Tourist valorization of cultural heritage in Bac (original) (raw)

Tourismological valorization of intangible cultural heritage of Serbia according to the Hilary du Cros method

Issues in ethnology and anthropology, 2014

Cultural tourism integrates the culture and tourism sector, whereby mutual benefits can be achieved. In order to reflect favorable conditions in both sectors, it is necessary to approach the planning and transformation of cultural and historical heritage into a cultural-tourist product. The initial phase in planning is the valorization of cultural tourist values. Hilary Du Cros Model was created especially for the valorization of cultural tourist values. The model is complex because it evaluates the cultural-tourist subindicators and the degree of their gradation, separately for the tourism sector and the sector of heritage asset management. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the tourism sector and the sector of the management of representative cultural assets of the city core of Niš according to the Model Hilary Du Cros. After the analysis of sub-indicators, the city core of Niš was awarded a cell M (2,3), which points to favorable conditions for the development of cultural tourism, but it is necessary to approach more responsible planning of cultural tourist values.

Valorization of cultural tourist values of the city core of Nis according to the Hilary Du Cros Model

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva

Cultural tourism integrates the culture and tourism sector, whereby mutual benefits can be achieved. In order to reflect favorable conditions in both sectors, it is necessary to approach the planning and transformation of cultural and historical heritage into a cultural-tourist product. The initial phase in planning is the valorization of cultural tourist values. Hilary Du Cros Model was created especially for the valorization of cultural tourist values. The model is complex because it evaluates the cultural-tourist sub-indicators and the degree of their gradation, separately for the tourism sector and the sector of heritage asset management. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the tourism sector and the sector of the management of representative cultural assets of the city core of Nis according to the Model Hilary Du Cros. After the analysis of sub-indicators, the city core of Nis was awarded a cell M (2,3), which points to favorable conditions for the development of cultural touri...


Научни трудове, т. LX, кн. 1, 2016 г. от кръгла маса „Специализирани видове туризъм – предизвикателства и перспективи”, 2016

In the years of transition they were admitted a lot of mistakes in tourism development led to spontaneous and non methodical overdevelopment, loss of traditional markets and partners, reducing the competitiveness of the Bulgarian tourist product, destruction of national tourism resources, natural, cultural and historical values. For a limitation of the negative trends and increase the quality of the tourism product, a group of public tourist and environmental organizations united around the cause of preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage of the base on which to develop the tourism. As a result of dialogues and workshops related to the preparation of positions they are set common goals and similar legal and institutional issues in the field of nature conservation, cultural heritage and tourism. This requires the preparation of a Memorandum of sustainable development of Bulgarian tourism, nature conservation and cultural heritage respecting the fundamental principles of the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism. It is established an expert concil from representatives of the organizations that signed the Memorandum to implement its objectives and principles. This union proves to be workable and begins to function as a tool for implementing ethical principles and policies in the three sectors.

Souvenirs as a part of cultural heritage of population in function of tourist product

Glasnik Srpskog …, 2008

АНЂЕЛИЈА ИВКОВ-ЏИГУРСКИ 1 , ТАМАРА КОВАЧЕВИЋ, ЛОЛИТА ЗАКИЋ СУВЕНИРИ КАО ДЕО КУЛТУРНОГ НАСЛЕЂА СТАНОВНИШТВА У ФУНКЦИЈИ ТУРИСТИЧКОГ ПРОИЗВОДА Садржај: Путовања данашњег човека у циљу одмора, разоноде, упознавања других култура и обичаја постају све захтевнија у односу на путовања у ближој или даљој прошлости. Утицајем масовних медија, велике брзине протока информација као и прометном доступношћу готово свих светских туристичких дестинација туристичка понуда је стављена у ситуацију када смештај, исхрана, погодни климатски услови, па чак и културно-историјске знаменитости не представљају пресудан фактор који утиче на одлуку савременог човека да посети одређену дестинацију. Културни туризам је мотивисан потребом да се посете она места с атрактивним културним и уметничким садржајима, како би се упознале, разумеле и поштовале различите локалне и регионалне културе. Кључне речи: Војводина, туризам, сувенир Absrtact: Current travels aiming at relaxation, entertainment and meeting other cultures and customs are becoming ever-demanding compared to travels in the near and distant past. Tourist offer has entered the phase when accommodation, food, favourable climate, even cultural and historical sights do not seem to be crucial factors which influence the decision of a contemporary man to visit the destination, which has been mainly achieved by the influence of mass media, fast information transfer as well as easy access to almost all world's tourist destinations. Cultural tourism has been motivated by the need of visiting places of attractive cultural and artistic content in order to meet, understand and respect the variety of local and regional cultures.

