Researching Connection between Service Orientation and Work Satisfaction: A Study of Hotel Employees (Novi Sad, Serbia) (original) (raw)

Educational Level Differences in Job Satisfaction and Service Orientation: Case of Hotels in Novi Sad (Serbia)

The aim of this study is to examine the educational level differences in service orientation and job satisfaction among the hotel employees in Novi Sad (Vojvodina Province, Serbia). For that purpose, we used service orientation scale, developed by in , and job satisfaction scale developed by in . Our assumptions were that there would be significant educational level differences in service orientation and job satisfaction. It has been determined that there is a statistically significant difference in terms of educational level in six of nine elements in service orientation. Service orientation through positive interaction with guests and superiors, adequate training and established procedures in service business is highly correlated to job satisfaction of hotel employees which is reflected in comfort on the workplace, enjoyment and satisfaction that the work offers. It is of great importance for hotel management to have in mind that different educational level employees respond and behave differently in respect of service orientation.

Service orientation as a basis for quality services and competitiveness in hotel industry

Proceedings of the Singidunum International Tourism Conference - Sitcon 2016, 2016

Employee service orientation can impact the company's reputation for customer service, and affect its success in the hospitality market. Due to the great role that service orientation plays in gaining a competitive advantage, this research shall attempt to examine the level of service orientation through the following three factors: Focus on guests, Organizational support and Work under pressure among employees in the hotels in Novi Sad. The findings indicate that there are statistically significant differences in relation to the employee gender. Additionally, positive correlation was observed among the given factors.



Bu çalışmada, (1) otel işletmelerindeki işgörenlerin iş tatmin düzeylerinin ölçülmesi ve (2) otel personelinin iş tatminini doğru olarak ölçen bir ölçeğin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Türkiye'de Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi'nde faaliyet gösteren 3, 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otel işletmelerindeki işgörenlerden oluşmaktadır. Geliştirilen ölçeğin faktör boyutları, "İletişim ve Bütünlük", "Terfi", "Amirler", "İşin Doğası (1) (Fiziksel olmayan faktörler)","İşin Doğası (2) (Fiziksel olan faktörler)", "Ücret ve Ek İmkanlar", "Özgürlük", "Yönetim"dir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre işgörenlerin iş tatminini etkileyen en önemli faktörler, "Amirler", "İşin Doğası (fiziksel ve fiziksel olmayan faktörler)", "İletişim ve Bütünlük"den oluşmaktadır. Bulgular ayrıca işgören davranışları üzerinde psiko-sosyal faktörlerin (örneğin; işin doğası), ekonomik faktörlerden (örneğin, ücret) daha etkili olduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Sonuçlarda eğitim seviyesi yüksek işgörenlerin, eğitim düzeyi daha düşük işgörenlere göre tatmin düzeylerinin daha düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca ağır iş yükü nedeniyle yiyecek-içecek departmanında çalışan işgörenlerin otelin diğer departmanlarında çalışan işgörenlerden tatmin düzeylerinin daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada işgörenlerin iş tatmin düzeyleri yüksek ve işi bırakma eğilimlerinin düşük olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. develop a scale to correctly measure employee job satisfaction in the hospitality and tourism industry. The sample of study includes employees of 3, 4 and 5-star hotel working in The study findings suggested that the most important factors which affect job satisfaction of employees were "Supervisors", "the Nature of Work", "Communication and Integrity". The findings further suggested that psychological and social factors (the nature of work) were more effective than economical factors (example, pay) on employee attitudes. The conclusions suggested that employees who had higher levels of education were less satisfied than employees who had lower levels of education. Another finding of the study is that employees who are employed in the food and beverage department, due to their high workload, were less satisfied than employees who are working other departments of hotels. In this research, overall job satisfaction of employees were high and their intent to quit scores were low.

Why should gender differences in hospitality really matter? A study of personnel’s service orientation and job satisfaction in hotels

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2014

In this article we examine the gender differences among hotel employees in service orientation and job satisfaction. To determine these differences, we used a service orientation scale (SOS), developed by Dienhart, Gregoire, Downey and Knight and a job satisfaction scale developed by Lytle. Our assumptions were that there would be significant gender differences in service orientation and job satisfaction. Our research proved factor structures of the two scales we used. Specifically, we showed gender differences in two of three factors, concerning service orientation (organisational support and customer focus), and no gender differences in job satisfaction. Our study revealed that organisational support is more important to men because they value more structured labour and service procedures than women (t = 2.21, df = 110, p = 0.03). In contrast, customer focus is more relevant to a women because it is more crucial to see satisfied guests, as well as having a good relationship with them (t = 2.07, df = 110, p = 0.04). It is of great importance for hotel management to have in mind that male and female employees respond and behave differently depending on the stimuli in the work environment and their satisfaction varies because of it.

