Proposal Skripsi "Tampilan Kekerasan dalam Serial Animasi Larva" (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Tayangan Adegan Kekerasan Yang Nyata Terhadap Agresivitas


This research is intended to find the effects of real violence on aggressiveness. The hypothesis states that real violence shown on television will increase the aggressiveness of the viewer. The subjects of the research were 105 soldiers from the 403rd Infantry Battalion /WP. Experimental design were used as a method the pre-test post-test two-group. Data were obtained by an adaptation of the questionnaire made by Buss & Perry (1992), physiological measurement by measuring the systolic & diastolic blood pressure, observation, and interview. The result shows that real violence on television decreases the aggressiveness of the viewer, who is combat soldiers. The hypothesis is inconsistent with the study’s result because are in military background subjects are used in violence, unlike other researches that uses civilian subjects. Key Words: Real Violence, Aggressiviveness, Televison

Analisis Pesan Visual Bahaya Virus Covid-19 Dalam Film Animasi “ Larva”

JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia

The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed all activities and economies in almost all land areas of the world. The paralysis of community activities in various places disturbs creative ideas emerging through visual communication media, one of which is the animation of Larva from South Korea. The problem to be raised in this paper is about how the form of visual messages conveyed through Larva animation. The purpose of this article is for the audience to understand the message that is hidden behind the Larva animation. The method used in this paper is qualitative with observation data collection techniques or direct observation of Larva animation videos and literature study. Data analysis techniques, namely, reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions based on the semiotic theory of Raland Barthes. The results presented in this paper lead to a visual message that displays the shape at the denotative level of the covid-19 virus in red to purple plus the effect of a dirty brown color tha...

Dampak Tayangan Kekerasan Terhadap Perilaku Anak Dalam Prespektif Kriminologis Dan Yuridis

Syiar Hukum, 2006

Transparancy and fredom of expression in ferorm era have influenced the Indonesian televisions programs and at the same time, influence the behavior of the child. In can be seen to the children who did the violation to his friend after seeing the smackdown program. Regarding with criminology point of view there ara three approaches that explain the cause of the deviant behaviours. (1) Regarding with the biological approach, one has the deviance behavior because he had the psychological weakness. (2) Regarding with the psycological approach, the cause is the psychological disturbance, so as he did not realize his action. (3) Regarding with the sociological approach, the cause is the bad environment. The child deviant behaviour, basically is affected by the biological condition and the environment. Especially the child carried out the deviant behavior because of beingaffected by the imitation behavior. Actualli in juridical normative aspect, the laws give adequate protection for the children but there is weakness in law enforcement. Key word: Child"s television program, violation, deviant behavior. I. Pendahuluan Memasuki penghujung tahun 2006 kalangan orang tua dikejutkan oleh berita tentang banyaknya korban yang dialami anak-anak sebagai akibat tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh sesama teman sepermainan. Korban yang dialami anak-anak tersebut, bukan saja telah mengakibatkan cidera atau luka memar melainkan ada yang pula yang sampai meninggal dunia. Masyarakat berasumsi bahwa munculnya perilaku "agresif" yang melanda kalangan anak-anak tersebut sebagai akibat semakin merebaknya acara stasiun televisi yang menyajikan adegan kekerasan. Dan tayangan acara gulat bebas atau "smackdown" dianggap sebagai tayangan yang paling bertanggungjawab. Reaksi muncul dari semua kalangan, bukan saja para orang tua, pihak Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI), Komnas Perlindungan Anak, termasuk kalangan Mentri pun mendesak agar tayangan televisi yang berisi adegan-adegan kekerasan segera diberhentikan. Bahkan pihak KPI akan mengajukan tuntutan pidana terhadap pengelola stasiun televisi yang tidak

