Un orientalista a Padova. Primi appunti su “l’arabico Assemani” (1752-1821), in Simposio Simone Assemani sulla monetazione islamica. Padova, Padova 17 maggio 2003, (Numismatica Patavina, 7), Padova 2005, pp. 10-29 [con Anna Pontani] (original) (raw)
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The slow path toward the birth of the Bibliography of Islamic Numismatics started at the beginning of the 18 th century. Special paragraphs on Kufic coins were placed in general bibliographies, indication of a growing interest on the matter. In the same years, the Islamic Numismatics gradually became a discipline with a specific methodology and the bibliographic works about it were not merely small sections of general ones. A first turning point came with the Museum cuficum Borgianum of Jacob Georg Christian Adler (1782), but only in the Introductio in rem numariam Muhammedanorum (1794) Oluf Gerhard Tychsen wrote the chapter Bibliographia numaria cufica, the first annotated bibliography in the modern sense.
The volume gathers the Proceedings of the Second International Symposium “Simone Assemani” on Islamic Numismatics (Trieste, 29-31 August 2008). The papers, by Italian and international scholars, deal with various domains of the Numismatic research covering a wide chronological and geographical span. Seals, coins from archaeological excavations, Arabic coins with Persian legends or with Chinese characters and contributions on Islamic coin collections in Italy are some of the themes of the fourteen papers published. Moreover these papers examine, among other topics, the Islamic and Norman Sicily, the coinage of the Mamluk and post-Ottoman conquest Egypt, the great export of silver from Europe to Islamic lands at the beginning of the XIIIth century.
The fourth edition of the Assemani Symposium (Trieste, 25-27 September 2014) focused on the history of studies on Islamic numismatics and welcomed contributions dedicated to other topics related to Oriental numismatics in the broadest sense. The Proceedings gather together 14 papers encompassing archive documents, coins from Syria to China – passing through Central Asia – as well as glass jetons from Sicilian collections, and Arabic and Georgian seals. An ample section is devoted to Simone Assemani’s unpublished correspondence and a special attention is also given to the history of collections of Arabic coins in Italy and abroad. The volume offers a wide perspective on Numismatic research on Oriental materials and its contents will be of interest for every scholar interested in Numismatics.
Rosmini e L'Islam Negli Anni Della Formazione Padovana
Nei primi anni dell'Ottocento, cioè negli anni della sua fanciullezza e della sua prima for-mazione a Rovereto, il tema della religione islamica non fu presente ad Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855). Nel primo scritto giovanile di una certa ampiezza, peraltro rimasto allora inedito, Il gior-no di solitudine, che pure rivelava una cultura già molto solida e dai numerosi rimandi (tra gli al-tri Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau), il tema non compariva: un generico riferimento agli Ara-bi, a proposito del ruolo sociale della religione, sembrerebbe riferirsi infatti ad un periodo pre-cedente a Maometto 1. 1 Scriveva Rosmini: «Si tracorri tutte le antiche storie. Qual securtà è de ' signori su suoi troni? I Persiani, i Romani, i Laghidi, que' di Siria, gli Arabi ogn 'altro il parlano, il predicano [:] sbalzati, avvelenati, trucidati da ' ministri, da' fratelli, da' figliuoli, dai padri, dalle madri, dal gentame. Un mezzo secolo di Paganesimo, così dice un valente franz...