The influence of cultural and historical heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination

Bastina, 2020

The subject of this paper is the influence of cultural heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination. Countries, as bearers of the brand, have become aware that it is no longer enough to invest only in the development of individual tourist destinations, such as those related to maritime tourism, metropolises, ski resorts or spas. T o modern tourists, the whole country must be presented as a tourist destination, and cultural-historical tourism is imposed as the best option. This was influenced by the fact that with the development of society, there have been major changes in the habits, desires, but also the needs of tourists, who today want different types of vacation. The aim of this paper is to present the marketing potentials of the cultural and historical heritage of Serbia.

Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Tourist Resource

Market Infrastructure, 2021

Despite a complex and often tragic history, the Ukrainian people have inherited from previous generations a powerful array of cultural heritage sites, much of which has survived to the present day. Represented by a tangible and intangible component, cultural heritage in society fulfills the ambitious tasks of forming civic consciousness, a sense of national dignity, patriotism and pride in the glorious historical past. In addition, it is able to successfully implement such tasks as the formation of the tourist image of the territories, by attracting the attention of tourists to increase the demand for recreation in the region and thus solve a number of socio-economic problems of the latter. Unlike tangible cultural heritage, the objects of which are mostly known to the general public, elements of intangible cultural heritage are often unknown not only to foreign tourists but also to citizens of the state. In this regard, given the uniqueness of many elements of the intangible cultur...

Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Development of Sustainable Cultural Tourism

Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization

Thе article examines the Intangible Cultural Heritage as a valuable tourism resource not only for the national authorities but to local communities as well. It examines and analyzes the latest trends and developments in the field to sustainable cultural tourism and the normative documents of the leading international organizations in the field. Synergies between intangible cultural heritage and sustainable cultural tourism are traced and brought to the fore.

Валоризација културно-туристичких вредности Вршца по моделу Хилари ду Крос

Зборник радова - VI конгрес географа Србије са међународним учешћем, 2024

Културни туризам представља интеграцију културног и туристичког сектора, обезбеђујући међусобне користи. За остваривање повољних услова у оба сектора, неопходно је приступити планирању и трансформацији културно-историјског наслеђа у културно-туристички производ. Почетна фаза у планирању представља валоризацију културно-туристичких вредности. Модел Хилари ду Крос креиран је специјално за валоризацију културно-туристичких вредности, и комплексан је због оцењивања културно-туристичких субиндикатора и степена њихове градације, одвојено за туристички сектор и сектор менаџмента културних добара. Циљ рада је валоризација туристичког сектора и сектора менаџмента репрезентативних културних добара градског језгра Вршца према моделу Хилари ду Крос. Након анализе субиндикатора, градском језгру Вршца додељена је ћелија М (2,3), што указује на повољне услове за развој културног туризма, али је неопходно приступити одговорнијем планирању културно-туристичких вредности. Кључне речи: Вршац, градско језгро, Хилари ду Крос модел, туристички сектор, сектор менаџмента културних добара

Cultural attractions of Belgrade in focus of touristic offer

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2019

The study presents the touristic offer and demand for cultural attractions of Belgrade, on the basis of the results of the questionnaire survey, i.e., attitudes of surveyees. The aim of the study is to establish hierarchical order of cultural attractions of Belgrade, attributes and factors of attractiveness, as well as of other content necessary for comprehensive consideration of touristic offer. Program package for statistical processing and analysys IBM Statistics 20 was used for obtaining results. Results of the research are supposed to demonstrate whether the biggest importance among cultural attractions of Belgrade belongs to art, ambient units, sacral objects, the fortress, museums or events, historical, artistic, esthetic value or authenticity, and also to indicate to the importance of factors and the content of offer, necessary in formation of touristic product.

Cultural and Historical Heritage of National Minorities as a Part of Tourism Potential of the Region

Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series International Relations, 2016

Розглянуто значення, специфіку та інструментарій гармонійного та органічного включення культурно-історичного доробку національних меншин у формування туристичного потенціалу регіонів. Наголошено, що вдале поєднання багатьох елементів національної культури різних народів сприяє зростанню туристичних потоків, міжнаціональному взаєморозумінню та формує сприятливий туристичний візерунок регіону. На прикладі культурних традицій та історичної спадщини малочисельного народу караїмів показано можливості їхнього залучення до урізноманітнення туристичних можливостей АР Крим та Івано-Франківської області. Розглянуто особливості транскордонного туристичного співробітництва львівської та Закарпатської областей з урахуванням можливостей використання культурно-історичного потенціалу національних меншин, зокрема, поляків, словаків та угорців. Ключові слова: національні меншини; культура та історія; туристичний потенціал; регіон; транскордонне співробітництво. Постановка проблеми. Важливою складовою посилення та урізноманітнення