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Telaah Kasus Pembubaran BP Migas
Abstraksi: -Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, melalui putusan nomor 36/PU-X/2012, melakukan pembubaran atas BP Migas dalam Undang-Undang nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Hal ini bermula dari pengajuan Judicial Review atas UU nomor 22 Tahun 2001 oleh sejumlah organisasi dan perorangan karena dianggap telah melanggar Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) 1945. Pro dan Kontra muncul akibat keputusan ini, tulisan ini akan mencoba untuk menelaah tentang pengambilan keputusan ini dan kemungkinan dampak yang timbul akibat keputusan ini.
Ipteks Prosedur Penghapusan BMN Oleh KPKNL Manado
Jurnal Ipteks Akuntansi Bagi Masyarakat, 2018
In order manifest procedure deletion State wealth , accountability management Goods State property , destruction State wealth , and deletion State wealth , necessary existence the implementation of an efficient, if efekt and take responsibility answer in Goods State Property. total State assets which are in condition broken will to be problem in BMN management but should reported on report Goods State-owned or Balance sheet. On party the user goods required take responsibility answer in take care of and make use of Goods State-owned with the best that includes age economical , period benefits , shrinkage and supervision should always in report every the period to party always manager goods namely KPKNL Manado. Value The presented in balance is asset still. By because that , necessary there is effective management on Goods State property to produce balance sheet that can reliable with facts that occur in the field. Elimination Goods State Ownership is the last process in management Goods State-owned.
Pengaruh terpi msik ,fraktur mndo
Fractures that occur can cause common symptoms are pain, Pain is an uncomfortable feeling and the subjective nature where only people who can feel. It is necessary to seek the most effective approach in can effort to control the pain.One the biggest fears of fracture patients is pain. For that nurses to provide information to patients and their families about non-pharmacological therapy can help patient ellemination or reduce pain among music therapy. Purpose of this study wa to determine the effect of music therapy on fracture patients decrease pain scale. The design studyis a quasi experimentaldesign pretest-posttest with control group. TheSample ware taken that the total sample there was 50 patients. Data collected by using a questionnaire. The Research Resultson test T-test there is the effeck of music therapy on pain scale reduction in fracture patients at Irina A RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado (P value = 0,000; = 0,05). The conclusionfrom the study indicate that there is an influence of music therapy on pain scale decline in fracture patients. Suggestions for further research are expented to further investigate the distraks other techniques associated with decreased pain scale.
Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit menular langsung yang disebabkan oleh kuman TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Sebagian besar kuman TB menyerang paru, tetapi dapat juga mengenai organ tubuh lainnya1. Tuberkulosis (TB) saat ini diketahui menginfeksi lebih dari sepertiga populasi dunia atau sekitar dua miliar penduduk dan 5-10% di antaranya akan mengalami periode TB aktif 2,3 . Sampai saat ini TB masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di