo Bardi was commissioned to design São Paulo’s new City Hall while the philosopher headed the Secretary of Culture. This act would move the City Hall back to the historic center after being located for many years in the wealthy neighborhood of Ibirapuera Park, in a pavilion designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The new City Hall would occupy a historic building called Palácio das Indústrias and sought to symbolically bring the public power closer to the people, based on a common conciliatory memory related to work and industry. The antecedents of this episode reveal a common interest and disagreements of these women about politics, culture, and their relationship with the popular classes. This interest, however, was not particular but was related to a long tradition of Brazilian cultural elites, which invested in ethnographic approaches to ground their political convictions and legitimize their conceptions of nationality. In Chaui’s critique and in some of Bo Bardi’s works, such as SESC Pompéia and the exhibitions she curated there, both of them engaged in an ethnographic search for the people to express their own ideas about the nation and its possible democratic paths. However, the rise of the neoliberal agenda and the return to power of political groups from the dictatorship period, this time elected, favored the conversion of the idealized political image of the ‘people’ into the stigmatized portrait of the bandit. Urban violence and poverty became related themes in public opinion and state violence was disguised and intensified under the guise of the Democratic State.

Padres políticos e suas redes de solidariedade: uma análise da atuação sacerdotal no sertão de Minas Gerais (1822 e 1831)

Revista Brasileira de História, 2012

A consolidação dos Estados nacionais modernos implicou combinações múltiplas entre mentalidade cristã e racionalismo secular. Apesar disso, as relações entre poder temporal e espiritual nem sempre foram congruentes e harmoniosas. Tampouco limitaram-se ao âmbito institucional. No caso brasileiro, muitos clérigos aliaram de modo peculiar a formação pastoral e intelectual à atuação política, em favor de seus interesses privados, buscando usufruir de suas redes de sociabilidade para resistir às normatizações encaminhadas pelo Estado nacional, desde 1822. Visando preservar ou mesmo galgar aqueles atributos garantidores de distinção, riqueza e poder e atuando, sobretudo, por vias informais, esses clérigos protagonizaram alguns dos conflitos ocorridos no sertão de Minas Gerais, os quais, conforme analisa o presente artigo, desafiaram a competência governamental em garantir a estrita observância da Lei, denunciando novas formas de fazer política, personificadas na figura do 'padre polít...

The conservative use of civil society in Brazil: the influence of the First World War on the political thought of Oliveira Vianna

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2020

This article reassesses the Brazilian intellectual and publicist Oliveira Vianna's reputation as an authoritarian, arguing that he should be understood as a conservative thinker, whose main priority was to render change safe for the existing hierarchical social order. Vianna's little-known early newspaper articles show that the First World War was a key event in his intellectual formation, raising fears of a threat to Brazil's sovereignty and integrity. Vianna identified a lack of social solidarity as the main factor in the country's vulnerability. In the 1920s, he developed a solution based on civil society and the public sphere before turning to syndicalism and corporatism after 1930. His reform of the syndical legislation in 1938-40 shows how his ideas had long-lasting practical repercussions.

The Rule of Force: Militarism and the Militarization of Politics in the Early Brazilian Republic (1889-1890)

Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 2021

This article addresses the immediate aftermath of the November 15, 1889, republican coup d’état in Brazil. Taking into account the diversity of the states’ political landscapes, its main theme is the profound transformation in the country’s political life precipitated by the abrupt passage from a parliamentary monarchy, marked by the ascendancy of civilian institutions, to a military dictatorship. It will demonstrate that, given the fact that republicans were a fragmented minority in most of the country, the military had preeminence in the implementation of the regime. However, considering that the coup was itself an act of insubordination, that control over institutions created frictions, and that the role of arbiters contaminated the barracks with the period’s extreme polarization, the liabilities of the militarization of politics were soon manifest. They were, most notably, the deep unrest and factionalism in the armed forces, the continuous institutional degradation, and the rise of authoritarianism.