Pendekatan Simulakra Terhadap Kekerasan Dalam Film Kartun Tom & Jerry

Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2015

Regardless of the TV ratings of the media in Indonesia, TV was still perceived as the most influential among media to audiences. TV represented the reality the more life and enjoyable. Therefore, many argued that TV was actually performing simulation toward reality. Simulacra approach in turns made cartoon film produce the impressions and have been also influencing a deep impact over the audiences. Many views argued that TV Shows is nothing more than a big fairy tale to lull the viewer. And the most dangerous show on television news has turned out to be the most frightening ghost simulacra. How is it not? This article was written based on research. Method of this research was qualitative discourses analysis. By literatures and documents analysis, this article saw that TV has a power to produce the pseudo reality. Factually television news shows no longer reflect the actual situation, but merely shadow of a reality in itself. This is referred to as hyperreality Baudrillard or pseudo-reality.Tom and Jerry is a cartoon film and it is so familiar among children. But unfortunately behind the familiarity, it was concealed the existence of the threat. The problem-solving characters that were performed in this cartoon tend to be done quickly and easily through the violences. The means are relatively the same as done by the enemy (antagonist). This means the implied message that violence should be met with violence , as well as cunning and other crimes need to be confronted in ways that sama.Dengan thinking skills are still very simple , understandable when children tend to think that he watched cartoons on television is something real thing .

Representasi Adegan Kekerasan Dalam Tayangan Komedi Televisi (Analisis Semiotika Terhadap Program Opera Van Java DI TRANS7)

Majalah Ilmiah Bijak

Opera Van Java (OVJ) Television program on Trans7 earns a high rating and share in a relatively short time. This is a new phenomenon in the category of comedy that shows a television program in Indonesia can be successful. This event received much praise, so the OVJ included a comedy that received great public attention. The silly story presented by OVJ is very funny and appealing to all walks of life.Trans7's communications management on this television comedy program has demonstrated professional work in managing comedy programs. This is done by building the synergy / performance of all the crew, communicating creative ideas and ideas, equating perceptions, packing messages and impressions. This process creates an OVJ program that appeals to the audience and can convey messages to all walks of life and age.The Trans7 OVJ program got the highest rating and share of the comedy version according to AGB Nielsen measurement by Audiences Meansurement version. This assessment is very...

Bentuk Kekerasan Dalam Film “Han Gong Ju” (Analisis Isi Pada Film “Han Gong Ju”)

representamen, 2019

Film does not only provide entertainment for the audiences but also raises a realitythat exists in society. Not all films can be enjoyed by all audiences. This is becausethe scenes in the film contain elements of violence, mysticism, sex and other elements.The film of Han Gong Ju is a film adapted from an incident of rape in the Miryangarea, South Korea. This film contains elements of violence. Violence is divided intothree, namely physical, symbolic and sexual violence. The method used in this studyis descriptive content analysis. The results in this study are the existence of elementsof violence both physical, symbolic and sexual violence. The violence is notindividual, but collectively.Keyword: film, han gong ju, violences, content analysis

Konten Kekerasan dalam Video Game dan Pengaruh bagi Pemainnya

Video game merupakan sebuah media hiburan yang kebanyakan orang menganggapnya sebagai hiburan khusus untuk anak-anak. Padahal, banyak video game yang sama sekali tidak ditargetkan untuk pemain berusia di bawah 18 tahun. Konten kekerasan di dalamnya menjadi alasan utama mengapa pemain berusia di bawah 18 tahun sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk memainkan video game tersebut.

Pengaruh Film Kekerasan terhadap Agresifitas Suatu Studi Meta-Analisis

Jurnal Psikologika, 2002

Penelitian ini merupakan studi meta analisis tentang pengaruh film kekerasan terhadap agresivitas. Data penelitian terdiri dari 20 penelitian. Ada 9 penelitian memifiki variabel dependen dan variabel independen yang sama, sedangkan 11 penelitian yang lain ada/ah penelitian ten tang agresivitas dan hubungannya dengan variabe/ independen yang Jain. Analisis data adalah berdasarkan 9 penefitian tersebut.

Analisis Implikatur Dalam Serial Animasi Adit Sopo Jarwo


Abstract.This thesis is entitled "Implicature Analysis in Adit Sopo Jarwo animated series." This research is motivated so that the reader understands the additional meaning or implied meaning of a speech that is not directly expressed through the vocabulary used, so that the expressions expressed by the speaker are well conveyed to the speech partner. This study aims to describe conventional implicature, types of non-conventional implicature, and learning implementation plan. The method in this research is descriptive method. The form of research used is qualitative research. The source of data in this study is the video documentary series Adit Sopo Jarwo animation. The data in this study are words, phrases and sentences which are conventional and non-conventional implicatures in the Adit Sopo Jarwo animated series. Data collection techniques in this research are documentary studies. Data collection tool in this study is the author as a key instrument. The data analysis te...