Study of Employee Satisfaction in Hotel Industry

The study aims to measure employee satisfaction at two organizations viz, Taj Mahal Hotel and ITC Maurya Hotel, and to analyze which parameters play an important role in determining overall Employee Satisfaction. It is a descriptive research in nature. The sample population is 30 employees each from the two aforesaid organizations. The sample size is 60. Non Comparative Scaling Technique has been used in the study. Conclusively it may be stated that Employee Satisfaction is a multidimensional phenomenon with a number of factors operating simultaneously. The employees of Taj Mahal feel extremely satisfied when they were exposed to the eight selected parameters.

The Mediating Role of Internal Market Orientation on the Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Job Satisfaction: The Case of Turkish Hotel Companies


The purpose of this study is to determine whether service quality perceptions of hotel employees affect their work job satisfaction and to reveal whether internal market orientation has an intermediary role in this interaction. The population of the research is “All employees working in hotels with tourism establishment certificates which were operating in Turkey throughout the month of June 2019”. Data obtained from AKTOB – Association of Mediterranean Tourism, were used to determine the population size of the research. Within the scope of the data obtained, the size of the population was set as 315.513 people. Since it was not possible for the population, random sampling was used. In sampling, out of random sampling methods, the “field sampling method” was adopted. For this study, a test model has been developed and a survey has been conducted on 303 employees. In this study, internal market orientation was researched by using the structural equation model by associating the perce...

An Assessment of the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Enterprises

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2018

The aim of this study is to determine the personnel evaluations of employee satisfaction factors in customer satisfaction by using statistical methods. Firstly, the studies about the factors affecting the satisfaction of the employees in the literature were examined and the statements used in the study were formed and then the suitability of the questionnaire in terms of both content and comprehensibility was checked by taking expert opinion. Face to face survey method was used as a method of data collection. Surveys were applied to 419 staff working in international chain hotels in 2017 (September, October, November, December), 2018 (January) between Atlanta, Savannah, Hilton Head Island regions. Statistical analysis was performed with the help of SPSS package program. Variables are described by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation statistics and also T-test and variance analysis were performed. Tukey test was used for the comparison of binary groups as a result of variance analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most positive opinion of the employees regarding the effect of employee satisfaction on the hotel satisfaction was the terms of working conditions, followed by social rights and communication with the employees, respectively. Moreover, it was determined that the opinions of the participants did not differ significantly according to gender and working position, but for age, marital status, educational status and the department.

Refining the Service Orientation Scale (SOS-22) from Inside the Canadian Lodging Sector

Tourism and hospitality management

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to validate and refine, as appropriate, the Service Orientation Scale in the unique context of the Canadian lodging sector, while exploring demographic differences expressed by respondents. Design – The study is based on Groves’ 34-item service orientation scale developed for the hospitality industry. Online self-administration questionnaires were completed by 348 hospitality employees. Methodology/Approach – Confirmatory factor analysis revealed extensive loading issues in Groves’ three-factor model, while also surfacing problems with item inclusion in the four-factor model presented by Kim et al. (2003). Subsequent exploratory factor analysis led to the creation of an improved 22-item service orientation scale (SOS-22). Findings – This research significantly refines the multidimensional employee service orientation scale into a scale that balances the detail of the dimensions with the parsimony of the scale design. The richness of the constru...

The Effect of Service Orientation, Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Towards Employee Engagement in Cikini Hotel, Jakarta

Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020), 2020

This research aims to analyze the impact of employee engagement, service orientation, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction at Cikini hotel in jakarta. Data were obtained directly by distributing questionnaires to 130 respondents and analyzed using the simple regression analysis and SPSS. The result showed that employee engagement has a positive impact on service orientation, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction. In addition, the results can be used as theoretical implications for further studies.

Satisfaction of Hotel Workers as a Component of Business Quality Improvement- a Report from Rural Areas in Serbia

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry"

Satisfaction with the business is the current topic of global research, as one of the most important factors in the successful and quality business in tourist companies. The results of these surveys confirm that customer satisfaction and company profit can only be achieved through a quality service provided by satisfied employees. The authors of the research carried out research in accommodation in rural areas in Serbia in the period from March to May 2017, in order to examine the level of satisfaction of employees in these tourist accommodations. The results that the authors have come up with by survey research, undoubtedly indicate that there are segments in the business that the employees are really dissatisfied with, and that education does not have much connection with the chance of changing the job. Research is just a part of the entire research and aims at pointing out the employees' attitudes about working conditions and improving the quality of services.