Design and Construction of Food Waste Biogas Plant for Hostel Mess (original) (raw)

Production of green gas and compost from food wastes through sustainable technologies

Production of ‘Green gas (Biogas)’ generated from ‘Hostel Food wastes’ (total solids 65.5 %, moisture content 45.5%, volatile solids 18.4 %, pH, 6.2 to 6.7) was undertaken by employing sustainable technologies. Food wastes such as, discarded vegetables, other bio-wastes and cooked food items of total solid concentrations of 40 % and 50% which were added to anaerobic digester at laboratory conditions. The cow dung slurry and sewage treatment sludge were inoculated to pre-designed bio reactor containing food wastes collected from the hostel located in Tumkur. An average amount of food wastes of 245 kg/day was added to the digester, production of Green gas starts after four weeks. Two groups of bacteria were isolated from the digester. These were the acid formers (Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococus aureus and Escherichia coli) and the methane formers (Methanobacterium sp and Methanococcus sp). The process of methanogenesis includes hydrolysis, acidogenesis / acetogenesis and methanogenesis. Methane is the main component of Green gas (5070%). Other components include C02 (30-40%) and traces of H2S and H20 vapour. Temperature of 32.4 0C was optimum for the production of Green gas i.e, 220 cm3/kg/day. Food wastes were fermented for 45days and the recovery level of Green gas was found to be 45% with the calorific value of 4700 kcal/M3 and compost-25% was recorded. The out-come of this study suggest that, the hostel food wastes can be used for Green/Bio gas production and as bio-manure/fertilizer towards sustainable agriculture production.

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Production of green gas and compost from food wastes through sustainable technologies Cover Page

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Production of Green gas (Bio-gas) and Compost from Food wastes through Sustainable Technologies Cover Page

Design of biogas plant for domestic waste generated from veltech institutions

In our institute we have six hostels and all having their own individual mess, along with three mess in our college campus where daily a large amount of kitchen waste is obtained which can be utilized for better purposes. Biogas production requires anaerobic digestion. Project was to design a biogas plant for veltech institutions from the kitchen waste generated to produce biogas which will be more cost effective, eco-friendly, cut down on landfill waste, generate a high-quality renewable fuel, and reduce carbon dioxide & methane emissions. Overall by creating a biogas plant on campus in the backyard of our college mess will be beneficial. Survey was done to calculate the amount of kitchen (food waste) generated daily in different mess of veltech university as feedstock for our plant which works as anaerobic digester system to produce biogas energy. The anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste produces biogas, a valuable energy resource. Anaerobic digestion is a microbial process for production of biogas, which consist of primarily methane (CH4) & carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas can be used as energy source and also for numerous purposes. But, any possible applications requires knowledge & information about the composition and quantity of constituents in the biogas produced. The continuously-fed digester requires addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to maintain the alkalinity and pH to 7.In this project we designed a fixed dome type biogas plant with digester volume of 80m3 for which kitchen waste collected will be used for biogas production. In our study, the production of biogas and methane is done from the starch-rich and sugary material present in the food waste.

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Design  of  biogas plant for domestic waste generated from veltech institutions Cover Page


In present days the studies on the kitchen waste become the good potential for generating biogas by anaerobic digestion due to the richness in the yield of methane gas through proper procedures. Emerging economic countries like India where kitchen waste is an important concern showcasing both positive as well as negative impact on environmental and especially addressing soil, water, air etc. Anaerobic digestion could become the possible solution to urban and rural environment in multiple folds by the reducing rising garbage problems and at the same time decreasing the input energy requirement. Due to the overpopulation the demand for refinery products like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is increasing day by day that leads to the risk of global warming and a shortage of fossil fuels. This stresses our resource system and demands a great development of sustainable and advanced plans for eco-friendly environment. The present paperaims to utilizethe kitchen waste in the GMRIT hostel and cow dung to produce biogas. Experiments were conducted in a 20 litre container with kitchen waste was varied with decreasing from 100% to 60% whereas cow dung was varied with increasing from 0% to 40%. For better digestion, the digester is maintained at room temperature to ensure mesophilic condition and digestion time was around 43200 seconds. Experimental results are finally optimized using MINI TAB software. The optimum value obtained for thekitchen waste was at 60 % and cow dung at 40 % for the maximum production of biogas and the digestion time was 28800 seconds. The optimum values obtained through MINI TAB are purely suitable for GMRIT environment and other premises where cow dung and kitchen waste are abundantly available. This method will best suits for biogas production and for the best utilization of kitchen waste.

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Design and Analysis of Portable Biogas Plant Using Kitchen Waste

This project is about designing and analyzing a portable biogas digester to fermentation of kitchen waste product in order to produce methane gas. The overall objective of carrying the work is to analyze the efficiency of biogas production for better performance of the digester tank and to optimize the biogas generation under normal and harsh operating conditions.

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Design and Analysis of Portable Biogas Plant Using Kitchen Waste Cover Page

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BIOGAS. Cover Page

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Potential of biogas production from food waste in a uniquely designed reactor under lab conditions Cover Page

Biogas Utilization from Biomass and Kitchen Waste and its Impact on Energy Cost on a University Campus

Electricity problem is one of the main trammels of our economic growth. There are many ways to solve this problem. We can increase our dependency on renewable energy. Bangladesh is endowed with plentiful supply of renewable source of energy. Out of various renewable sources solar, wind, biomass can be effectively used in Bangladesh. In this paper, we try to give a clear discussion about biogas and how to implement a biogas plant on a small populated area such as university campus.

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Biogas Utilization from Biomass and Kitchen Waste and its Impact on Energy Cost on a University Campus Cover Page

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'SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AT NITC CAMPUS' PROJECT REPORT FOR THE COURSE Environmental Studies for Mechanical Engineers (ME3003 Cover Page

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Portable Biogas Plant Cover Page