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This paper analyzes the evolution of rural tourism since the early '70s, the time of onset, and indicates the discontinuity recorded especially after 1989 until the brink of the preparation for Romania's joining the European Union and the present state, one far behind the countries with extremely high degree of urbanization and industrialization, probably as a result of a lack of strategy for this form of tourism in which the beneficiary is the Ministry of Tourism, as the health tourism and ecotourism have recently had. The location of many villages in areas of outstanding natural landscapes, the richness and variety of cultural heritage that endows them, are issues related to an increased tourism potential that can be capitalized and those unique tourism products that can not be seen, admired and offered by other countries.
Rural tourism in Romania and adopting best practices from other states
Redmarka. Revista de Marketing Aplicado
Tourism is one of the important pillars of many national economies. Practicing the tourism has a multiplier effect on several industries, being interdependent with the food industry, communications, transport industry etc.Worldwide, all rural areas face the same problems: economic decline, environmental degradation, poverty of population or gradual loss of national identity. Its population is aged, young people preferring to migrate to cities. In this context, the villages are struggling to maintain its viability.Tourism is one of the sectors that can contribute to resuscitate villages. Practicing rural tourism was developed in response to human needs, subjected to daily increasing stress, to recreate the economic needs of these areas and the concern to preserve the environment and tradition.This paper aims to analyze the trends and changes rural tourism in Romania, namely how tourism activity has evolved, but the direction he is going, too. For this, we will use the existing data a...
Rural tourism, defined as a form of local initiative tourism, has at its forefront the involvement of the local community, who contribute significantly to the affirmation and promotion of this type of tourism. In order to be able to speak of the practice of this type of tourism in a given geographical area, it is first necessary to highlight the existence of a tourist heritage, both natural and anthropic, which identifies itself with the authentic character of the area, satisfying the need of the tourist to discover activities and tourist attractions with local specificity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of socio-economic and cultural aspects in the sustainable development of tourism in the Gurghiului Valley. The present study also aims to highlight the role of local entrepreneurs in the process of economic development in the area by means of new practices and sustainable approaches; this is based on efficient capitalization of the natural and anthropic tour...
The main purpose of this paper is to promote the work of a great team and to offer to the academic society and not only, the results of this achievement. All the theoretical and practical views focus on making a rigorous inventory of all that means rural tourism, a field that grows each second and expands. Another main objective is to analyze the main characteristics of this field of interest (theoretical concepts, forms and activities, social and economical meanings, implementation and development), characteristics that are seen through two both a general view and a view that focuses on the relation between rural tourism and the Romanian village. On the other hand, this research reveals more particular aspects applied on the example of Romania. Along with the issue of sustainable development, the results of this research tend to be useful for all projects and management strategies. They also target the entrepreneurs by integrating all rural activities in a complex vision that sustains development and preserving the rural society.
Rural tourism as a strategic option for social and economic development in the rural area in Romania
Forum geografic, 2012
The rural tourism is considered a strategy that can contribute to the decreasing of population mobility, creating employment opportunities, and also to the social-economic development of the rural area. Rural tourism and agritourism can satisfy the need for open space through recreation activities, responding to the increasing interest of the urban population for the natural patrimony and rural culture. Rural tourism marks the economic growth stimulation, the underdeveloped areas viability, the life standards improvement for local population. If the rural tourism accomplishes all these functions, it requires a development through which the resources durability is secured during its expansion. The tourism sustainable development in the rural area demands the ability to develop the tourism resources, creating links between different activity sectors in a certain way that the space value is preserved.
Romanian rural tourism: status and prospects by innovative organizational approaches
Revista De Turism Studii Si Cercetari in Turism, 2014
Romania's tourism potential is becoming visible by various investment projects that allow its valuation by domestic and foreign tourists. Rural areas are major contributors to the overall tourism potential and their supply is addressing fast growing trends in tourist's preferences. The analysis aims to highlight the main strengths and weaknesses of Romania's rural areas in the perspective of tourism development, as being the basis for optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. A number of innovative tourism products are proposed in order to overcome the lack of financial resources and low interest of local authorities. It results that by supply chain management for local resources and association for increasing the local value added the contribution of rural tourism to sustainable development could be significantly increased.
An Overview of the Rural Tourism in the Development Regions of Romania
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2008
Romania is considered to be a country with a high touristic potential for attracting both domestic and foreign tourists. Its natural and anthropical attractions are not concentrated in just one part of the country, but are spread on the entire territory, each area offering special opportunities for visitors. The main objective of the study is to observe, based on national official data, the particular response both of supply (computed as accommodation supply coefficient) and of demand (computed as index on the use of the tourist accommodation capacity in function), at national level and in each development region of Romania. The results of the analysis show that, for each studied index, there are quite high differences among the development regions.
The rural tourism was considered since early 90ʼ as a very important factor for the development of almost all rural communities. In the Mountainous Banat, the beauty of landscape, the well preserved rural civilization, the proximity of the biggest town in the western part of Romania as well as the severe decline of important industrial activities created a favorable context for the development of this domain. The paper realizes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the rural tourism in the area emphasizes the spatial, temporal and typological aspects of these activities as well as the main aspects involved in the future development.
Tourism: An international Interdisciplinary Journal, 2016
Th is paper is the outcome of a bilateral Romanian-Austrian research project on new and innovative initiatives in rural development. It was the aim of the study to identify success factors of strategies applied and to verify their transferability. Th is article presents results related to the role of tourism in rural development in a comparative way focusing on the following main aspects: (1) tourism potential in the sense of (used or unused) opportunities on the background of current touristic demand (including main tourism trends); (2) current touristic off er; (3) current touristic demand; (4) perspectives of further (touristic and extra-touristic) development. It then also asks for (5) the relation between endogeneous and exogenous factors in developing tourism; (6) eff ects of tourism on local population and general local development; (7) basic success factors for initiatives in tourism, but also in other fi elds as well as (8) main diff erences in rural development, especially...
Pre-Requisites of the Rural Tourism Development in Romania
The concept of rural tourism has become important round the globe at present. It is thought that rural tourism can revitalise the conventional concepts and views on tourism, and bring in a new dimension in the sustainable development of tourism. It has been realised that society based tourism can play a fundamental role in poverty alleviation in countries like Romania