A critical preliminary analysis of the Surge strategy in Iraq, 2007-2010 (original) (raw)

"STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE YOM KIPPUR WAR (1973): a tactical counteroffensive "(pp.160-176)

Revista Marítima Brasileira, 2020

"STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE YOM KIPPUR WAR (1973): a tactical counteroffensive "(pp.160-176) in Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), year 2020, volume 140, number 140, number 04/06. Keywords: Arab nationalism and the Six Day War (1967) The Yom Kippur War: Lessons from a strategic-military perspective "ANÁLISE ESTRATÉGICA DA GUERRA DO YOM KIPPUR (1973): a contraofensiva tática" (pp.160-176) na Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), ano 2020, volume 140, Número 04/06. Palavras-chave: O nacionalismo árabe e a Guerra dos Seis Dias (1967) A Guerra do Yom Kippur: Lições do ponto de vista estratégico-militar

The Strategy of Waging Hybrid Warfare in the 21ST Century


Over the last decade, the concept of hybrid warfare has aroused great in-terest among the global community dealing with security issues, both military, and non-military. The specificity of hybrid warfare is that the fight is not for territories, but for the minds, and attitudes of citizens of other countries, and the means of combat are very sophisticated. Any hybrid war is based on a strategy that involves achievement victory by setting goals, overall plan and systematic impact on ene-my's vulnerabilities using a hybrid threat complex. In connection with the above, the aim of the article is to present the role of the strategy in waging hybrid war-fare, as well as in developing mechanisms to counteract hybrid threats.

Crisis in Syria (2011-2013): A Multifactorial Analysis

Conjuntura Austral, 2013

After more than two years since the beginning of the Syrian uprising, the clash between government and opposition remains intense. The difficulty of breaking the stalemate between the actors involved is the complex network of alliances and interests surrounding Syria. This article will address the Syrian crisis in its multidimensional aspect, reinforcing the role of religious, historic and geographic issues of the conflict. For this, it is needed a view of three levels of analysis: domestic, regional and systemic.

State Sovereignty and Intervention: a discourse analysis of the North-American military intervention in Iraq in 2003

This article aims to analyze how the Iraqi state sovereignty was relativized to the United States intervention began in March 2003 was justifed as necessary. To do this, I will join the analytical contribution provided by Cynthia Weber (1995) and the methodology presented by Lene Hansen (2004) applying to the speeches of the former president George W. Bush, in order to identify what were the strategies used by his government to start military intervention in Iraq, at that time under the rule of Saddam Hussein. At the end, I conclude that, more than speeches, the arguments of the former president were able to shape a particular perception of Iraq and convince the international community about the danger that the country represented under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, serving as a possible refuge for terrorists and producer of weapons of mass destruction. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como a soberania estatal iraquiana foi relativizada para que a intervenção norte-americana, iniciada em março de 2003, fosse justifcada como necessária. Para esta análise, une-se os aportes analítico, fornecido por Cynthia Weber (1995), e metodológico, apresentado por Lene Hansen (2006), aplicando-os aos discursos do ex-presidente George W. Bush, no intuito de verifcar quais foram as estratégias discursivas utilizadas pelo seu governo para iniciar a intervenção militar no Iraque, à época sob domínio de Saddam Hussein. Ao fnal, conclui-se que, mais do que discurso, os argumentos do ex-presidente foram capazes de moldar uma percepção particular do Iraque e convencer a comunidade internacional a respeito do perigo que o país representava sob a liderança de Saddam Hussein, servindo de possível abrigo para terroristas e produtor de armas de destruição em massa.


Journal of the Naval War College, 2020

This paper examines the technology acquisition process within the United States Armed Forces, and their Force Planning, between the years 2010-2014. For that, we consulted the official documents published by White House and Department of Defense from 2010 to 2018, in addition to a bibliographical review. Based on the hypothesis that the technology acquisition was a fulcrum to develop defense capacities of the U.S Armed Forces, as demonstrated by the analysis of the offset strategies and the Quadrennial Defense Review. We constated that rebalancing U.S. strategic priorities have indicated some technological vulnerabilities to maintain the status of global power, especially with the challenge of its military supremacy in the Asia-Pacific region.

An analogy between management and war strategies

Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia, 2007

It is said that business and economic warfare are both complex and dynamic subjects that are shaped by defined established principles, which ask for practical and well-structured methods in order to reach positive results and success from them. The aim of this article is to outline na analogical reflection on the two subjects above, by means of articulating discussions strategies that were adopted to not only hit the rival companies but also search for competitive advantages in the business market.

A estratégia de controle territorial do Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (2014-2015)

Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, 2019

O artigo aborda a estratégia urbana do grupo Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (2014-2015) na região de sua atuação primária entre os anos de 2014 a 2015. Busca-se analisar como a organização utiliza-se de seu domínio sobre territórios para construir as bases territoriais do autoproclamado califado, fornecer pontos logísticos que permitam o controle de novas localidades, além de institucionalizar sua presença na região do Iraque e da Síria.