Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae on rocky outcrops in the Agreste Mesoregion of the Paraíba State, Brazil (original) (raw)

Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae on rocky outcrops in the Agreste Mesoregion of the Paraíba State, Brazil

Hoehnea, 2015

The present study consists of the floristics-taxonomic survey of Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae on rocky outcrops located at an Atlantic Forest-Caatinga transition area in Paraíba State, northeast of Brazil, in order to provide data for the implementation of the biota conservation’s policies, especially of the flora associated to rocky environments of Paraíba State, given that the taxonomic studies focusing on such families in this state are still incipient. During the study, ten species in six genera of Bromeliaceae and six species in five genera of Orchidaceae were recorded. The treatment includes keys for recognition of the species of families, morphological descriptions, illustrations, geographic distribution data, and comments on the phenology of the species.

New occurrence records of Bromeliaceae for the state of Maranho, northeastern Brazil

Check List, 2020

We report three species of Bromeliaceae (Encholirium spectabile Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f., Pitcairnia burchellii Mez, and Tillandsia bulbosa Hook.) for the first time from Maranhão, northeastern Brazil, based on our fieldwork. Data on species’ morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and geographic distribution are included. Our new data add to the knowledge to the flora of Maranhão and expand the distribution of three bromeliad species in Brazil.

Floristic diversity of two crystalline rocky outcrops in the Brazilian northeast semi-arid region

Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2010

Floristic composition and structure of vegetation were studied in two rocky outcrop areas in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. From April 2007 to September 2008, 18 monthly field trips were carried out. Vascular plants were randomly collected throughout the outcrop areas. For structural analysis, 30 plots of 1 × 1 m were set in the vegetation islands. The checklist presented combines 211 species (69 families and 168 genera), although only 56 species were collected in the plots. Fabaceae (18 spp.; 8.5%), Asteraceae (17 spp.; 8%), Orchidaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Euphorbiaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Bromeliaceae (10 spp.; 4.7%), and Poaceae (eight spp.; 3.8%) are the richest families. Overall, 1,792 shrub and herbaceous specimens were counted in the plots. The Shannon-Wiener (H) diversity index values were 2.572 and 2.547 nats individual-1. The species that presented the highest absolute abundance values (number of plants) had low frequencies in the plots and vice-versa. The biologic...

Miscellaneous new species in the Brazilian Bromeliaceae


From 1990 to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 newBromeliaceae species. This publication rate is considered to be a useful indicator of floristic richness andalso reveals the huge gaps in our knowledge of species that make up Brazilian biomes and the importanceof taxonomy as a basic tool to assess biodiversity and conservation. The goal of modern taxonomists is ina race against time ordained by an unprecedented rate of global biodiversity loss, and therefore collaborationis vital to successfully close these gaps. This paper is the result of a broad cooperative research effortundertaken specifically to provide basic data on the identity of new components of Brazilian biologicaldiversity. The authors describe and illustrate 22 new Bromeliaceae species from three subfamilies: Bromelioideae - Aechmea guaratingensis, A. paratiensis, A. rubroaristata, Cryptanthus capitellatus, C. venecianus, C. viridovinosus, Hohenbergia aechmeoides, H. arcuata, H....

Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae

Phytotaxa, 2013

From 1990 to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 new Bromeliaceae species. This publication rate is considered to be a useful indicator of floristic richness and also reveals the huge gaps in our knowledge of species that make up Brazilian biomes and the importance of taxonomy as a basic tool to assess biodiversity and conservation. The goal of modern taxonomists is in a race against time ordained by an unprecedented rate of global biodiversity loss, and therefore collaboration is vital to successfully close these gaps. This paper is the result of a broad cooperative research effort undertaken specifically to provide basic data on the identity of new components of Brazilian biological diversity. The authors describe and illustrate 22 new Bromeliaceae species from three subfamilies:

The Orchidaceae of Itacolomi State Park in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Acta Botanica Brasilica, 1990

The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Acta bot. bras. 4(2):1990 THE ORCHIDACEAE OF ITACOWMI STATE PARK IN MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL 55 Ruy José Válka Alves 1 Recebido em 158-89 Aceito em 155 -90 RESUMO -Este traba1ho faz uma parcial comparação de duas épocas da flÓruIa de Orchidaceae do Parque Estadual do ltacolomi em Ouro Preto, MG. A primeira é representada por coletas anteriores a 1980, e a segunda pelas coletas dos últimos cinco anos. Análises florais documentam as coletas recentes. Palavras-chave: Brasil, Florística, Minas Gerais, Orchidaceae, Ouro Preto. ABSTRACT -This paper compares the partial Orchidaceae floras of Itacolomi State Park in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in two different periods_ The flTSt is represented by a1l colections prior to 1980, while the second comprises those of the past five years. Floral analyses document the recent collections.

Bromeliaceae species from coastal restinga habitats, Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, and Bahia

Check List, 2008

Bromeliaceae is one of the most representative plant families in restinga habitats. We analyzed the species richness and composition of Bromeliaceae in 13 restinga habitats along the Brazilian coast. We found a total of 41 species distributed along the restinga habitats studied. The restinga of Praia do Sul, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, had the highest number of species (15), whereas the restinga of Abaeté, in the state of Bahia, had the lowest (4). Our data are suggestive that the Doce River may represent the limit of distribution for some bromeliad species, with some species occurring only south of that river and others occurring only to the north of it. The differences in Bromeliaceae species composition among restinga habitats probably are not only due to differences in local environmental conditions, but also due to the geographic distribution pattern of each species and to the present degree of disturbance at each restinga.

Checklist of the Bromeliaceae from Pedra dos Pontões, Mimoso do Sul, Espírito Santo, Brazil, with four first records for the state

A Biota Neotropica é uma revista eletrônica e está integral e gratuitamente disponível no endereço Biota Neotropica is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal edited by the Program BIOTA/FAPESP: The Virtual Institute of Biodiversity. This journal's aim is to disseminate the results of original research work, associated or not to the program, concerned with characterization, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity within the Neotropical region. Biota Neotropica é uma revista do Programa BIOTA/FAPESP-O Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade, que publica resultados de pesquisa original, vinculada ou não ao programa, que abordem a temática caracterização, conservação e uso sustentável da biodiversidade na região Neotropical. A versão on-line completa deste artigo está disponível em:

Boraginales (Boraginaceae s.l.) and Lamiales (Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae) in a Conservation Area in the Semiarid Region of Northeastern Brazil

Rodriguésia, 2019

A taxonomic treatment for Boraginales (Boraginaceae s.l.) and Lamiales (Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae) in the Engenheiro Avidos Ecological Park, a full-protection reserve located in the semiarid region of Paraíba State in northeastern Brazil is presented in this study. At the Park, a total of 22 species were encountered, including nine species of Boraginaceae s.l., six species of Lamiaceae, and seven species of Verbenaceae. Vitex orinocensis (Lamiaceae) was found for the first time for Caatinga and also represents a new record for Paraíba state. Morphological descriptions, keys for separating the families and respective species; data concerning flowering, fruiting, geographic distributions, and of the preferred habitats of the species found in the study area are also provided.